Broken Ch. 01
Nis 30, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment
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He waited as he had been told to.
He had driven out of town, down a deserted road, into the forest. As the odometer hit 3.0 miles from the last turn, he pulled over and parked.
The instructions had been very clear and specific. He was to wait until someone came along and told him what to do next. And he was to obey instantly. If he failed to, he would be left behind, and his Mistress would be extremely disappointed. He knew that meant she probably wouldn’t talk to him for a month. That would be a very long month.
After 10 minutes, he heard a car coming down the road. It came nearer, then pulled over behind him. He stepped out to greet whoever it may be.
An attractive brunette stepped out of the car, carrying a small duffel bag. He’d never seen her before.
“Your car keys,” she said, holding out her well manicured hand.
He handed them over to her without a word.
“Open your trunk,” she said.
He hit the button to unlatch his trunk, and opened it for her. It was empty.
He stood near the trunk of his car when she said simply, “Strip.”
At his slight pause, she smiled.
“Right now. Or I’m gone.”
As he began to undress, She took a small thermos from her duffel bag, and set it on her car.
She took each item of clothing from him as he stripped naked, and stuffed it into her bag. His shirt went in, then his shoes, socks, belt.
He pulled his jeans down next, as she grinned. He wore no underware, so he was now naked before her. She folded them, and added the jeans to her bag, then tossed it into her car.
He stood there naked and exposed, waiting like a good little boy.
She returned to him, then pointed to his open car trunk.
“Climb in.”
“Now wait…” he said.
Her hand flew out, slapping him across the face.
“You have five seconds to obey. Five… Four…”
“OK, ok, I’m sorry, ” he said. He climbed into his own car trunk, bending his legs to fit.
“Three… OK, good. Much better,” she told him.
She opened the thermos, and handed it to him.
“Drink this,” she said. “You’ll be unconscious in seconds, so settle yourself down in there first. I don’t want you falling over and hurting yourself.”
This is getting pretty intense, he thought. Unconscious? Where would she take him? He’d have no idea of what happened to him.
“That’s right,” she said, as if reading his mind.
And that’s what my Mistress wants, he told himself.
He brought the thermos to his lips, and drank Anadolu Yakası escort it down quickly.
The woman smiled down at him as he lay down in the trunk.
“That’s it, just relax…”
She stroked his hair as his vision began to fade. Everything was getting darker, fuzzier. Soon, he could barely hear her. The last thing he saw was her talking into a cell phone.
“Yes, I’ve got him. We’re on our way now.”
She closed the trunk, and everything went black.
She got in his car, and drove him towards April, his Mistress.
Twelve miles later, his car came to a stop outside a large house centered in 30 wooded acres. Privacy was assured.
His unconscious body was lifted from the trunk, and brought inside the house. It was a very large space, and the rooms had all been customized with slavery in mind.
He was brought into a small room and laid out on a padded bondage table.
His driver followed, and fitted a locking steel collar around his neck. Next, wrist and ankle cuffs were cinched on him, then secured with small locks. She carefully collected the keys into a small cloth bag embroidered with his name, and slipped it into her purse.
She attached his wrists and ankles to the corners of the table, and then began shaving his genitals.
Once he was completely smooth and hairless, she left him there to awaken.
An hour later, he began to stir.
His arms and legs moved, only to be stopped by his bondage. He was confused, disoriented. Then, the memory of things began to return. He noticed his nakedness. He felt the steel around his neck. Then he heard her voice.
“Welcome back, slave,” April said. She was standing beside him, rubbing her hand over his chest.
“I’m glad you didn’t give Talia any trouble. I really wanted you to make it here.”
He smiled. “Thank you, Mistress. I’m happy to be with you again too.”
She looked down into his eyes. “You know this will be hard, right? You’re here for 30 days, and I’m going to break you. You won’t be the same man when you leave.”
“I know, Mistress. You’re going to put me through hell,” he said.
“I am. But I’ll be waiting for you on the other side,” she smiled.
He whispered, “I’m scared.”
She smiled, and walked away. She called out to Talia as she left, “Put him in the kennels.”
Talia returned and stood over him.
“Any trouble from you, and I Anadolu Yakası escort bayan will punch you in the balls. Understand?”
“I’ll be good, I promise,” he said.
