Julia Takes Over Ch. 01
Tem 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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My wife Julia and I have always had a consistent sex life during our 20+ years of marriage. We have never done much more than tradition sex in various positions as well as oral sex both giving and receiving. I don’t think either of us was looking for anything new, let alone what happened to us beginning a couple of years ago.
What began as a normal mid week sex session changed us forever. We were in the 69 position and going at it in our usual frantic pace. We both love that activity. My wife had already cum a couple of times and I was well on my way. I could not hold back any longer and came with a fury in my wife’s mouth as she came for a third time. As my cock shrunk in her mouth, my wife swung her leg over my head, released my cock from her mouth and began kissing her way up my body. She does this from time to time, so I did not think much of it. As she got close to my face I reached for her soaking pussy and slide two fingers inside of her. About that time she reached my lips and began to kiss me. As the kiss heated up, she began french kissing me using her tongue a bit more than usual. When we french kissed, it was normally me shoving my tongue in her mouth. Well, as we kissed, I notice the kiss was much wetter. It was then that I realized that she had not swallowed my cum load like she normally did but was instead feeding my own cum in this kiss. As she emptied my cum into my mouth via her french kiss, she came all over my two fingers in her pussy. Once I realized what was happening, I noticed that my cock was hard as a rock. I was obviously enjoying what my wife had done. I was confused as to why it excited me so much, but I could not keep a pleasurable moan from escaping out of my cum filled mouth as my wife stroked me while she was administering her cum loaded french kiss. Then my wife said
“Make sure you swallowed it all.”
I willingly swallowed my own cum. Once she calmed down from her orgasm, she rested her head on my shoulder and lazily continued stroking my cock. I laid there considering what had just happened. All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind. Why did she do this act? Why did I like it Kahramankazan Escort Bayan so much? What did liking it so much mean? Where do we go from here? After a few minutes, she broke the silence and asked me
“Did you like what just happened?”
Wanting to make sure I knew what happened, I told her
“I’m not exactly sure what happened.”
She smiled, looked me in the eye and told me
“I just snowballed you.”
“Snowballed me?”
She giggled and said, “Yes snowballed. You know, I fed you your own cum.”
I remained silent as she told me she had always wanted to do that and when she did, she came as hard as she had ever cum. Then she said that I must have liked it because as she described what she had done to me, my cock harden even more than it was already was and I moaned allot! I admitted to her that I knew what had happened but I wanted to know her take on it. I admitted to liking it and also that I was full of questions as to what it all meant. She just smiled and said we should just enjoy the moment and let our passions take their course. I agreed and held her close to me.
At that point she climbed on top of me and guided my hard cock into her pussy as we both moaned in unison. As she began to ride me she did something she virtually never does. She started talking to me as she rode my cock. And what she was saying was not anything like what we had talked about in the past. She asked me
“Do you like cumming in her mouth?”
“Did the “boy” like it when I pushed my cum into your mouth?”
“Did the ‘boy” like the taste of his cum?”
“Did the “boy” like swallowing his cum?”
I was just on fire. She was in command and I loved it. She had me at a fevers pitch as she rode me and talked to me about how this “boy” felt about eating his own cum. Finally she came really close to my ear and whispered
“If you are a good “boy”, I will let you lick your cum out of my pussy once you cum inside me.”
That was all it took. I exploded into her and she went off right behind me. What an amazing orgasm. I Kahramankazan Escort was wiped out and so was Julia. Once she slide off of me, she looked at me and told me
“Get down there and clean my pussy up.”
Wow. Where did this attitude come from? Then she grabbed my head and pushed it towards her spread legs. She was in control and she was going to make me do what she wanted done. One thing that we both loved was Julia keeping per pussy shaved. So I slid down her body with her hands on my head and opened her lips with my tongue and began to lap up my cum mixed with her orgasm. She started moaning and said
“You are such a cum slut. I love you eating your cum out of her mouth and now out of my pussy. Do you like the taste of your cum? Do you like licking my cum filled pussy?
I just moaned in approval as I continue to lick her pussy clean. She grabbed my head and pulled it tight against her pussy screaming at me to eat my cum and then she exploded again. I rode her pussy as best as I could trying to get all the cum I could. I could not believe what I was doing but I could not stop licking up my cum load from her pussy. She finally pushed me away and we both laid there recovering. I eventual crawl up next to her. She cuddled with me and asked me if I was satisfied. I nodded and said very satisfied. She smiled a wry smile and said she was also and that we had a lot to talk about in the morning.
She fell asleep almost right away, but I could not. All I could do was think about all that had just happened. My passive, mild mannered wife had just took charge of our love making and put me through her paces. She knew what she wanted and I did what she told me to do. And I loved it. And it scared me. How could I like swallowing my own cum? How could I like licking her well fucked pussy? How could I like being “snowballed”? How could I willingly do all that for my wife? And why did I like it so much? And what did this mean to me as a man? Was I really the totally heterosexual man I thought I was if I liked being made to do things that a heterosexual man would never be Escort Kahramankazan caught doing? What did my wife have in mind? What did she want to talk about in the morning?
As I thought all this out, I noticed that I was hard again. What was going on? Every time I think about being made to eat my cum I get excited beyond belief. As I caressed my hard cock, I knew I would cum again if I did not stop. So I got up and went to the bathroom. As I stood in from of the toilet holding my cock and trying to piss through my hard on, I could not help but stroke my cock as I re-thought the events of last night. The more I thought about being snowballed the hotter and harder I got. I was then shaken out of my thoughts as I heard my wife say from the doorway of the bathroom
“I can’t believe you have not had enough cum already.”
I stopped what I was doing and looked at the door. She was standing there naked with one hand buried in her shaved pussy and the other caressing her breast. I didn’t know what to say. I was caught literally red handed. She said
“Well, keep doing what you were doing. And turn towards me so I can watch you cum.”
I began stroking my cock all the while thinking what a slut I was. I could not stop thinking about being made to eat and swallow my own cum and my wife could not get enough of making me do it. I kept stroking until I was beyond the point of no return. When she saw I was close to cumming, she told me to hold out my hand and cum in it. I held my hand out and as I came, I caught my cum in my hand. Here I was standing naked in front of my wife with my cock in my hand and a hand full of my own cum. She looked at me and just said
“Do it!”
I knew exactly what she meant and I raised my cum filled hand to my mouth. My wife lost it at that point and bent over in the throws of a strong orgasm. When she recovered, she told me to finish cleaning up and come back to bed. When I did not move, she raised her voice just a bit to let me know she was in charge and told me to finish licking up my cum in front of her and then come to bed. I realize now that was a moment of truth as I did a somewhat humiliating act in front of her because she told me to do it. That would not be the last time that would happen. It was almost like a weight being taken off of me. I had submitted to her commanding desires and I loved it. I fell asleep quickly thinking about what she wanted to talk about in the morning.
Much more to come…
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