A Night at the Opera Ch. 02
May 20, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Two days after our night at the opera, I was on the loading dock at work, checking in a truck. I was ticking pallets off my list as the guys wheeled them past. Rowdy was 30 minutes into her 15-minute break, so I was covering her truck as well, running back and forth.
The warehouse is hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. That day, it was almost bearable, but I was still dripping sweat. My hair was piled on top of my head, wrapped in a bandanna, and I was wearing my usual steel-toed boots, jeans and t-shirt.
A minor commotion drew my attention towards the office and I was shocked to see the beauty from the opera walking towards me beside Ron, our warehouse manager. She was wearing a cream-colored dress that hugged her curves and managed to be both tasteful and sexy.
“Jenny, this is Mrs. Bastrop, and she’s been looking for you,” Ron said.
I’m afraid I just stared, too surprised to speak.
“Hello, Jenny,” the woman said, “I’m not sure if you remember me from the other night at the opera?”
“I … I remember you,” I stammered, blushing.
“Oh that’s good,” she said. “I’ve been trying to find you because I think I have something that belongs to you.”
“Something that belongs to me?” I said, puzzled.
“Yes, did you lose these at the opera?” and she held out her open hand with a pair of glistening earrings. Each earring had a pear cut diamond that was at least a full carat, and they sparked fire at me even in the dim light of the warehouse.
“No, those aren’t mine.”
“Really?” she said, “I was just sure I saw you wearing them.”
“No,” I laughed. “I’d remember if I had something that beautiful.”
“Oh,” she said, with a tiny pout, turning to Ron. “I’m so sorry I wasted your time.”
“It’s no trouble,” he said. “I knew it was Jenny and Rowdy who went to the opera, and I thought … well.”
“Maybe these belong to your friend?” Mrs. Bastrop said, her piercing blue eyes looking into mine as she held them out again. I laughed.
“I know Rowdy’s jewelry as well as I know my own. They’re not hers.”
“Why don’t you ask her when you get a chance, and if they’re hers just give me a call,” and she handed me a business card. Then she favored Ron and me with a brilliant smile and they headed back towards the office.
“Whew!” I thought, watching Ron escort her down the warehouse. Every guy in the place was frozen, staring at her ass as she walked away.
“LET’S GET IT DONE!!” shouted the foreman and the spell was broken. I walked back to my station and remembered to look at her card.
Her name and a phone number were engraved on the front. On the back she had written another number. I shoved it in my pocket.
Rowdy was furious she missed the show when she finally returned from her break. And she made me describe the encounter twice during lunch.
“Man, I would have taken those earrings in a heartbeat,” Rowdy crowed.
Meanwhile, I was aware of the woman’s card in my pocket through the rest of the day.
Finally my shift ended and I headed home, refusing Rowdy’s suggestion to stop at a bar for a drink or 10. My apartment was Bostancı Escort my refuge, the first place I’d ever lived by myself. At home I showered, dressed and stared for a few minutes at the woman’s card. A big glass of wine helped my thought process.
“What could she want?” I wondered, recalling her kiss at the opera and the feel of her breasts pressing against mine. Although my head had been spinning, I was reasonably sure she stroked my side as she broke the kiss.
I drank some more wine.
What if I called her? Suppose she wanted … what? The things she had talked about, things she had done for her husband … things she planned to do … did I fit into those plans? Did I WANT to fit into those plans? My felt my face flushing.
I had to admit I was curious. I could still vividly feel her lips on mine, her subtle scent filling my head. Kissed by a woman. Kissed hard. It was so surprising, so overwhelming. I felt a little breathless remembering. I had never imagined sleeping with a man and a woman at the same time.
She was a lot of things I dreamed of being. Beautiful, confident, well-dressed and … face it … rich. Who the hell was she?
I went to my laptop and started searching. It was all there. Her husband the CEO of a big company, her kids, her charity work, the big house she decorated herself. There were photos of the couple at parties, openings, corporate events. They looked happy. Photos showed him looking at her with love. He was older, but still trim and handsome. There was a photo of them on a yacht, in swimsuits, she looked good in a bikini. Really good. Her belly was flat and her full breasts filled her top.
Undecided, I dropped her card on the kitchen table and opened the fridge to look for something to eat. Then the doorbell rang. I was sure it must be Rowdy, already drunk and pissed off by somebody at her favorite tavern.
So I was stunned when I opened the door to find Mrs. Bastrop!
“Hello,” she smiled, “It looks like I’ve found you.”
I was speechless. Also puzzled. Instead of the glorious clothes and jewelry I’d seen her in before, she was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and only a plain wedding band. Her honey blonde hair was gathered in a knot on top of her head.
“Do you mind if I come in?”
“Uh, yes, of course,” I said stepping aside. She took in my tiny apartment, two-thirds of which was visible from where we stood. There was the living room, tiny dining area and kitchen … all furnished with cast-offs from relatives and thrift store finds. At least everything was neat and clean.
She smiled at me as I closed the door.
“This is exactly how I imagined it,” she said, getting me a little angry. I do my best with so little. She saw the look on my face and said quickly, “Oh no! Darling! I mean it shows you’re clean, organized and self-reliant … with good taste!”
I relaxed a little. I had carefully chosen the posters and photos on the walls.
“How did you find me, Mrs. Bastrop?” I asked. She smiled broadly. “Please call me Kate. It’s shocking how easy it is to find someone when you know their name and Bostancı Escort Bayan age, even though I had to guess at your age.”
