Family Issue Ch. 02: Rebecca’s Femdom

Categories: Genel.

Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Anri Okita



Plot: Sam is dominated again by Rebecca, who destroys him with her strong legs. Then, his sister sexually humilates him.


WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence, sex and domination.

If the arguments offend you, please leave.

If you are not 18+, please leave.

The aguments are PURE FICTION, and the people in the stories are NOT real.

LANGUAGE NOTE: English is not my native language, so there may be some errors.


It had only been 3 months since my sister Rebecca had dominated me with her body in the gym. I completely stopped doing sports, I couldn’t stand the competition with my younger sister.

I have become more insecure than I already was.

And now that I knew that my sister Rebecca could easy beat me, I thought of all the times I had tortured her.

I prayed she would forget those moments. And I hated her. I hated my sister, because she was better than me in everything. School, sport, character.

It was June, and school was about to finish.

In these 3 months, she has continued to go to the gym and improve her magnificent physique, making her stronger and more feminine.

I, on the other hand, was envious of her physique and I was getting more and more grumpy towards her, even if I could not ignore her curves. Since that day in the gym, his body has given me so many erections.

After a few months, Rebecca once again showed me her power.

It was midnight. I was in the bathroom before going to sleep, shaving and brushing my teeth.

I heard a knock on the door.

“Hey, move!” I heard my sister’s voice from outside the locked door.

“I need to use the bath too, damn!” she yelled impatiently.

I, just to be an asshole, I occupied the bathroom for another 10 minutes. Just to keep the little brat waiting.

Opening the door, I saw her in the middle of the corridor, with her arms folded and her expression pissed off.

“Finally?” She yelled. I tried to get out passing between her and the wall, but Rebecca blocked my passage.

Instead of moving, Rebecca pushed me against the wall, crushing me against her trained body.

“You know, I thought I disciplined you.” Rebecca said, looking me straight in my eyes.

“I was wrong. Maybe you need another lesson.”

“No no… I understand, Reb. Sorry.”

I asked for forgiveness, but she ignored me.

“Do you remember what my legs can do, Sam?”

She asked, taking a few steps forward. I tried to free myself, but she was crushing me between her body and the wall. She pressed her chest even more against me, and looked me in her eyes with a seductive expression, and she was no longer pissed off.

“Do you remember what… caused my legs, Sam? Someone here liked them.”

I felt the sweat on my forehead and my body naturally reacted to the memory; my cock stiffened quickly. My mouth was dry and I couldn’t speak words.

Her feminine lips were inches from mine. Then she lustfully sighed with narrowed eyes.

“Were you in there doing bad things while thinking of me, Sam?”

My cock was now erect, it was impossible for Rebecca not to feel it, it was pressed against her firm stomach.

“N-no, gosh!” I replied with difficulty, suffocated by her body.

“Someone….says otherwise, hehe. Goodnight, big Çorum Escort brother. Sleep well.” Rebecca whispered lovingly, then she walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Fuck!” I cursed, and after a moment of daze, I ran into my room. I really wanted to masturbate thinking about Rebecca, but managed to stop myself. Although she had become a goddess, she was still my stupid brat sister.

I could handle her. I fell asleep, dreaming of Rebecca’s muscular legs crushing me, like every night, since that day in the family’s gym.


I woke up that it was late morning, the sunlight was coming through the window. The clock on the wall said 11:00 pm. I looked to my legs and saw my sister Rebecca looking at me, smiling. She was crouched on the ground.

“What the fuck…?” I cursed, trying to shake off the morning numbness.

I tried to get up, but Rebecca, with a feline leap, put her hand on my chest and threw me back on the bed.

Rebecca climbed on the bed, and there was nothing I could do, except watching in horror, as her huge muscular ass descended on my face. Rounded glutes, covered in grey leggings, wrapped around my face.

“Mmmmm!!!” I groaned, choked. I was taken by surprise.

As soon as I woke up, my sister was riding my head, sitting on my face!!!

“See, that’s the difference between you and me, Sam.” Rebecca said. “It’s 11:00. I woke up early, went for a run and finished my morning workout, you just woke up.”

Her butt, even after the workout, had an exciting feminine smell.

“Mmmm!!” I tapped on her thigh.

“You know, your face is…really comfortable. How about becoming my personal chair?”

