Anthology of a Slut Shanti Ch. 11

Oca 17, 2025 // By:analsex // No Comment

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I am in the first person this time – wanted to feel the pussy juices seeping out while I ooze my experiences and this tale is a very erotic one – one of my best in the various fucks over the period of my sexually active life.

I must have been 27 years that time and married to Sridhar for over 2 years now and remember the marriage day at his village Villupuram Tamil Nadu – his was a large family and there were 4 Uncles and 3 Aunts – and the Family elder was a 62 year old Shivnarayan known as Shivu – he was a bachelor by choice and had not married for reasons known to him and some in the family and after lot of coaxing in one of my whorish bouts – Sridhar confessed to a betrayal when Shivu was 19 – the woman to whom he was betrothed eloped with someone else and that was enough for Shivu to take it upon himself a different profile – and was known as an extremely amorous man who did not leave any damsel in the vicinity. He fucked women with ease and at will – and women fell in his lap with complete cooperation and nil inhibition.

I saw him on the marriage day –he conducted himself as the Family head and blessed them and at one occasion where he had to hold the hands of the couple – his fingers crept up on my wrist and the sensation reached her anal and cunt – flooding her with secretions inside the heavy silk dress I was wearing on the occasion of marriage. I was a glowing well fucked 24 year old in the wedding had been brought up mostly in urban places including a stay in Mumbai (India) and at 5 feet 6 inches, dusky fair in colour, extremely sexy looks moist face with good facials and sensuality oozing from every pore of my countenance, men and women alike imagined me in their sexual embraces 24/7. My vitals are 33-28-34.

So coming back to this episode – we all in the family including Chitra and my mother Geeta along with Sridhar were on our way to Villupuram for a family wedding – Sridhar’s cousin Smita was getting married and after that there were quite a few functions adjacent to this marriage and we were all going to be in the village for a month or more – it was an unusual situation for me – I had not had sex for quite a while now – all my paramours were traveling and it was quite a while since I had acquired new admirers though at the Bank there were a aream of mn wanting to go beneath my salwar and panty – but my strict principle deterred any liasions with men at work though there was one possibility – a customer who had been eyeing me a while now , rich man at 45 years and could be a possible money spinner, had to explore and close on him but for now there had been no sex since 45 days now and Sridhar was a non-exclusive member of this group , he had no urge to fuck me and that was important for any relationship when it came to calisthenics in bed with me – the man had to be interested in me and as I have shared getting interested in me is instant because my persona is a sexual paradigm which a man or a bisexual woman will find it hard to refuse.

One of Sridhar’s uncles was in charge of marriage arrangements and he was having a medium size room all for himself where all the materials of marriage was stored and he has a bed there where he used to sleep during night. Sridhar asked him whether he could sleep in his room for that night and he agreed for that. I slept in the room meant for the women and it was an eerie but exciting feeling – had not met Shivu yet and was told he had been to the neighboring village and would be back in the morning next day, the other uncles of Sridhar were like him – did not seem to have made much contribution to the progeny they claimed as ‘fathered’ – indeed started to believe that the other sons and daughters including Sridhar himself was a byproduct of Shivu – women would have loved to cozy in his bed and immediately went to bed and sleep with the virile man. It was rumored he had fathered at least 40-50 off-springs in the Village and quite a few in his own family. He was so amorous that some of his own aunts used to him to get their daughters and daughters in laws impregnated.

I thought in mind that me and my father-in-law’s brother Shivu have got same fate. Things went on by time, I started taking care of some formalities completely and even looking at the catering and managing the resource planning and also helping my mother-in-law. I had suddenly became a responsible woman, and started doing everything out here at my in-laws place though seriously loathed the bastard husband Sridhar – I pitied him for having to own a beautiful piece look me but not have the tool to drill the sculpture – have one of the finest green fields but not have the energy to plough the fields.

The next morning while coming out of the toilet – at a distance in the foreground of the main lawn in the vast expanse of the cottage – noticed some men and standing tall was my ‘target cock’ – Shivu – I had made up mind to fuck him though had seen him just once some 2 years ago and even that melee could not trace him out but could feel bayan escort merter him and there I saw him in a Tamil attire – nice angavastra and a silk lungi and my pussy leaks – dirty pussy and dirty ass – was not clean since 27 hours now and I started having crush on my father-in-law’s brother and slowly started having a womanly love for him.