She released his cuffs from the table, and grabbed him by the hair, throwing him to the floor. He landed clumsily, but got on all fours instinctively. Talia used two more locks to secure his ankles to his wrists. She snapped a leash to his collar, and said, “heel” as she took off.
The slave had no choice but to try his best to keep up. The awkward bondage made it hard, but he scrambled behind her. She led him through the house, and he had glimpses of other slaves, both male and female, being used. He saw women being fucked, men being tortured, slaves of both genders serving their dominants and cleaning the house.
She dragged him through a doorway, and he knew they’d reached the kennels. Rows of heavy steel dog cages stretched out. Most were empty, since their occupants were busy elsewhere, but a few still held a slave folded tightly inside them.
She led him down a row of cages, stopping at one with an open door. She released the locks holding his wrists to his ankles, then pointed.
“Get in, slave. Ass first.”
He crawled backwards inside the cage. The floor was solid metal, but the walls, door and top were thick metal bars. He’d never escape from this on his own.
Once in place, Talia locked his ankles to the outer walls of the cage, spreading his legs open.
“Hands behind your back,” she demanded.
He complied, and she locked his wrist cuffs to the top of the cage. He was now kneeling, bent forward.
She then took a steel bar and slid it through the side wall of his cage. It went from right to left, just under his neck. She secured the bar in place, then reached in through the open door to lock his collar to the bar. He was well put down.
Satisfied that he was secured, Talia swung the heavy door closed in front of his face. As it came near him, he noticed the dildo attached to the inside of the door. As the door clicked shut, the dildo jutted straight at his mouth.
“It’s your water supply, slave. Suck on it hard, and you’ll get something to drink. It’s a skill I suggest you practice. I know the drugs leave you slaves feeling thirsty. Why don’t you go ahead and give it a try now?”
He hesitated, but thought better of disappointing her. He leaned forward, opening his mouth, and took the rubber cock between his lips.
“Good boy!” she cooed. escort bayan She reached into his cage, and flicked his nipple with her fingernail, rewarding him. “Keep going, suck that thing.”
He sucked harder, working it. Slowly, he got some drops of water from the cock. He sucked harder, and more came, quenching his thirst.
“There you go… You’re a natural!”
She pinched him hard, then stood up, chuckling.
She moved around behind him, and reached through the bars to wrap a leather strap around his balls. She pulled it taut, stretching his balls back, and tied them off to the back of the cage. Now he couldn’t move forward at all.
She grabbed a metal contraption from a nearby shelf, and began attaching it to the bars of his cage. He couldn’t turn around to see what she was doing, but it sounded ominous.
The device clamped to the cage bars, and had a circular wheel she turned, which pushed a threaded pole forward into his cage, towards his ass. Once she knew it was set properly, she went back to the shelf, and picked up a small dildo with a “1” on the base. She brought it back, and began attaching it to the pole pointing at his ass.
“You will have your ass trained every day you are staying with us. Since you’re here for 30 days, April wants you to have a slightly larger plug in your ass each day. I’m getting the first one ready for you now,” she helpfully told him.
“Hey, that’s ok. You don’t have to–“
His voice broke off when he felt the plug first touch against his asshole.
“Yeah, you slaves usually object. Lucky for you, this device takes away your choice in the matter. Here we go…”
She turned the wheel, and the plug moved forward slowly, but insistently. Once the plug slipped inside him, she kept turning the wheel, driving it deeper. He tried to squirm, but couldn’t move. The rigid steel pole driving the plug in him wouldn’t give a millimeter.
Talia gave the wheel one more spin, until she knew the plug was 4 inches inside him.
“I honestly don’t know why you people put yourselves in this position,” she said. “But you sure do seem to need it. Don’t worry, April has some serious plans for you. You enjoy these cocks, now.”
He heard the click of her heels as she walked away, leaving him in his kennel.
He kept sucking and drinking for a few minutes, then his jaw began to tire. He let the heavy cock fall from his mouth. But it hung right there, ready for more.
Minutes passed, and turned into an hour.
The position was not painful, but it was getting tiring. He wanted to move and stretch.
He wanted to be with her, his Mistress. To feel her touch, and hear her voice. But he could do none of those things. His world had been reduced to only one choice: to suck or not. Either way, he would wait for her until she decided otherwise.
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