2 Smokin’ Old Ladies
Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Two women, both in their late 60s and still smoking, are walking down a street when it begins to rain. The first old lady pulls out a condom and places it on Diyarbakır Escort the end of her cigarette. The other lady, not knowing about Diyarbakır Escort Bayan condoms asks,” Whats that?” The other lady responds,”Its Escort Diyarbakır a condom, you can buy it in the store.” As they pass a 7/11, they walk in and the lady without a condom asks the man behind the counter,”Do you have condoms here?” The man behind the counter asks,”What size do you need?” The woman pauses and looks at her cigarette. “Oh I dunno, one big enough to fit a Camel.”
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