I started feeling happy for my cunt which would be pounded soon by this 60 + man who was believed to possess libido and virility of a 18 year old, being close to him out here and helping the family with their family wedding and sadly Sridhar was missing, he was in Srilanka on an official mission and had deputed us, though I was happy for his condition.

We met and the eye contact was searing and shearing – it went beyond cordiality and I could see the lust in his eyes for me – he crossed me while I was at the porch and soon went inside the cottage with the other men – but his eyes told his intent loud and clear and made me shiver in the hot weather of summer down south in Tamil Nadu. Soon it was nreakfast time and all women were to assemble and serve the men – which included the senior and elders who ate in a dining chamber meant only for the elite’ – and by design or by desired planning the job of serving that area of dining chambers was given to me and another woman by the name Sneha. Both of us went and there were 5 men – I could recognize Raghavan Sridhar’s father, Shivu and there were 3 more who weren’t from the Family and most likely were the partners or village elders and were important for this event.

While serving the food – all eyes were pretty focused amongst them and animated discussion between the folks did not look out of the ordinary but at some point or the other noticed Raghavan signal to a man in the side of his to Sneha – and she looked at that man with awe and intent and Shivu noticed it and was pretty cut up with Raghavan for all those lascivious glances, something told me that Shivu had special attention reserved for Sneha and it became apparent when his left hand was behind her back kneading the buttock when went around to his side for serving him food – I could easily make out her age to be not to be more than 19 years – and she must be college going – the others noticed the touch and feel and as it was going on – came to know that the man who was sitting next to Raghavan was Ayappan – Sneha’s uncle – mother’s brother and both the mother and Sneha had been bred by Shivu – and Raghavan was also involved in some of the bouts though not as virile or active or strong in bed – as Shivu.

During Sambhar serving and payasam provisioning – noticed some streaks on his moustache and he called me over and asked me to wipe it with the tissue and while I tried doing it – my hands trembled and he held them firmly and sensually – he was sending me the right signals and Raghavan was quick to disapprove, he did not want his daughter in law to be consumed by the Rasputin in the Village but as I said fate is not in the hands of the observers , it is between the two who connect and the fire on both the sides – Shivu and me was equally strong.

Later in the day I noticed Sneha cross over to the cattle barn and disappear and soon from a distance noticed Shivu going in the same direction – could not hold myself and went after them and the door was ajar – as if they really did not care if some would voyeur around – that was brazen and open shameless depiction of copulation which I was about to witness – and something told me – it was planned keeping in mind my watching it which became obvious.

Shivu pulled the young lass down with him into the tall willowy grass of the sand dune. He’d carried her far enough away so that he knew they would not be disturbed, and the fact that she had come with him made him know that he could do what he wanted with her and not that he hadn’t really known that all along and there were few women who cared to resist him for one reason or another, and the reason was usually that he knew just how to get to them.

He’d been watching this one ever since she came to the house. She was his sister-in-law Ratna’s personal lass and she was not more than 19, dark haired and freckle-faced. What a little beauty. He’d gotten her out of the house in her full lass’s regalia, that ridiculous gray and white saree with the ruffled blouse in front just like some old fashioned Tamil lass going on. Shivu pushed himself down over the faintly struggling woman’s body and kissed first the nape of her neck, and then started pulling away the top of her uniform. It was easy enough to pull the zipper down and to spread the front of it so that he could touch and kiss her pale freckled shoulder. She giggled and protested, but his hands sought out the small round orbs of her breasts, beneath the prim little brassiere that she wore. Christ, he hadn’t been with a woman who wore a brassiere in so long, it felt positively wicked! Suddenly, he knelt up and pulled her up to her knees in front istanbul bayan escort of him.

“Beautiful!” he cried, “you’re exquisite!”

