House of Desire Ch. 03
Eki 12, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Christine awoke the next morning, her face, her hair, her body, her maid’s outfit all caked with dried cum. And so she knew her adventure from the previous day and night had been no dream. She was still in the House of Desire. The realization returned her to a subtle state of arousal. A blonde woman in a maid’s outfit identical to her own interrupted her thoughts. “I am Anna. It is time for you to bathe. Then you will have breakfast. You must regain your strength for today’s activities. You must be ready…”
Anna led her to the bath–the same opulent room where she’d bathed the previous day. Anna helped her strip off the debauched costume, and drew the bath. Before Christine descended into the tub, Anna kissed her firmly on the mouth. Christine had never thought of herself as being bisexual, but the strength and passion of the kiss caught her off guard. Perhaps there were additional possibilities. For now, she stepped down into the tub, and let the warm, scented waters pull all tension and care from her body, from her soul. She drifted, erotic thoughts mingling with random, soft images of summer days, of old friends and lovers. Anna gently washed the cum and sweat from Christine’s body and hair, and then led her to a shower where Christine rinsed herself. Anna brought out a huge purple towel, and wrapped it around Christine’s body. As she dried her off, Anna touched Christine’s face, shoulders, breasts. Anna told her, “Follow me; it’s time for the morning meal.” Christine was taken aback.
“What will I wear?” she asked.
“You will wear nothing,” Anna replied.
Breakfast seemed casual, ordinary, in a way. The men and women she’d given herself to the previous day were there. The men were dressed neatly, but casually–slacks, shirts, and so on. The women were all in maid’s outfits. Everyone ate–eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice, even granola–and conversed, laughed, told stories. But escort bursa that very ordinariness of the behavior contrasted with the absurdly suggestive maid’s outfits–breasts accentuated, cunts exposed. Christine sat among them, hungry, and she ate well. At the same time, she felt humiliated, singled out in her total nakedness. She resented it; it aroused her.
After breakfast was done (the “maids” cleared the dishes, of course) everyone relaxed. The casual chatter continued. Christine joined in the conversation, almost forgetting where she was, why she was there, her nakedness. In the midst of the banter, one of the men abruptly turned to her, and asked, “Did you enjoy sucking my cock? Did you enjoy all the cum?” This sudden turn of the conversation shocked and embarrassed Christine. She felt her cheeks flush. She wanted to turn away. And yet some more defiant part of her spoke.
“I did. Every cock. Every drop of semen. I want more.”
Anna rose from the table. “Come with me,” she instructed. Without uttering another word, Christine stood, and followed Anna out of the room.
They walked down a hallway, back to the Parlor. Anna told her, “Now I will bind you to a chair (she indicated a high-backed chair, sturdily built, and well padded, with a subtle paisley brocade). Christine protested.
“Anna, I’ve never been into the bondage thing.” Anna said, simply,
“You do not know yourself.”
Christine felt a surge of desire. She would accede. She sat in the chair, as Anna bound her, using soft, padded ropes that would hold her firmly without damaging her skin or restricting circulation. Her legs were held apart. Anna left the room. Christine was left to wait and wonder what these people had in mind for her. She entertained fantasies based on her first experiences at the House. Would men use her–use her mouth, her breasts, her hair, her body, as mere things in görükle escort which or on which to ejaculate? The thought excited her tremendously, despite her misgivings about being immobilized, and she soon grew wet between her legs. Then the men appeared in the room.
Anna, Sophia, and Pauline soon followed. They still wore their purple outfits. The men were dressed as they had been, during breakfast. Christine became quite self-conscious, her own nakedness seemed out of place and strangely lewd amid these clothed and costumed people. The three women began to caress and arouse the men. Erections sprang up everywhere, as the women began to fellate, stroke, and fuck the men. Christine found her desire rapidly rising. Her juices flowed as she watched the orgy unfolding before her. The women were penetrated over and over, cocks in their hands, cunts, mouths. They climaxed repeatedly as the jizz poured over them.
As Christine’s lust grew, she began to feel uneasy. It seemed that everyone was utterly ignoring her. She felt increasingly lost, alone. The previous day, she had been the focus of everything, the star of the show. Now she seemed to be nothing and no one. Grief mingled with desire, and tears ran down her cheeks, even as her juices pooled beneath her.
Finally, when she thought she could bear it no longer, a man emerged from the group, and approached her. He was strong, dark-haired, athletic. He did not introduce himself. His erect cock was enormous. Incredibly, she recognized it. It was the one she’d seen in her dream! He presented it to Christine; it throbbed and dripped before her eyes. She was desperate to touch it, to stroke it, and especially, to take it into her mouth. The man instructed her. “Tell me what you want,” he demanded.
“I want you,” she answered.
“That’s not good enough,” he told her. “TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!” She grew more bursa eskort desperate.
“I…I…want you. I want your cock. I want to feel it throb in my hands, and pulsate in my mouth. I want to feel the warm cum jet from it. I want you to use me, to force me to do whatever you want. I am here to give you pleasure.”
He eyed her for a moment, then with the hint of a sly grin, turned, and began to walk away. “Please!” she screamed. “Please don’t go. What must I do to touch you, to feel you, to taste you? I’ll do anything! I’m begging you… Please.”
He again held the throbbing phallus before her. To her now frantic eyes, insane with desire, it was more than a cock. It was COCK. It was every cock, every man, and every thing. “Tell me what you see!” he demanded.
“Your, cock!” she answered.
“Tell me what you SEE?” he demanded again.
“It’s your cock!! My god! Won’t you give it to me?” she sobbed.
“That’s right,” he told her. “What do you see, Christine?” he asked yet again. And she finally understood.
“It is my god… it is my GOD. Let me worship it!”
He moved up closer to her now, and slid it into her mouth. A look of pure bliss came over her face, as she felt it glide past her lips and across her tongue, banging the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat. Anna untied the ropes from Christine’s hands. Christine now was able to hold and caress her sacred, dripping deity. As it pumped in and out of her mouth, Anna thrust her fingers into Christine’s cunt. She kneaded and stroked the clitoris. Christine began to moan, to buck, straining against the restraints that still held her to the chair. Pauline and Sophia continued to service the other men in the room, but Christine barely noticed them. The cock in her mouth was ready to explode, synchronized with her own approaching orgasm. “Oh, my god, oh my god,” she mumbled, as the cock slid in and out, faster and faster.”
The man quietly told her, “Cumslut, take this communion,” as his seed erupted into her mouth. In that instant, her own orgasm ripped her apart. She became truly nothing, truly everything, as her mind drifted away, at home, at last, with the divine.
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