Cream for Coffee

Categories: Genel.

Tem 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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“Here you go,” my wife said as she handed me a cup of coffee.

“Thanks, Love,” I responded, taking the cup from her.

It was black, without sugar, just the way I always took it.

“My pleasure. The baby is still asleep, so I think I’m going to get in the shower while I have a chance.”

“Wait,” I said, “before you go, come here.”

l set my coffee down and grabbed her, pulling her into a hug from behind.

“I love you,” I whispered into her ear.

“Mmm, I love you too.”

I slowly ran my hands across her stomach and hips, fondling her ass before slipping my hands up her shirt.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” she asked in an accusing tone.

“Just playing,” I responded and moved my hands to her boobs.

“Stop that, you are going to make me leak,” she complained as I groped her through her nursing bra.

I flipped her shirt up over her swollen tits and unsnapped one side of her bra. She put up a token resistance, but I waved her hand out of the way. Milk began to drip from her nipple and I quickly spun around with her to face the kitchen counter. Still with my arms around her, I grabbed my coffee cup in one hand. I leaned forward with my torso, forcing her to bend as well. As I moved my cup beneath her now hanging boob, she understood what I was going to do.

“Oh no you don’t,” she started to say as I squeezed her tit and a spray of milk shot into my cup.

“Be careful,” I warned, “my coffee is hot and I don’t want it to spill on you.”

“You are such Haymana Escort a pervert, you know that,” she complained as I continued to milk her.

I continued to milk her into my coffee, my hand slowly squeezing her breast, for thirty seconds before she finally had enough and told me that I had to leave some for the baby. I kissed her gently on the cheek and whispered to her that she is the best and let her go. She quickly left the room as I took a large sip of coffee and sighed. It was delicious. I finished my coffee and went to get ready for the day.

As I kissed her goodbye before heading to work, I said “Thanks for the coffee this morning. It was amazing. I might need to start taking cream in it every day.”

“Pervert,” she said with a laugh and a shake of her head as she pushed me out the door.

Later that evening after she put the baby to bed, I saw her grimace as she took off her bra. I could tell that while the baby had obviously nursed before bed, her left tit was still swollen with milk.

“Everything ok?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s just that transitioning into food means that he isn’t as hungry, so he only had from one side.”

“You know, if you want help, I’d be happy to lend a hand.”

“Actually, I’d really appreciate that.”

Surprised that she was taking me up on it, I asked how I could help.

“I need to express. At the rate things are going, I probably have too much pumped already.”

“Well, I don’t think that we need to worry about Haymana Escort Bayan it going to waste,” I responded, thinking about how nice it tasted in my coffee.

“Oh, really. And I suppose that you are going to say that instead of expressing into the sink, I should just let you drink it instead.”

I don’t know why the thought hadn’t occurred to me before, but not that she mentioned it, I knew that I wasn’t accepting any other option.

“It does seem to me to be the best option.”

“Fine. But I’m sitting up for it.”

“Of course. Why don’t you come sit in my lap?” I asked, holding out my arms to her.

She crawled over and straddled my lap, kneeling on the bed, which put her engorged tit right at mouth height for me. As I closed my lips around her nipple, just as I began to suck, my mouth began to fill with the warm sweetness of her milk. I eagerly began to drink it down, savoring the flavor as I flicked her sensitive nipple with my tongue. She moaned and pulled my head tighter against her boob. Taking my hands, I ran one down her back to her generous ass, and started gropping it, knowing that she tended to like it. My other hand reached down for her cunt, which I find was already dripping. I played with her clit for a moment, which caused her to shudder. I kept a tight latch with my mouth on her tit, otherwise she probably would have ended up spraying milk everywhere. I couldn’t pull my pajama pants down with her on to of me, but I was able to free my raging erection Escort Haymana from their confines. My wife took one hand off the back of my head to rest down and grab my cock, jerking it a couple of times.

“Oh, yes Baby, give it to me,” she moaned.

I lined myself up at her dripping entrance, all the while drinking a steady flow of her delicious nectar. As I started to thrust upwards, she thrust down against me, impaling herself to the hilt. I couldn’t believe his sexy it was too be drinking from her while buried inside of her as well. She began bouncing up and down relentlessly moaning with each stroke. Between my mouth on her tit and my cock in her pussy, it didn’t take long before she was cumming, which increased the strength of her milk stream. As she ground against me in her orgasm, with her cunt spasming along my cock, and her milk pouring into my mouth, I didn’t last much longer. It seemed like my filling her insides was some sort of a signal, as when I did the milk flowing into my mouth started to slow down. I continued sucking until nothing more came out, while she continued shifting back and forth, still planted on my dick.

“Ok, I think that that’s enough,” she said, pulling her tit out of my mouth. “Thanks for the help. I think that in the end, you were probably right about this being the best option.”

I smiled. Having her admit that I was right was just icing on the cake to what had just taken place, but sweet and welcome none the less. She didn’t seem to want to get off of me and so I shifted so that I could lay down. She settled into me and we went to sleep still attached at the hip.

The next morning after she handed my coffee, my wife leaned in close and whispered, “And don’t worry. I already put milk in it for you.”

I took a sip and smiled. I had the best wife in the world.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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