“Sssss Uncle … Oh … please …!” The lass, Sneha, was blushing and looking down into the thatched bed before them. She wanted to run away, but yet she knew she couldn’t. At the same time, she felt flattered that Shivu Pillai had been paying all this attention to her. For the past two weeks now he had been whispering compliments into her ear whenever he saw he about the house, and now today what with everyone gone and the others either resting in the blockade of rooms reserved for the wedding or gone to town themselves for the sight- seeing on the day, and the wives of his brothers all the Ms. Pillai up in their room, he’d found her and taken her out to walk on the barn.

Sneha thought about the letter she’d been writing to her boyfriend in the Army and when he returned they would be married. How wonderful that she had not gotten pregnant in spite of having given into him the night before his departure for Mizoram. She was not pregnant and no one would know of the evil thing she had done. It had, after all, been very quick, and she’d scarcely felt a thing, except the initial pain and then a few quick thrusts and she’d waited and then Jose told her that it was over. Shivu Pillai had told her she could finish writing the letter later that a beautiful day like today wouldn’t wait for them to enjoy it, and now here she was.

He was so strong … so good looking and his fingers seemed to burn her skin wherever he touched her. He was like a young god kneeling before her, and she felt unaccountably lowly and ashamed in his presence. She also felt strength of emotion at his insistent nearness, his touching and his kissing that she could not remember ever feeling with her boyfriend, Johnny. She felt herself beginning to tremble even though the sun was very warm as Shivu began to peel away her uniform. Bit by bit it was being taken off of her there in broad daylight and even though there was no one about for miles she seemed to feel eyes on her. Everyone would see her, know what she had done. But she remained limp unable to understand why she did not stop the young master of the house. He was famous … they were all famous and they brought all those wonderful people she had only seen in magazines to the house, and now she was here alone with him, and he wanted to be with her!

Shivu’s hands smoothed downward pushing her saree down along her torso until it rode around the young woman’s full rounded hips. Then he pulled it all the way down treating his eyes to her blushing beauty, her almost schoolwoman attitude as her semi-nakedness was revealed bit by bit to his lusting eyes. Soon she was wearing nothing but stockings and panties and her high heeled pumps. Her dark curly hair blew in the wind as ashamed and the young woman avoided his stare. The soft nakedly trembling protrusion of her breasts now freed from the enclosing fabric of her cotton brassiere seemed to be just waiting for Shivu’s lips to take the brown nipples in like ripe berries that he would suck for a long while.

Shivu ran his hands up the length of Sneha’s calves, letting the thin skin of her nylon stockings sing beneath his fingers until he touched the nakedness of her fully rounded thins and then her panties and then her small waist. He hooked his thumbs in at the top of her panties and pulled them down exposing a gently rounded belly with deeply inset navel and then as he continued rolling the nylon material, the dark twining curls of the daughter of his partner woman’s pussy hair became evident.

“Ah!” Shivu cried, feeling his hunger for the woman mounting by the second. Sneha squirmed and began to whimper.

“No … no … oh, pleassseee don’t, Mr. Pillai!”

But they both knew that it was too late for that sort of thing and she did not protest as he slid down both her panties and stockings which were attached together by snaps. Sneha felt cold now that she was naked and she felt her entire body begin to quake. Shivu had replaced her high heels upon her naked feet and she felt utterly strange … dreamlike, sitting there in the sand with him like that. She felt it couldn’t be really happening to her, and yet she knew it was, and Shivu Pillai was undressing in front of her, moving with an urgency that frightened her. His hard and muscular body stood tensed and naked before her within seconds and she found herself staring at the hard-up-thrusting weapon of his penis. It was long and fiercely red, the bloated tip fully emerged from the thick foreskin as the sturdy vein covered shaft bobbed expectantly before her. The young woman uttered a cry, her eyes big as saucers as she stared mesmerized at the lewd sight of her employer’s masculinity.

Like it?” Shivu inquired, his voice thick with lust as he moved toward her.