“Then why are you here?” She got serious.
“I’m here because I felt something the other night at the opera. And it’s not something I feel very often. I wanted that feeling again … plus I know you have integrity.”
“You could have claimed those earrings were yours and I would have given them to you and walked away,” she said. “Instead you were honest and you earned my trust.”
She was silent, looking at me for what seemed like a long time.
“You … said you felt something at the opera?”
“And I think you felt it too,” she said, moving close to me. Her face was inches from mine. Slowly, staring in my eyes, she reached up and put her hand on my neck. Her hand slid to the back of my neck then she was pulling me gently towards her. I let it happen. Our lips met for the second time, brushing slightly, then her warm tongue parted my lips, entering my mouth gently, but deeply. My breath caught and she broke the kiss, her face still close to mine.
“Do you feel it?” she asked.
“Yes,” I whispered, my body flushed with heat, not sure what she meant, but determined to follow this beautiful woman wherever she led. She caught he in a hard hug.
“God I want you so bad! I’ve thought of you every minute since the opera.”
Then, “You’ll have to forgive me. I’m so hungry for you!”
She reached out and closed the dead bolt with a snap, then dropped to her knees. In a second her hands were opening my belt, yanking at the zipper, then dragging my jeans over my hips along with my panties. She pressed her face into my V and I felt her eager tongue searching.
“WHAT!” I blurted, shocked. “We should …” But she pushed me backwards towards the couch. I could either shuffle backwards or topple over. Suddenly I was on the couch, half-sitting half-lying and she was dragging my jeans off my legs.
“Mrs. Bastrop … Kate!” I cried and my hands were trying to hold her head, but then she pushed my legs wide, leaned down and I felt her tongue again. I was briefly embarrassed that I was so bushy down there, but she didn’t seen to care. Her tongue found my outer lips and darted between them without hesitation. Another thrust and her slick, wet tongue had found my inner lips. Then her tongue tip was between my inner lips, licking in short strokes, one, two, three and she hit my clitoris. Lightning shot from my clit through my whole body and my hips jerked uncontrollably. I think I groaned. I looked down and met her gorgeous blue eyes. She lifted her face for a moment and smiled at me.
“I’m going to lick this beautiful pussy and suck on your hard little clit until I feel you shake again and again! I’m going to drink your juices and put my tongue inside you to lick out every drop. You’ll feel my fingers open you and stretch you and go deep inside you!”
I could only whisper, “PLEASE!” and then her mouth was on me again. She plunged her tongue into my pussy and I watched her strain to go deeper. She pulled out, licked Escort Bostancı around my opening then plunged inside me again. And again. There was an eagerness, almost desperation, to the way she worshipped my pussy. She tongue-fucked me again and again while I cocked my hips up to welcome her thrusts.
“PLEASE!” I whispered. “FUCK ME!”
I’d had guys give me oral, but they made faces, hesitated, lost their way, couldn’t find my clit or didn’t stay with it and gave up without really getting me anywhere. There was none of that now, and she hadn’t touched my clit since that first electrifying lick.
“OHMYGOD, PLEASE!” I cried, “I need it so bad! I want you to FUCK ME!
Maybe it was the desire in my voice, but suddenly she was slowly licking her way up my channel towards my clit. I spread my legs as wide as they would go as her arms gripped my hips. I pulled up my t-shirt and bra to free my breasts. I was sooo ready!
Finally Kate’s mouth reached the top of my pussy and closed over my clit. But for what seemed like forever she didn’t lick my hard little nub. She licked everywhere else, flicking lightly above the shaft or stroking my labia. I felt her finger enter me, tugging hard at the muscly rim of my opening. I squeezed my pussy shut on her finger, then relaxed and she added a second. Our eyes locked and while gazing deeply at me she slid her soft, wet tongue across my clit. My hips jerked upwards.
She went slowly, torturing me, dragging her tongue deliberately across my clit, pausing, then dragging it back the other way. My groans filled the room. I pleaded with her.
Finally she took pity on me, and thrusting two fingers in and out of my pussy, she started licking my clit in earnest. Three or four strokes was all it took.
“GAAAAGH!” I screamed, gripping her head with both hands. She was fucking me hard and fast, now with three fingers, and licking me just in the same rhythm.
“AAAAAUGH! AAAAAUGH! AAAAAUGH!” I cried helplessly, my whole body convulsing and shaking. My heels drummed on Kate’s back. A tear slipped out of one eye and rolled down my cheek. “AAAAAUGH!”
“FUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKYESSSSSSS!” I cried, willing her to keep licking me and fucking me!
Gradually she slowed, both her licking and her finger-fucking, and slowly I came down from the heaven I was in, my whole body flushed and hot with pleasure. Her fingers slid very slowly out of my pussy. My legs twitched on her back while my hips continued thrusting weakly. I realized both my hands were tugging at my nipples.
I raised my head and looked down at Kate as she gave a last lick to my clit and lifted her beautiful face from my pussy. Her whole face glistened with my juices.
“I want you to taste your pussy on my tongue,” she said, crawling up to lie on top of me. And then her tongue was in my mouth and I tasted myself. I licked my juices off her lips and and sucked my tart flavor from her tongue. We kissed and kissed again, limp with satisfaction. She whispered in my ear.
“This is just the beginning,” Kate whispered softly. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of eating your pussy or watching you come.”
“But what about you,” I whispered back. “What can I do for you?”
“Oh, I’m going to teach you some wonderful ways to please me. There’s so, so much to learn.”
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