Black Friday Pt. 01
Nis 25, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Ruth woke to the rude sound of her alarm clock and, without thinking, quickly hit the off button to stop the sharp noise. Hearing the slight pitter patter of raindrops on her roof, she glances, with sleepy eyes, at the alarm clock which has woke her from a peaceful sleep and probably a peaceful dream.
The alarm reads six-thirty am, at least, that’s what she can make out as she tries to focus on the dimly lit, red numbers. Lying there, she ponders if she really has to get up and leave her warm, cozy bed. There is something nice about lying on fresh cotton sheets and the way they feel against her bare body as they are gently covering her soft skin.
But laying there isn’t going to earn her any money so she, reluctantly, sits up and moves to the edge of her bed. Staring at the slight gap in her curtains…it looks miserable outside…she stands and walks over to the window, feeling the icy chill, from the laminate flooring, on her small feet. She slowly pulls the curtains back, the left side first and then the right side…it is wet and grey outside. `Definitely a day to stay in bed,’ she thinks to herself.
She is lucky there is no one around outside as she stands at the window, taking the world in, not caring if anyone sees her naked body. With a body like hers, if anyone does see her, they will think of themselves as very lucky! Leaving the curtains open, she turns around, glances at her surroundings and strolls over to her underwear drawer. She slowly pulls on the metal handle to reveal her lingerie…there must be one of every colour imaginable…and ponders for a while before pulling out a pretty set. It is baby pink with dark pink polka dots and a little red bow in the middle where her breasts will soon meet. She takes one more glance, to admire her underwear, then closes the drawer.
Ruth strolls over to her king size bed, sits on the corner, puts her left leg then her right leg into her panties, lays down, lifts her arse and slowly slides them up her smooth legs…covering her behind and front. They don’t cover much, leaving very little to the imagination, especially since they are very sheer and show the outline of everything! Ümraniye Escort She stands and walks over to her mirror in the corner of her bedroom, puts her bra on and slowly pulls her straps up to imprison her huge 34J breasts. Her bra (which can barely contain what is concealed in it) is also sheer, like her panties, and she can see the outline of her perfectly round nipples and colour of her areolas.
She reaches into her jewelry box, pulls out a thin, gold necklace with a pendant which sits at the start of her never ending cleavage and puts it on…if it were one or two inches longer, it would be lost! She turns to her wardrobe and pulls out one of her many work dresses. Today’s dress is a personal favourite of hers…a little black number, sexy but smart enough for work. She takes it off the hanger and steps into it, pulling it up over her curvy body. She struggles a little when it comes to fastening the back because her breasts are fighting against the fabric of the dress. She adjusts herself a little and manages to get the zip up. She pulls out a matching set of black heels, sits to put them on and stands again, admiring herself in front of the mirror. She ponders if the dress is too low at the front but she doesn’t mind as she works, mainly, with women so no one will take too much notice.
Ruth takes a brief look at her alarm clock, again…it is six fifty-seven…three minutes until the taxi will arrive to pick her up for work so she grabs her bag and coat and waits by the window near her front door. She is hoping she will have a different driver this morning as she isn’t keen on her current one because he is, what she describes as, `a dirty old man’. He has a habit of looking at her up and down and continually talking to her chest when he should be focusing on the road ahead.
In fairness to the driver, her chest is impossible not to notice but Ruth still wishes she can get a different driver, just once, maybe a younger, well-built man who is a little on the rough side, with tattoos, but still well kept. Before she can continue day dreaming, she hears the beeping of her taxi outside. She makes her Anadolu Yakası Escort way out of the door and strolls to the black cab…the rain has stopped but the ground is soft and a little slippery. Ruth gets into the taxi, sits down and says good morning as her curvy figure caresses the leather interior of the already heated seats.
“Morning love, you’re looking lovely today,” he says.
“Thank you.”
She pulls the seatbelt over her busty chest and they set off from the cul-de-sac where she lives. Ruth stares into the distance as they drive through the countryside, passing tree after tree. Very soon, the green turns into grey as the car starts its descent into Suburbia. She lets out a fed up sigh as she looks at the concrete cancer surrounding her. As she sighs, she remembers how cold it is outside as her breath crystallizes on the passenger window. It makes her wish she had stayed in bed. It is quiet in the taxi this morning, normally the driver is full of conversation but not today. From time to time, she catches his eyes, in his rear view mirror, trying to look at two particular things…two very big things. The driver is hoping she will drop her phone or bag so she will have to lean forward, exposing her large cleavage and what lay under her clothes.
It is nearing the end to her journey and there is a slight glimpse of sunshine through the rain. The traffic isn’t bad, for a Friday morning, which she is grateful for because the less time she has to spend in the taxi, the better. She can swear he takes the route with the most speed bumps on purpose. Ruth arrives at work quickly, safely and a little creeped out. She grabs her bag, pulls out the cab fare and passes it through the little slot in the screen between the back and the front seats of the taxi.
“Same time next week?” he asks, getting one last glance to help him through the weekend.
“Yes, thank you.”
The cold air hits her as she gets out of the taxi. As she quickly walks to the office entrance, the sound of her heels echo off the walls of the tall building she is about to enter. Ruth pulls out her mobile phone to check İstanbul Escort the time…seven twenty-three am, nearly time to start work. She walks up to the locked front door and begins to enter the four digit key code needed to get into the office but before she can finish, she is startled by a deep voice.
Ruth looks back to see a tall, dark man standing behind her.
“Good morning. You startled me a little,” Ruth says in a faint voice.
“I’m sorry,” he says, smiling back at her.
The first thing she noticed about him is how tall he is…he towers over her by at least a foot but Ruth is quite small at five feet, one inches tall.
“It’s Shane, isn’t it? I’ve seen you about and a few of the girls have mentioned you.”
“Yeah, hi. I’m sorry, I haven’t caught your name, yet?”
“Oh, sorry, it’s Ruth,” she says with a smile.
He put his hand out to shake hers…it feels enormous covering her small, delicate hand and she can’t help but notice how well built he is. `Now, if he were my taxi driver, I would be a little happier about going to work each morning,’ she thinks.
“So, you’re working here at the moment?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m in charge of the group of lads doing the renovations upstairs.”
“Oh, okay,” Ruth says, still smiling at Shane as she nods her head.
“Well, I guess I best go in and start some work before I’m missed.”
As Ruth punches in the code, Shane grabs the door and holds it open for her.
“After you,” he says, politely.
“Thank you,” Ruth says with her alluring smile still on her face as she walks in toward the lift.
“If you’ve got time, a little later, I can introduce you to the team, show you the work we’re doing and we can talk a little more?”
Ruth is already running late and he is making her later.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see what I can do,” she quickly says.
She turns and walks to the lift and, as Shane watches Ruth walk away from him, he can’t help but take in every inch of her body…starting from her black high heels, up her legs to her round bottom and all the way up to her curly hair. As she disappears into the lift, he smiles to himself and goes about his business and thinking, `until later!’
Thankyou to my writing partner Ruth for your help and input.
And Special Thankyou to oldnakeddad for looking over this part and fixing the punctuation of your dialogue.
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