How I Became A Slut part 7 – final chapter
May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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My first semester of college ended and it was time to clear out of the dorm. It had been three months since I had been home and I was looking forward to seeing Mom and all my friends from high school. After my car was loaded, I gave Ashley a hug and told her I would miss her. She headed north out of College Station and I headed south. When I pulled into the driveway a couple of hours later Mom ran out to greet me. She pulled me out of the car and gave me a big hug then looked at me and said my skirt was kinda short. I told her maybe a little and started unloading the car. Even though it was December, it was still warm in Houston. I never even thought about how my wardrobe had changed in the time I had been gone until her comment. After everything Escort Acıbadem was unloaded Mom told me to put on something decent before we went out to dinner. I found some jeans to slip on and we headed out to Orleans for some shrimp. That night I went to bed with no sex for the first time in a long time. The next day, Mom had to go to work. My best friends from high school came over and we spent the day getting caught up. We were talking about what we could do while we were home. The things they were suggesting were things that we had done in high school. They really did not sound like much fun any more. I suggested going to a bar to play pool and letting guys see up our short skirts when we bent over the Kaynarca escort table to take a shot. They both looked at me like I was crazy. By the time they went home that afternoon, it was obvious that we were not interested in the same things and I knew it was me that had changed. Mom came home that evening and asked what we had planned. When I told her I was just staying home, she asked if anything was wrong. I just said they had gotten jobs and had to get to work. That night I got myself off with my vibe. I guess I got a little loud. I saw my door open a crack and Mom peek in. I pretended not to notice and kept going. She closed the door slowly and left. The next morning Mom was already gone when I got up. Aydınlı escort bayan I took a shower then walked downstairs with my towel wrapped around me. While eating breakfast, I slipped the towel off. I spent the day naked watching TV, hoping the UPS guy or mailman would ring the doorbell. Just before Mom got home I slipped on some shorts and a t-shirt. She asked what I had done all day and I just said not much. I already knew it was going to be a boring Christmas break. Mom told me that she had run into a friend at the store and told her I was home and already bored. She thought I might like her son David to come spend some time with me. I told her not to try fixing me up with a date. I was not interested in someone still in high school and it didn’t matter that he was only a year younger than me. Besides that, he was scrawny. She told me he would be over at 7:00 and I might want to put on something nice. I went up to my room with no intention of dressing up for this guy. I heard a car pull up a few minutes later and looked out the window.
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