Spanked until Slim!

Ara 25, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Pulling her smock top down over her ever-expanding hips and tummy, Lucy sighed. The three months she had just spent working in America had added to her already substantial bulk.

She took a last glance in the mirror before heading off to meet her friends for lunch, feeling self-conscious about her weight. Cancelling wasn’t an option: it had been four months since she had seen the girls and she was desperate for a catch up over a bottle or two of wine.

Looking round the restaurant, it appeared she was the first to arrive. Someone was frantically waving at her, but it wasn’t someone she recognised. People often thought they knew her when they didn’t. As her mums often said, she just had one of those faces.

“Lucy, it’s me — Francis.”

Lucy did a double take. Oh my god — it was Francis! Size 18 Francis! Except she was now slim Francis! Lucy looked open mouthed at her as her friend approached and embraced her.

“We are first here, the train the others are on is delayed. But I don’t mind as I get you all to myself for a bit,” said Francis.

“Oh my god, what has happened to your body?”

Francis giggled, “I know. Look, shirt tucked INTO jeans! I haven’t been able to do that for years.”

“Seriously– how did you do it? Atkins? Keto?”

“Nope — I’ve been going to a Slimming Club.”

“But you always said clubs were for people stupid enough to pay good money to stand on a set of scales and be told they are fat!”

“Well, this one worked for me! I’ve lost about 35lbs…”

“What club is it? Can I come?”

“Well, it is by invite only. I could nominate you as we can nominate one person for every 30lbs we lose. But I am not sure if you would like it. It’s not like the other slimming clubs.”

“If it gives results like you’ve got — I’ll like it!”

Francis giggled again and got her phone out. After a bit of tapping she forwarded an invite to Lucy. “You are in luck — there is an induction on Wednesday night. You can pop along with no commitment and they will tell you a bit about it. Go with an open mind Lucy.”

Lucy wanted to ask more, but she was interrupted by the others arriving. An afternoon full of chatter and laughter and wine ensued. Lucy enjoyed her usual rich cheesy nacho’s; creamy pasta carbonara topped with parmesan; garlic bread; Sticky Toffee Pudding with thick Chantilly cream and finally, some chocolate truffles with her full fat latte. Surreptitiously she kept an eye on Francis, noting that she stuck to a simple soup and then salad with peppermint tea. Whatever had given her that discipline — she wanted some of it!

Wednesday came around quickly and at 6pm, Lucy sat in a small hotel conference room in the city with about 8 other overweight women.

Five minutes of awkward silence later, the door opened, and three women walked in. One was tall and slim without being skinny. The others were smaller and a little overweight but not obese.

The skinny lady introduced herself as Mrs McHarg. It felt a little formal to Lucy who hadn’t called anyone by Mr or Mrs since she was at school. Bella and Lauren were the two women with her, introduced as clients of the club who helped now that there was so much demand.

A gasp went around the room as a photograph was projected onto the screen of all three women when they started their weight loss journey. The difference was incredible. Not only did they look so much slimmer, but younger and more attractive.

Lucy made up her mind there and then. Whatever it took, she was joining this club and she was going to succeed.

Mrs McHarg looked at each of her potential new clients. “This club isn’t for everyone,” she began. “It is tough going and I don’t apologise for that. You have all let yourselves go and it will take a lot of discipline to get you to a healthy weight again. However, if you follow all my instructions to the letter then I can guarantee you that you will looking and feeling so much better very quickly.”

A bullet point list entitled ‘Rules’ replaced the picture of the three women.

“Firstly — you will be given a diet plan based on how much weight you have to lose. It must be followed to the letter. No substitutions, no adding a bit here and bit there thinking you can walk it off. It must be followed görükle escort completely. If you have a food intolerance, then this isn’t for you — you’d be better finding another club.”

One of the girls put their hand up. “Umm I am lactose intolerant — can’t you do something for people like me?”

“Sorry, no — I suggest you go and find another group who can accommodate you”

The girl sighed dramatically and got up, muttering something about discrimination, and flounced out the door.

Mrs McHarg ignored the dramatic exit and continued, “Next rule — you come here every week, or you are out! No excuses at all accepted. I don’t care how sick you are, if you have broken bones, if you have work pressures. All I care about is that your bottom gets smaller. If you miss a single class, then you are out of the programme and won’t be able to re-join. The only exception is holidays — you can take two weeks off for holidays, but I will need to see the travel tickets in advance.”

There was a pause while the Slimming Leader perused the room, “if that puts any of you off, you might want to leave now!”

No-one moved.

“OK — onto the next rule — the rewards and the punishments. Each week I will decide on a top Slimmer of the week and the winner will be given vouchers for High Street stores to buy new clothes for your ever-decreasing figures.”

She paused, “I also need to explain how we get such good results. I’m going to be very direct about this – we use corporal punishment.”

Lucy stared in shock; Francis hadn’t mentioned this.

