I Lost It, I Lost My Virginity
May 16, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Another shortie story.
This story started about fifteen years ago or more when I met Susan for the first time, it was love at first sight. We were inseparable and did everything together…
Well there is a limit to what three year olds can get up to at playgroup, however the friendship stayed, we moved through the different stages of pre-school then infants, juniors schools and then… then we went to different senior schools, me to Saint Augustines boys and Susan to Queen Elizabeths girls. In reality the schools are close together, only a quarter mile apart but suddenly we went from being in each others pockets to not seeing each other for a couple of weeks at a time and that couple of weeks rapidly grew to months.
In fourth year, or year ten in the current arrangements, I found myself assisting with the school play, that year the drama teacher chose Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and guess where we found female players…
Yep and guess who played the part of Sarah?
The way this worked was the boys and girls each rehearsed their parts in their own school so when we all got together was only a couple of weeks before the performances.
I happened to be up a ladder doing something with the lighting when they walked in and I heard a screeching “Terrrrrrrrreeeeeeee” above the general babble of the girls chatter and the various noises of appreciation of real Yeşilköy escort bayan girls company.
I looked in their direction and saw Susan, she had changed since I last saw her and no longer looked like a little girl. I made sure the light was secure and came down the stepladder much too fast, me made contact half way along the school hall and hugged then kissed to a selection of cheers and groans.
That simple hug did two things; first of all it moved our relationship back to where it used to be and secondly I felt her breasts against my chest for the first time.
Our relationship was rekindled and from then onwards we were ‘an item’. Obviously at the age of fourteen any physical connection was limited to holding hands, a hug and kissing so I’ll skip forwards to my eighteenth birthday party, it wasn’t a massive event at our little village hall but about ten o’clock Susan and I were enjoying ‘making out’ in the area originally designed at the cloakroom, those days it had become the table and chair store and was fairly empty.
“Why don’t we got to the pavilion for my special present to you?”
“Why can’t you give it to me here?”
“Doh. Come on Terry.”
“…Ar… ohh… Yeah.”
“Why don’t you go over there first and… get a couple of those mats down on the floor in the office. Then… get naked and shower. I’ve put shower gel and a towel in Escort Yeşilyurt there for you and a sheet to cover the mats… and turn the light off, I’ll follow you over and…”
“Right I’ll…”
I held her head for for a smacker of a kiss then left. I just heard; “I’ll be over in exactly six minutes”
1 did as told, laid two of the heavy green padded gym mats on the floor, found the sheet in the shower and put that on top, stripped off and dumped my clothes in the corner then went to shower, returned to the office and dried off, paying particular attention to my raging erection. It went dark so I chucked the towel in the direction of my clothes and laid down.
This was my first time so I didn’t know what was about to happen as I lay there in the sudden darkness. It seemed an eternity before the door opened.
“Hello Suzy.”
I felt hands touch me and feel around, they pushed me flat on my back then rested on my chest.
A leg slid across my abdomen, kicking my erection on the way before Susans arse settled against it. She tweeked my nipples then lifted her arse, a hand moved from my chest and slid up and down my willy a few times before holding it in place as she sat back down slowly. I was a little surprised how much pressure she needed and how tight it felt as she slowly engulfed me. The tightness and heat was Zeytinburnu escort out of this world, I can’t begin to describe the strange sensations for the first time and then she was siting on me. The whole of my six inches buried deep within her and of course as soon as she started bobbing up and down, I, young trigger happy Terry fired my virgin busting shots.
“Ohhhhhh my effing gohhhhhd Sooooooozeeeeeey.
A finger pressed against my lips. “Ssssshh.”
The hand returned to my chest and applied pressure, something else applied pressure to my bollocks then slid forwards and backwards with an; “Errrff. Ahhhh.” Repeated in time with the movements; “Errrff. Ahhhh… Errrff. Ahhhh… Errrff. Ahhhh….”
This was happening to me, in slow, slow, motion; “Errrff. Ahhhh… Errrff. Ahhhh.”and the pressure increased; “Errrff. Ahharrhharrhharrhh.” The movement stopped with untold pressure crushing my bollocks which I was seriously concerned were not going to survive.
Then… then the pressure eased and my bollocks breathed a sigh of relief, the contact against my hips vanished and a little more pressure on my chest and then it stopped. I felt the padded mat move beside me then nothing.
I laid there in awe of the realisation I was no longer a virgin… I was a man and revelled in the wonderful stillness and post orgasmic glow of my transition into adulthood.
I cocked my head to confirm there was a rustling noise and a door open and close.
With my hands under my head and my feet spread I grinned but didn’t notice the sound of the door open and close again but I did notice the glare of the light directly above my head as it burst into life.
“Terry, what the fuck was Gran doing in here?”
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