Sneha began to mindlessly shake her head from side to side as Shivu bent over her. Underneath türbanlı escort her bare back she could feel the shifting sand grinding into her sensitive skin. She was so frightened that she felt frozen to the spot. How had she ever gotten herself into this? But then his chest was pressing against her nakedly quivering breasts and pushing against her so hard that she was pressed deeper and deeper into the thatched dried graa and all lucid thoughts were being erased from her mind. This familiar man … one of the brothers of the Pillai family was really a total stranger to her. She had never once dared to think of him like this, flushed with desire, naked … his nakedness touching her, pushing against her! His mouth crushed against her parted lips, and she had one last thought of her boyfriend, off fighting in the war … somewhere in danger at the very moment perhaps while she … Shivu’s tongue entered her mouth and suddenly she swallowed it hungrily, feeling excitement building inside her shivering body.

The 62 year old scion of the Pillai family was breathing hot moist air all over her and then all his weight was on her and Sneha knew that within moments she would be penetrated by that fearsome looking instrument she had seen between his legs. When she had been with Jose that one night she hadn’t even seen him … he’d spared her that! But now, she knew, in fact she could already feel its hardness against one of her thighs. Would it ever fit inside her? “Oh, lord, does he think,” as she wondered, “that I’m some experienced whore?”

His heavy legs were pressing against hers now and he shifted upward letting the fiery pole of his desire-hardened cock pulse against her flat brown belly. “I … I’ve only done it once before!!” she blurted out suddenly, and she was startled by his response. At first he looked surprised and then he flung his head back and laughed a few short peals of laughter that made a coughing sound in his throat. Brusquely, he stopped, and his face mirroring his lewd intentions, Shivu Pillai whispered to the girl, “There’s always a second time. You’ll like it … you’ll see!”

With one sudden movement, Sneha’s legs were being parted by his leg and the rubbery head of Shivu’s pulsating cock was sliding inside the narrow cleft of her dark-haired pussy.

“OH!” It moved up and down and back and forth slowly within the moist confines of the young girl’s seeping cunt until Sneha heard herself moan and call out his name. “Ooooh … mmmisss …mister Pillai!” she cried, and the old lawyer in his conceit did not bother to tell her to call him by his first name. It simply wasn’t necessary.

Sneha’s unprotected secret passage began to sense what it could be like to feel that burning, sliding cock rising inside her soft almost unused vagina. She wanted it as she realized with a certainty that alarmed her. She had finally truly come to the bad end her mother had long ago predicted for her when she was caught up in the attic playing doctor with the neighbor’s son. Yes … she wanted it and in spite of all her upbringing and going to temple every Thursday and Jose off fighting in the North east. She wanted him so badly that she felt she would scream for him to hurry any moment and his hands were moving, working steadily at her soft naked breasts and they felt raw and swollen. That was all that seemed to exist of her now … her stinging yearning breasts and the moist pussy that accepted the blunt tip of her employer’s swollen cock as it rubbed obscenely against her tiny hair-lined slit, creating an unbearably increasing friction.

“OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!” she chanted, squirming down into the shifting blades of the fry grass bed. She started pushing her hips up higher and higher, trying to get a release from the torment he was creating inside her, but Shivu’s lust-hardened cock continued to tease the young teenage maid’s tormented hair-fringed pussy until wildly, she began to claw at his naked back.

“Oh … please … I can’t stand it … I can’t stand it!” she cried in a raspy voice that made Shivu’s hair stand on end. He was sweating profusely and every muscle in his eager lean body was tensed toward the moment that was to come. The thick rubbery head of his desire-bloated penis stopped its incessant rubbing between Sneha’s soft fleshy cunt lips and slid down, poised at the tiny pink entrance to her wide-spread seeping vagina. Hastily, his hands went underneath her legs drawing them up so that they splayed outward and nestled for comfort upon his back, her high heels digging for support.

“You SLUT!” he exclaimed. “There was really nothing better on earth than cunt!” he thought, as he let his swollen penis part the sparse black pubic hairs and insinuate itself into the incredible wetness that surrounded the small pussy opening, burrowing, sliding, and at last finding just the right central place. His muscles started jerking involuntarily as he began to push and push hard against her, feeling the softness of her down there opening up, giving against his driving hardness, the petal-like lips parting as the little hair-fringed mouth between her pale open thighs gave way unwillingly in one sudden thrust. Shivu rammed halfway up inside the trembling, almost virgin passage of the young woman’s wide-held cunt.

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