If she wasn’t my bitchy sister, being the chair of a girl with an ass like Rebecca’s one, wouldn’t be a bad idea. When I felt her buttocks move forward, I immediately knew what was going to happen.

“Oh Jesus! Please not again!” I moaned, but relentless, Rebecca slid forward and wrapped my head with her muscular thighs, catching me in the reverse headscissor. The same grip she used to dominate me, that day at the gym, 3 months ago.

I immediately struggled unsuccessfully, and she squeezed her block of sexy muscles, immediately making my head feel like it’s about to explode.

“Welcome to the spider’s lair, Sam,” she chuckled.

“There is no space for little insects like you!”


“You know Sam, last time at the gym, I couldn’t help but notice how…. excited you was. Last night too. Your stupid penis was pressed against my abs, lol. You know, I’ve never seen penis, not a real one.”

“No!” I yelled. I didn’t know where she wanted to go, but it was dangerous and wrong.

No one had ever seen my cock, except my hand, and I didn’t want the first one to be my sexy bitchy sister.

Rebecca gently threw off the blankets, and pulled down my pajama bottoms.

I tried to stop her with my hands, but Rebecca fearfully flexed her thighs, causing my hands to involuntarily return to her huge thighs, despite knowing they were useless. Her legs were too powerful.

“You can’t stop me, big brother.”

“Please no Reb. This….This is so Wrong!!”

“Shut up, monkey!” Rebecca yelled. “Stop crying! Let’s see who really appreciates me!”

He growled, grabbing the tie of my underpants, and freeing my cock from my underpants.

“N-no, please,” I pleaded, almost crying.

The rational part of me knew it was wrong, it was my sister. But my whole body asked for Rebecca, especially Çorum Escort Bayan my cock, which swelled rapidly, just from the feeling of being exposed, vulnerable, completely in the hands of my sister Rebecca.

“If that’s so wrong, why is your cock…erect like a spear, big brother? Doesn’t that mean you like it? Sammy boy….” Rebecca giggled, reaching out and grabbing my scrotum, massaging my balls with her delicate fingertips, and shaking her huge ass, making it dance in front of my eyes.

“Ohhhhhhh!” I sighed in pleasure, her touch on my scrotum was wonderful, and I soon forgot that she was my bitchy little sister, and my head was her prisoner, a mere hostage to my sister’s muscular legs.

Rebecca was moving faster her butt and her thighs. I realized that my chin was rubbing against her young pussy, and that the movement was giving her pleasure.

“Oh yeah. Almost there, Sam… mmmm!!” Rebecca moaned.

“Shit, I’m about to cum!!” Rebecca cried, resting her hands on the bed, continuing her movement, using my head as an object for her pleasure. My exposed cock twitched, seeking attention from Rebecca, but she was too busy. She was about to burst into a big orgasm.

Her muscular young body twitched everywhere. Inevitably, she increased the power of her thighs, squeezing me between her legs so hard it felt like my head was opening like a melon.

With my hands I tried to free myself, but I could not move the silky steel limbs that enveloped me.

“Urgh! Please stop! Mercy!” I tried to ask, then I couldn’t make any more sounds.

Rebecca was completely focused on her pleasure, forgetting that I was trapped in her ass, leaving my life in her thighs custody.

“HHHGG!!” Rebecca roared, reaching climax. I fainted at the exact moment Rebecca’s groin exploded in a fountain of female sperm, and I was knocked out.

My head had given my younger sister Rebecca a gigantic orgasm.


I woke up and immediately felt the warmth of powerful muscular limbs around my head.

“Fuck no!” I cried, hoping it was a bad dream.

“Wakey Wakey big brother! I’m not done with you yet!” Rebecca laughed, starting the squeezing again. Again, I started hearing the throb of blood in my ears, my hands were struggling in vain to free myself from my sister’s big legs. My hands gripped her thighs trying to break her hold, which squeezed my skull like a python.

“Aaaaahhrg!” I cried as waves of terrible and relentless pressure turned me into a weak mess.

“Arghh!” I moaned over and over, feeling with my hands the expanse of beautiful, warm, smooth skin bulging massively over what looked like huge rocks, but was actually pure muscle.

“It’s all useless.” Rebecca said.

Her legs really seemed invincible.

