Alison Goes To The Bar

Categories: Genel.

May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Forty-six-year-old Alastair Hunter was seen in his local town as a pleasant, well-liked man who kept himself to himself. It was known that he lived alone and sometimes people wondered if he might have a girlfriend on the go but as he was rarely forthcoming when asked, people stopped asking.When Alastair was at home, he became she and was transformed into a very presentable and sexy-looking Alison.Alison was always dressed when home alone and also mostly in a state of sexual arousal because of it.There was a local married man that had visited Alison from time to time over the last three years and he was sometimes gentle and sometimes rough in their lovemaking/fucking. Alison was happy either way because she liked her man to take control and, to some extent, dominate.Alison had had her first experience of dressing as a nineteen-year-old with a young man who she met when she worked in a bar at college. Alison did not see their sex as being homosexual because she was already seeing herself as being feminine and loved to dress, act and actually be female whenever possible.Alastair did have relationships with women over the years, even living with a couple, but he never got great pleasure from the lovemaking and the relationships fizzled out. Alison wanted to be Alison and was going to be Alison.She/he could not commit herself, yet at least, to full-time dressing because her/his life in the outside world might be too complicated and possibly traumatic.Sometimes Alison would go out for a walk in the evening or at night fully dressed and made up and feeling incredibly sexy and turned on. Just occasionally she would get an approach from another walker or a driver but, so far, she has always gigglingly rebuffed them but perhaps one day if she saw someone that she really fancied….maybe.Alison did not go out socially dressed very often but there was a local bar that was attended by gurls, some way more attractive than others, and gay young men and there would be male visitors, often married, on the lookout for a sexy gurl or a hot gay youth for a night of sex.Alison had attended a few times and had twice Side escort Bayan ended up with a man’s cock in her arse although one of those occasions was much more enjoyable to Alison than the other one.Alison decided that it was time for another visit to the bar, she was not desperate to be fucked but if a suitable, preferably hot, male should show an interest in her then he might well get lucky.She dressed very carefully, green panties, a green bra, garter belt, suspenders and stockings, a cream blouse, and a black skirt, one that Alison knew rather clung to her buttocks. She put on a pink jacket and put the necessaries or potential necessaries into her handbag, including a tube of KY jelly.She put on enough makeup to make herself look sexy without looking tarty and she put on her favourite blonde wig.Her eyes looked beautiful, she thought, as she admired herself in the mirror. The way she looked and the way she felt she thought that there was a very good chance of her getting hit upon and hopefully the man doing the hitting would be desirable to her.Peter Wrightson was a sixty-eight-year-old businessman, a very successful one. He was married to Rosemary, who was of similar age, and they still had semi-regular sex but it was mostly the social life, together and separately, in the circles that they moved that kept them together.Peter had had an interest in gurls/trannies/crossdressers for twenty-five years or more and in the early years, he restricted it to wanking whilst home alone with videos playing of solo acts, two dressers together, or a man and a gurl.Eventually, the need to actually be with one of these creatures became overwhelming but although there was a local bar in which they congregated he could not risk going there because he was too well known in town and anyone from his work finding out was unthinkable. Also unthinkable was his wife or a business rival finding out.Peter was away in various towns on business quite frequently and usually, it entailed an overnight stay. He got his chance to satisfy his need one night in a town that he rarely visited Escort manavgat when he encountered a very attractive gurl of Indian origin and inserted his large penis in a partially dressed gurl’s bottom for the first time.Actually, Peter’s penis, which was both long and thick was a reason for his wife to stay because she sometimes had it between her legs.Over the years, when Peter was to visit a new town or one that he had been to before, he would find out if there was somewhere to hook up with a sexy crossdresser and he was usually successful in both finding somewhere and in hooking up.Peter’s next business meeting was somewhere that he had not been before and he, as always, searched the internet to see if there might be somewhere there to find a gurl. He was in luck because not only was there a bar that attracted the ladies and their admirers, it was only a two street walk from the hotel in which he was booked. It looked promising for him.Alison arrived at the bar, got a drink, and had a look around. She felt very confident in her appearance but also felt a touch nervous. Some of those there looked to be what they were, men dressed as women, but Alison and some of the others had far more class than that,Alison found two of the gurls to be exceptionally attractive although she had never considered going to bed with a fellow crossdresser or transvestite. ‘Maybe I am turning lesbian?’ Alison chuckled to herself.Alison did soon get approached by one male but whether it was his first time being in such a place or not he seemed extremely nervous. Alison tried to calm him, he was not bad looking at all, but he left in a panic, almost at a run.Peter Wrightson had arrived in the bar my now and he had been surveying the talent. He had observed Alison’s difficulties with the man and, as he thought Alison very attractive, he approached her.”He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, my dear,” said the man to Alison. Peter was not actually touching her but one of them would only have to move an inch or two for them to do so.”Yes, you on the other hand do not seem to alanya escort be,” smiled Alison, thinking how sexy the mature man looked. Alison loved flirting and maybe a bit of teasing.”No, I have all night as a matter of fact; What is your name, my lovely?” said the man, his hand now brushing Alison’s arm.”My name is Alison; What is yours, sweetie?” responded Alison, putting her hand on the man’s chest.”Alison, I like that; My name is Peter,” replied the man, looking deep into Alison’s eyes.”Pleased to meet you, Peter,” replied Alison sexily, her eyes going to Peter’s lips.”I am pleased to meet you too, my dear; Can I buy you a drink?” asked Peter, his hand softly brushing the side of Alison’s face. Alison felt weak at the knees.”A gin would be nice, please,” answered Alison, her right hand touching Peter’s crotch and the evidence suggested that he was big or even better than big.”Do you come here often, as they say?” smiled Peter, for the moment refraining from giving Alison the kiss that he wanted to.”Not often, do you?” replied Alison, caressing Peter’s bulge through his trousers.”First time in here; First time in town, in fact,” answered Peter, handing Alison her drink that the barman had supplied on Peter’s indication.”Thank you…, Peter,” said Alison, looking and sounding seductive.”Would you like to sit over there, my dear?” asked Peter, indicating a table and two chairs.”That would be nice,” replied Alison, brushing against Peter as she moved towards the table.Peter put his hand on Alison’s arse in her tight skirt. “You have a lovely bottom, Alison,” said Peter.”Thank you; I love it when a strong, handsome man pays attention to my bottom,” Alison smiled back over her shoulder.”Then perhaps I can pay a lot of attention to your bottom?” said Peter, holding one of the chairs for Alison to sit at the table.”I think that I would like that very much, sweetie,” answered Alison, sitting her arse down.”I have a hotel room nearby,” said Peter, who was lusting after Alison but trying to remain cool.”Oh baby, I was hoping that you would say that,” smiled Alison, reaching out and brushing Peter’s arm.”Shall we finish our drinks and go there now?” suggested Peter.”That would be wonderful, darling,” replied Alison.They finished their drinks and left the bar, Peter’s hand was again on Alison’s backside. “A truly lovely bottom,” said Peter, running his hand over the back of Alison’s skirt.

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