Job Policy Ch. 03
Tem 26, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Well. I had certainly had an interesting few weeks. If not for the huge problem with the credit card machine, my week would have been damn near perfect. I received a call just as I prepared to hand my day over to the bank, and immediately recognized the sexy voice on the other end of the line. It was Jen, the owner of the store. She and her mismatched-husband owned the store, and came around every once and awhile to “make suggestions” and change things around on us. Typically, the day-to-day dealings were taken care of by Jens’s parents, who lived near the store.
With her parents on vacation, Jen had been forced to come in and check the financial balances for the week. I had only seen her on three occasions, but all had been a treat. She was tall, only an inch or two shorter than me, with long legs and a bronze tan that only came from a bottle or a bed. I had always had a thing for curly hair, and her dirty blond waves were just my style.
After several minutes with a bank clerk, I convinced them to fax me the numbers necessary to reconcile the deficit from the weekend. However, being at our smaller store, I was forced to give them a fax number for our main line. I left, explaining to the other clerk where I was headed, and spent a few minutes on the road. Entering the main branch, I gave a mock salute to my coworkers busy behind the counter before heading into the back room and searching for the fax machine, which I had never seen, only had the number from a large contact list posted on the wall. Failing to find it, I considered the possibility that it was in the house, most likely the office that contained our safe and change box.
Rushing through the back door and into the office, I was surprised to see that it was already occupied. Jen hadn’t told me that she was going to be there, just to call her when I got everything done. But there she was, in all of her glory, with a stack of bills and paperwork spread out on the desk. She glanced up, just as surprised to see me as I was to see her.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Uh, fine. I came to pick up the fax the bank sent over.” I had struggled to get that much out. Seating in the leather office chair, her attire left little to the imagination. She had on a denim mini-skirt, open white blouse, and cork high heels. She would have turned heads on any college campus, despite the fact that she was in her late thirties and the mother of two. Standing up on those long toned legs of hers, she began to explain to me that the fax machine didn’t even work, and was abandoned under the desk. Great. I had driven down for nothing. But with the view I was getting, I didn’t complain.
“I think it may still work, but you have to switch over the phone lines and warm it up. There may be something else you have to do, I haven’t used it in a long time.” She bent over to look at the machine, and I stared down the back of her Siirt Escort skirt. I could see the edge of a white thong, and was thankful that I had chosen baggy shorts to wear to work that day. Surely she didn’t know what a view she was giving me, but she took a generous amount of time looking at a fax machine that didn’t work. As she straightened back up, I quickly averted my eyes to hers.
“You know, I decided to hire you over the other applicants for a couple of reasons. You’re outgoing personality, knowledge of the area, and that nice cock of yours.” This last statement took me by complete surprise, and rendered me speechless. Suddenly I remembered the rather tight dress slacks that I had worn to the interview.
She obviously noticed the stunned look on my face. “Don’t think that I haven’t seen you staring at my chest, and watching my ass when I wasn’t looking.” Oh God, here it came. I would be looking for employment come this time tomorrow. “Everything that you’ve been doing is highly inappropriate. But I couldn’t be more turned on.”
Surely I was hearing her wrong. The view that I had enjoyed must have distorted my hearing. But when she turned pushed me back onto another chair in the office, I decided that I maybe my hearing wasn’t so bad after all. She straddled me, sitting down on my lap and taking my head between her hands. She pulled me into a deep kiss, our tongues massaging each other and exploring each others mouth as I placed my hands on her lower back. As we continued our impromptu make out session, I felt my hand easing up her skirt and along her thighs. I pushed her thong to one side, and began stroking her pussy with two fingers. I could feel that it was shaved, and apparently very recently. Slowly, I inserted both fingers into her wet hole, causing her head to drop back with a drawn out moan. Using the break in the kiss to lower my head, I began teasing the flesh exposed above her shirt. Glancing up, I noticed that she was biting her lower lip as I continued finger fucking her.
“Oh God” she moaned, followed by a sharp intake of breath. I removed my fingers from her tight entrance. She stood up, and pulled down the edge of her skirt. Without even saying a word, she used one seductive finger to beckon me to follow her. I rose off of the chair, and felt my erection straining against my boxers and shorts. I followed her out of the office, and into the main room of the house. I had never gone past the office, but I immediately knew why we were in this room. On the floor, situated behind a white couch and matching chair, was a white fur rug. Not real fur, of course, but a soft substitute.
Turning to face me, she reached back to finish what I had started with her zipper. While she was busy with that, I turned my attention to the buttons on her blouse. I slowly unbuttoned them, one by one, until the top was fully open. I Sinop Escort peeled it off of her as she let her skirt fall to the floor. My earlier view had been correct. She was wearing a white lace thong, and a matching bra. Not wanting her to be the only one exposed, I hurriedly tugged down my shorts, accidentally lowering my boxers with them. Loose around my ankles, I kicked them to the side along with my flip-flops. Reaching up, I tugged my shirt off and tossed it onto the couch.