“Mhhh big brother, a few minutes ago, your little head made me cum…it was a f-i-r-s-t c-l-a-s-s orgasm…” Rebecca murmured.

Not knowing what to do to end the pain, I started begging her.

“Please Rebecca…lemme go…cough cough! I’ll do whatever you want, I swear! Urgh!! Shit, it hurts! Please! Show mercy!!”

“Mmmh, you beg me? Cute. Are these gymnast legs too strong for you, a big 19 yo handsome dude? Mm…Look what a mess you made here, big brother. All this cum. Damn, I’ll have to explain to Mom the mess of these leggings.” Rebecca said.

A few inches from me, a large dark spot had appeared on my sister’s leggings, in her groin, a sign of orgasm.

“Sniff my ass and maybe, I’ll let you go.” Rebecca said. Escort Çorum I would have done anything to free myself, so I poked my nose between her huge buttocks, and took a huge sniff of her ass. She smelled wonderful, a mix of sweat, cum, and feminine scent.

“How doggy.” Rebecca insulted me. The feeling of submission, humiliation, and the scent of my sister’s ass made my cock move, and I felt aroused again. Rebecca gave me a huge smile.

“Nnnnnugh!” I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as the thighs swelled up the sides of my face, chewing me like a terrifying curvy creature. The pain was brutal; it felt like my skull was about to crack like an egg shell. Rebecca’s legs swelled so big under my hands, that I could barely understand their size.

“You made me cum, so I’m in debt, big brother.”

Rebecca said, reached out and gave two gentle strokes to my penis. My cock leapt into the air, fully erect.

“Ummh!!” I moaned. Rebecca’s touch was electrifying.

She opened her little mouth, and swallowed my erect cock all in her mouth, sucking it slowly and stroking my glans with her tongue, while her thick thighs chewed on my neck and head, pushing me more and more against her huge and muscular ass.

“NOO! Urgh!” I groaned. No, not from my sister! I had never received a blowjob, and my little sister was giving me the first one, while she crushed me with her legs!

But it was….extremely pleasant. 1000 times better than masturbating. Rebecca’s mouth was so good, and hot…

It was too much. My body seemed to have given up. I no longer had the energy to fight and my hands fell to the ground, letting Rebecca do what she wanted with me.

Rebecca continued the blowjob, gently licking my wet cock. She dipped my whole dick into her mouth.

She looked like an expert cocksucker!

“Ohhhhhh!!” I moaned, in the limbo between brutal pain and absolute pleasure. A few movements of her mouth on my cock, and I was already about to cum. She pulled my penis out of her mounth with a wet Pop!

“Cum for me. I know you can’t resist. I own you, Sam.” Rebecca said, dominant and sexy. I felt a strange sensation of warmth in my body. Rebecca kissed the head of my cock, and she began to roll her tongue around my penis. Damn, too much to resist. After a few seconds, I let out a soft groan. “Ummmmmmmmrgghh!” I moaned, and squeezed between my sister Rebecca’s thighs and ass, my cock exploded into her warm mouth, cumming profusely.

Rebecca didn’t take her mouth off my cock. She sucked everything. “Mhhhh, this doesn’t taste bad…” she laughed, after sucking all of my cum.

After the blinding pleasure, I realized what had happened. My little sister sucked my cock, giving me the first blowjob of my life!

“Nnnnnnnnargh!” an anguished moan escaped my mouth as the gymnast began to squeeze her grip even tighter. My body was weak, and I felt like I was dying. It was an hour, maybe longer, that I was trapped between my sister’s thighs.

Oh God, I don’t want to die like this. I imagined going to the newspaper’s front page. **Gainesville’s boy killed by her younger sister’s legs**. Absolute humiliation.

“Fuck off, Sam…you know,

you don’t give me a real fight. You just stand there, moaning. You’re pathetic.”

My sister Rebecca growled, flexing her legs and chewing on my skull.

I could feel her thighs like steel cables crushing my neck.

“I think it’s time to finish you.” Rebecca said.

Desperately, I tried to avoid the inevitable. But she was too strong. Her thighs swelled around me. My mouth was distorted, T-shaped, my eyes couldn’t stay open. My hands fell to the floor. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. My sight was fading.

Urghh…oh God, she’s gonna break my head…i…can’t…orrrrrrrr…


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