If Your Ever Did Believe
May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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This story is about Stevie Nicks and KeithRichards. Its written from the perspective of Stevie Nicks. It takes place in 1976, when the famous Fleetwood Mac record “Rumours” was being made. It was also when the relationships in the band started to fall apart. Stevie had broken up with fellow band mate Lindsey Buckingham just 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile in England, Keith Richards decided to go to California to make his first solo single “Run Rudolph Run”. He was in a relationship with Anita Pallenberg at that time. It was fate that brought Stevie and Keith together that evening in a recording studio in California. To make it more fun I will add pictures of the characters in a photo album. I felt relieved when Mick finally slammed the studio door behind him. I was alone. I took a sip of coffee and sat down on the little bench before the piano. Just minutes ago I had been screaming at the top of my voice, with tears in my eyes. I felt the anger well up again as I thought back of that song Lindsey had played for us. “Go Your Own Way”. Right from the first line I knew it was about me. When he got to “packin up, shackin up’s all you wanna do” I felt like grabbing his guitar and smashing it in his selfish, arrogant face. But I have to stop thinking about that. I’ve got a job to do. I had to get this song right. This song had to be a weapon big enough to take him down. And I knew it was. I started flexing my fingers. Then I pressed Yakacık escort Record on the little tape recorder situated on top of the shiny black piano. This was the first time I was going to record this song. I started playing the melody, letting it lead me. As soon as I started singing it felt magical. You could be my silver spring…. Blue-green..colors flashin’ I would be your only dream….. Your shinin’ autumn….ocean crashin’…. Don’t say that she’s pretty…. and did you say that she loves you…? Baby I don’t wanna know. So I’ll begin not to love you… Turn around, you’ll see me runnin’ I’ll say I loved you years ago… And tell myself you never loved me….No…… Don’t say that she’s pretty…. And did you say that she loves you…? Baby, I don’t wanna know….Oh no….. And can you tell me…was it worth it….? Baby, I don’t wanna know.. Time cast a spell on you…you won’t forget me… I know I could’ve loved you but you would not let me…. Time cast a spell on you…but you won’t forget me… (I was such a fool) I know I could’ve loved you, but you would not let me.. (Give me one more chance) I’ll follow you down ’til the sound of my voice will haunt you.. (Haunt you) You’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you.. When the last chord died away I could feel the tears welling up, I felt them linger on my cheek and I swept the cool salt moist away Atalar escort bayan with my tongue when it reached the corners of my mouth. This song was special. I got up and shivered. Not just because it was starting to get cold in the studio but also because a creepy sensation had started to tingle up my spine. I grabbed my vest and turned around. I was facing the window to the control room. It was dark behind there and I could only make out my pale reflection in the glass, like a ghost. The sensation someone was watching me from behind there grew even stronger. I am not easily frightened, but it took a lot of courage for me to walk up to the window and look through it. I couldn’t see any figure when I peered through the glass into the dark room. But I did see the door in the back of the studio closing. A strange mix of adrenaline and sheer angst exploded in my body. Without thinking I opened the door to the control room and pursued whoever left it just seconds ago. When I opened the other door I stepped into the bright light of a halogen lamp hanging on the ceiling in the hallway. When my eyes adjusted to the light I was shocked to see two men staring at me. I didn’t recognize them. Or I thought I didn’t at first. But at a closer look I realized that the black haired man was no other than Keith Richards, lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones. The man standing next to him was fatter Escort Kadıköy and shorter and had slick brown hair that hung around his round face like a helmet. When I was taking all off this in, I didn’t hear Keith ask me a question. When he asked me again I could hear slight irritation in his voice. He obviously wasn’t used to this lack of attention when he spoke. “I thought you guys finished recording here at 10?” he asked. When I didn’t answer and continued to study him (he looked quite underweight and shabby to me) he said, “Hello..? You are Stevie Nicks right..?” “I’m asking you a question!” I looked him in the eyes for the first time and was quite surprised, his eyes where in huge contrast to the rest of his looks. He looked like a rockstar alright, but he had the eyes of a puppy dog! “I’m sorry,” I said. “But I have a question for you first. What the hell where you doing spying on me back there?” At this the fat guy chuckled and Keith seemed to relax a bit. “We weren’t spying on you, don’t worry. Me and Bobby wanted to work on something and when we saw that you where recording we didn’t want to disturb you.”“So you where there the whole time?” I asked, feeling a bit caught. “No, we came in somewhere in the middle,” Keith said, smiling at me. “Not bad at all!” Said Bobby. He spoke with a severe accent, making clear he was from Texas. “I’m sorry I was occupying the studio though,” I said. “I should have known no one told Ken I was staying late”. “Don’t worry,” Keith said. He turned to Bobby and started mumbling something in his ear. All of a sudden Bobby grabbed my hand and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Nicks,” and he walked past me and back into the studio. It was just me and Keith in the hallway now.
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