Diaper Bus Piss

Ara 29, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment

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(All characters are over the age of 18, not sure why I need to specify, and this has no age play in it)

And there she was, finding herself surrounded by people completely unaware of what she was going to do. Hopefully, they never will know what she does. But her heart was still racing, and she kept nervously glancing around, subtly, to make sure everyone was deep in their phones. They were. Most even had headphones or earbuds on.

But all she could think about was where she was. On the bus home from work, only a stop or two from hers, and surrounded by people she sees almost ever day on commute. Sitting, bouncing her leg, with her work clothes on. Most importantly her work skirt. Her skirt that, sitting down, barely hid the diaper underneath. She couldn’t help but wonder if the edges of the diaper made enough of a bulge at her waist for people to notice. At this point, there’s absolutely nothing she could do about it if it had.

She’d worn the diaper the whole day, and hadn’t used the bathroom the entire time. Coffee in the morning, water during lunch, and sipping on a bottle of water the entire 8 hour work day. Her bladder was bursting, and, of course, she had specifically planned that she wouldn’t be able to make it home.

She glanced at the man sitting so close to her in the bus one more time. He was glossy eyed escort bayan and deep into doom-scrolling. Headphones as well, so he couldn’t really hear anything besides the rumble of the engine.

Letting out a shaky breath, both from nerves and having been clenching on her bladder for the last hour or so of work, she rested her head against the glass window, staring out at the buildings crawling by, and finally relented.

And it was a flood. Immediately, she could hear a tiny low sounding hiss from below. With no air to cool it, the liquid warmed her groin area instantly, and was hot against her skin. Especially so in the autumn weather. A shiver went down her spine. Was it from the temperature change, the relief, or pleasure?

Another nervous exhale, more deep this time, against the glass window. Her pee poured and poured from her body. She rested her hand on where her bladder was, and could feel it bulging against her waistband. She could feel it shrinking, too.

And ever so slightly, she could feel the edges of the diaper press against and slide outward across her thighs. Filling and saturating with everything she’d held in all day. It was growing quickly, and the question of whether or not it could even hold all of her needs popped into her mind.

But that was quickly washed away by relief. Steaming bursa eskort bayan hot piss warmed her cold crotch and thighs. She glanced down, but couldn’t see anything appearing from the fabric of her skirt. Not yet, anyways. Not yet, because it just kept going. Her whole body shuddered with pleasure, and a tingle around her pussy was starting to form.

She closed her eyes, and let herself be fully immersed in what she was feeling. Chilly against the bus wall, nervous nearly to panic from the idea of getting caught, warm from the ever growing diaper filling with more hot piss, and hot from the horniness enveloping her whole body. She hoped her nipples weren’t poking through her blouse too badly. On purpose, of course, she hadn’t worn a bra.

Finally, eventually, her piss slowed to a trickle. Nothing seemed to have leaked, but her diaper must have surely grown by at least half its size. And looking down again, her skirt front finally showed a not-so-faint outline of what was underneath. A somewhat prominent bulge, very obviously diaper shaped, was poking through the surface.

As she calmed down, the bus slowed. It was finally time to get off. The bus. Getting off came later. She got the man next to her’s attention, and he stood up so she could leave. As he did so, she did notice he glanced escort bursa down at her. Quickly grabbing her bag, she shuffled across the seat, stood up, and left.

All she could hope, walking down the middle isle of the bus past a least a dozen people, is that no one would happen to look at her ass. It wasn’t likely that no one would, but hopefully no one would notice. If the diaper was visible from the front, then she knew it was very obvious from the back.

Exiting from the bus, the chilly autumn air hit her fully, and she shivered. Now, she only had to walk a block and a half to get home, but with the large weight around her midsection, it wouldn’t be so much a walk as a waddle.

And she waddled, slowly, all the way home. From the movement of her legs, a few droplets started dribbling down her legs. The diaper was nearly overflowing. It squelched and rubbed against her, and her senses, nerves, were so high strung at this point that every movement grinding against her pussy didn’t help her focus.

Finally, she could see her apartment. Through the main lobby, no one around, and up an elevator to the third floor. Down a corridor, and she pulled her key from her purse to unlock it. She shut the door behind her, immediately leaned against it, dropped her bag and key, and let out the most jittery breath today. Her legs and hands were shaking badly, and her heart was racing.

Collecting herself, she stumbled her way to the kitchen. Pulling a cold bottle of water from it, she beelined for her bedroom. She had some emotions to rub out, and this diaper wasn’t coming off for a while.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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