“Let me continue, you can then decide if you want to continue with this class or leave. No-one will be forced to stay if they don’t want to.

If you decide to stay, then you will be split into three teams, led by either me or one of my assistants. Each team will queue outside these breakout rooms and come in one at a time to be weighed. A target weight will be allocated, and you will be given your meal plan. You will then receive a thorough spanking to punish you for putting on so much weight. You will be set a target for the coming week and the consequences of not reaching it will be clearly spelt out to you.”

“I have never been spanked in my life and I am not starting now!” exclaimed the girl next to Lucy. “I’ve never heard of anything more ridiculous.”

Mrs McHarg got up and walked to the door and opened it, “that’s fine — good luck with your weight loss and I wish you all the very best.”

The girl hesitated for a minute, then finally got up and stormed out.

“Anyone else?”

Another girl near the door got up and quietly sloped past.

Lucy had also never been spanked in her life, but she recalled Francis fabulous figure and steeled herself. Whatever it took’ she reminded herself.

The slimming leader quickly split them into teams and told them to queue outside their relevant doors. Lucy found herself at the front of her queue and felt a plunging in her stomach, it was as if she was outside the Head’s office again waiting to be told off for smoking behind the sheds.

She only had to wait a minute or two before being ushered into the room which featured a large scale right in the middle and a desk in the corner. Mrs McHarg took the form she had filled in earlier and quickly scanned it.

“OK Lucy — let’s get you weighted in. Can you stand on the scale?”

Lucy stepped onto the scale and watched in horror as the numbers climbed.

Finally, it settled at 15 stones and 4lbs.

“Oh God!” gasped Lucy, “I can’t believe I am over 15 stones.”

“Don’t worry,” said Mrs McHarg, with an unexpected softness in her voice. “You have taken the hardest step by coming here. If you stick to the plan, that is the last time you will ever see that number. Each week you will see it get smaller and smaller”.

She pressed a button on the scale which froze the neon weight that showed at eye level on the scale and down at ground level.

“OK, let’s get your initiation spanking underway,” continued Mrs McHarg, rather more briskly. She pulled a chair over next to the weighing machine and sat down beside it. Lucy was then beckoned over to her side. Lucy’s legs felt weak. Surely it would be ok. ‘It was just a bursa görükle escort little spanking’ she thought as she walked slowly over to her leaders’ side.

Mrs McHarg took her arm and pulled her across her lap. Lucy stumbled and fell heavily, finding herself staring at the base of the scale with that horrendous large number on it with her bottom stuck unceremoniously up in the air. She lay for a minute feeling something odd in the pit of her tummy.

Her skirt was pulled up and she closed her eyes, she could do this. But when she felt her full white knickers being pulled down, she gasped and tried to twist round.

“Does it have to be on my bare bottom?” she protested.

“Yes — it means I don’t have to use as much force. And you can see I have another three girls after you to deal with, so I don’t want to tire myself out before I get to the last one. It means I can also see just how red your bottom is getting so I can judge when you have had enough punishment. Now do you want to go ahead with the programme, or would you like to leave?”

Lucy twisted back round to stare again at the huge weight in neon letters just a few inches from her nose. It was embarrassing to have her bare bottom on display, but she just kept thinking of wearing stunning dresses at Christmas and how people would exclaim when they saw her new figure.

“OK” said Miss McHarg, “I want you to reflect for a full minute in silence, thinking about how you got to this podgy state, how you allowed your body to become so plump and unhealthy. Look at the number and think carefully.”

Lucy stared mournfully at the scale and started to think about the sweet sugary foods she loved and often binged on. She thought of the wine she consumed almost every night. Of the takeaways she enjoyed when she could not be bothered cooking. Of nights in front of the television rather than at the gym. She started to feel quite ashamed.

A minute was a very long time. Lucy became very more aware of her bare bottom, it was as if it was getting bigger and bigger, taking over the entire room. She wiggled slightly her soft tummy pressing into firm thighs.

“Your bottom is a great shape,” said Mrs McHarg, interrupting her thoughts. “Full and round. Far too fat of course, but we can deal with that.”

Lucy blushed at the thought of another woman inspecting her behind. She was keen for the spanking to start now. Just to get it over with.

“OK,” continued Mrs McHarg. “This is going to hurt Lucy, but I want you to keep thinking of how naughty you have been with your food and exercise regime and think forwards to next week when you will come back with a great weight loss, and this bottom,” she paused for a moment to pat Lucy’s bottom, “just that little bit smaller.”

With that she started to spank. It wasn’t too bad at first. Indeed, it was the noise of the impact of hard hand on her soft bottom that surprised Lucy the most. The smack reverberated around the room. The initial humiliation of being a grown woman lying across another grown woman’s lap with her bare behind on show started to fade as her bottom started to warm up.