In the short time that I had been blinded by my shirt, she had released the clasp on her bra and let it fall, but still covered her chest with her arm. I noticed that unlike me, she still had on her shoes. But I didn’t intend for her to take them off, that would only add to the sensuality of the situation. Bending down, I moved her hands to the side and cupped her left breast while I took the right nipple into my mouth. I used my other free hand to lower her panties from the front, my palm slowly dragging across her mound.
Now that both of us were completely naked, it was time for the fun to begin. She dropped to her knees on the rug, running her hands down my chest and stomach as she did. Then, grasping my shaft in one hand, she slowly began tracing circles around the tip of my cock with her tongue.
“Uhhh, fuck. That feels so good.” I threw my head back and moaned, then ran my hand through her curly hair before placing it on the back of her head to guide her mouth. Taking my hint, she slowly began taking my dick in her mouth inch by inch, sliding it back out before taking in the next bit of length. She used her tongue to tease the ridge on the bottom of my dick as she slowly bobbed up and down, alternating between a quick and slow pace. I felt an orgasm rising in my balls, and began using my hand to pull her towards me, fucking her mouth. Her lips tightened around my shaft, eliciting further moans as I quickly reached my climax. Suddenly, and without warning, I blew my load deep into her mouth on one of her down strokes. She used one hand to jerk me off, making sure that she got every last drop of cum.
Now it was my turn. I dropped down to eye level with her, and turned her so that she was facing away from me. I slowly lowered her down onto the plush fur, then bent her legs back. Leaning forward, I used my tongue to enter her from behind. Flicking my tongue in and out, I lapped at the juices that were escaping her. She began rhythmically circular grind against the soft rug, tenderly massaging the top of her pussy as I invaded the bottom with my tongue. She gripped the rug tightly in each hand, obviously ready for me to finish what I had started. Taking the hint, I lifted her bottom off of the rug and dove in with more vigor, sucking her puffy lips into my mouth before continuing the tongue fucking that had brought her to the point of no return. Screaming into Şırnak Escort the rug, which was covering her mouth, her legs straightened out as she erupted.
Sitting up, I watched her stretch out and rub against the fur that had become our nest. It was funny to think that in a matter of minutes, I had turned what I viewed as a hard-assed business owner into a plaything that was feeling the rug as if she was a young child. But this was no child before me, just a woman. One that needed satisfying. My erection had returned once again, a full solid 8 inches with average girth. Rolling over, she opened her eyes and bent her legs once again, planting both corked heels on the floor. I noticed a wet covering the fur where I had just pleasured her.
“Are you ready for this pussy, baby?” she asked, stroking her folds with one hand while she leaned back on her elbow. It was strange hearing my boss talk to dirty, especially to a lowly employee like me. But I had learned that everyone had a side not usually seen to the public.
“As ready as I’ll every be.”
“Then get that hard dick in me and make me scream your name.”
That was all the encouragement that I needed, and I leaned forward with a hand on each side of her holding my body up. As I lowered my groin towards hers, she used the hand that had been absentmindedly feeling her vagina to guide me towards her hole. I buried myself to the hilt with one quick motion.
“Uh, fuck. Take me, you stud.” Her legs straightened out as I filled her, then wrapped around my waist. She dug her heels into me, using them to pull me deeper into her as I thrusted. The high leg position allowed me for deeper penetration, and I could feel the tip of my cock making contact with her cervix. I began changing my thrusts, raising my hips up to thrust down while lowering them to cause extra friction on the bottom of her walls when I pulled out.
I watched her face, her eyes closed, changing into one of pleasure. She began panting, her mouth wide open, as she reached her second orgasm of the encounter. Digging her nails into my shoulders and back, she began pulling me into her with an increased desire. I began pausing slightly before burying back inside of her, anxious to release my load once again.
“Cum for me baby. That’s it. UHHHHHHHHH!” Her shouts of encouragement drove me to the edge, and with one final down stroke I felt my cum splash inside of her walls as her hips bucked off of the floor. I collapsed beside her, my cock coming out of her tight hole with a squelching noise before it collapsed as well. Looking down, I could see several drops of my seed leaking out of her as she ran one finger up my body and across my chest as I let my head relax and stared at the ceiling.
After holding on to each other for several minutes, we slowly got dressed and reentered the store so that nobody would get suspicious. They all knew why I had originally driven up, and would suspect that we were busy with the fax. I noticed two things in the few weeks that I remained working at the store. Jen came around much more often, and I was suddenly making much more an hour than I had before.
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