It wasn’t long before the cumulative effects of the spanks started to make their mark. Lucy squirmed slightly as her bottom began to sting. Suddenly the spanking stopped, and Lucy felt relieved. Her bottom was a bit sore but not unbearably so. It wasn’t so bad. She wondered if she should get up or wait for permission.

“Can you move yourself just an inch or two forward,” asked Mrs McHarg. I’d like to focus on the lower part of your bottom, so you really feel it when you sit down.”

Lucy hesitated.

“Quickly now,” said Mrs McHarg, “you are doing really well, I can see you are very determined.”

Lucy shifted a couple of inches forward, feeling her bottom tilt further up, her lower cheeks much more prominent.

“I am going to give you some harder smacks now. Next week I want you to remember how sore your bottom is when you are tempted with the wrong choices. Can you do that?”

“…uh… yes” replied Lucy.

“Good girl.”

SLAP. Lucy rocked forward and automatically moved her hand back to cover her bottom. Then slowly, she moved her hand back to the front, letting it fall bursa eskort to the side of the scales. She looked again at the number, determined that it would be a much smaller number by next week. She steeled herself for the next smack.

A few seconds later it came. Lucy gripped the edges of the scales to stop her hands moving back again to protect her tender bottom, how could a smack hurt that much?

After each slap, there was a few seconds pause before the next slap landed. Lucy’s bottom was no longer just warm, it was stinging like crazy. Frantically she clenched and unclenched her bottom, wiggling it from side to side between smacks to try and alleviate the pain.

Lucy counted the smacks in her head. Six — surely there would not be more than six. She had heard of six of the best before, that seemed standard. Surely it would not be more.

But it was not to be. Another hard smack landed. How many more? Lucy wasn’t sure she could take many more. If only she knew how many were to come, not knowing was awful.

Finally, after about 12 smacks, it was over. Mrs McHarg gave her bottom a little rub,.

“Just sit for a minute and think about the pain in your bottom” she said, “and think of it as a lesson well learned in having some discipline over your health.”

After the minute passed, Mrs McHarg spoke, “Have you learned your lesson Lucy?”

“Yes” gasped Lucy trying to keep her burning bottom still.

“OK. Get up then, and just come over to the desk,” said Mrs McHarg as she pulled her pants back up over her new recruits very hot bottom.

Lucy followed, slightly dazed towards the desk. She stood before it as Mrs McHarg handed her a menu plan.

“Your target is to lose 5lbs this week.”

“FIVE pounds?”

“Yes, if you follow this plan then you can do it. If you manage it, I will be very pleased and will simply administer another spanking like the one you just had to keep you motivated. However, if you don’t lose, or worse if you actually gain then…..”

Lucy watched as her leader pulled a large slipper and a leather paddle from a drawer in the desk and listened as she continued.

“If you lose less than 5lbs, then you will get 5 smacks with the slipper. If you gain weight, and I hope you don’t, then you will get the five smacks with this slipper and a further six from this paddle”

Lucy gulped, she did not want to experience further punishment with the slipper or the paddle.

“I’d like you to bend over the desk Lucy. I’d like to administer one stroke with the slipper and one stroke with the paddle — just to give you an idea of what you will experience if you don’t follow the plan.”

Lucy, resigned to her fate, bent obediently over the desk. Mrs McHarg moved behind her and lifted her skirt, pulling her pants down again to reveal her still glowing behind.

“Slipper first,” said Mrs McHarg as raised the slipper and whacked it hard against Lucy’s soft bottom.

Lucy gasped, and started to stand up before reluctantly lowering herself back across the desk.

“I know, I know,” said Mrs McHarg, “I know it hurts, but you have done so well, this is your last smack – with the paddle”

Lucy waited, willing the smack to be over quickly.

“Stick your bottom out a bit please” said Mrs McHarg

Lucy thrust her bottom out as far as she could, just keen to get this over with.

“Perfect target said Mrs McHarg as Lucy felt the leather paddle flatten her bottom. Mrs McHarg held it there and Lucy couldn’t help revelling in the coolness of the leather pressed into her burning bare behind.

The relief was short lived. The paddle was pulled back, then there was a ‘whoosh’ sound beforeshe felt the paddle ricochet off her bottom.

“Ow.. Ow,” she wiggled her behind from side to side. “Ouch, that really hurt.”

After a bit more wiggling, Mrs McHarg pulled her pants up and put her skirt back into place.

“Up you get,” she said. “We will see you next week and hopefully I will be spanking a slightly smaller bottom then.”

Lucy started to walk stiffly towards the door.

“What do you say?”

Lucy turned, “What?”

“Manners Lucy — what do you say?”

“Umm — thankyou — thankyou for smacking my bottom.”

“You’re welcome, behave yourself and I will see you next week.”

Lucy left and her first stop was the supermarket to pick up the healthy shopping for the coming week, and some cold cream to apply to her stinging bottom as soon as she got home.

Her first lesson in managing her weight had been well and truly learned!

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