The Adventures of Mar and Kate – Part 1 – Membership Test
May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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I messaged Kate that I was finally getting a membership at Three Lavender Rings. TLR is a very exclusive sex club for LGBTs. Kate and I are bi, so we fit the “B” category. We also share the same kinky tastes – bondage, exhibitionism, sex machines and more. We’d planned to go as a team and see how much ravishment we could collect. But first, we needed membership. The club had no website, no phone directory listing, and no advertising except word-of-mouth. You could not pay at the door. You had to be recommended by another member and go through a complicated acceptance procedure. It was also VERY expensive. However, my lesbo friend Kira “Wildgirl” convinced me that membership was worth the money. (See Kira Wildgirl’s stories “Perfect Club, No.1” and “Perfect Club, No.2” here on Lush, which inspired this story.) Since members could bring guests, only one of us needed to get a membership. I lived closer and had more money, so I was elected to be the member so Kate could be my guest. The membership application had medical forms that required a doctor’s signature. I’m healthy and disease free, but I had another examination and a signed letter attesting to that. Then I discovered the club now had an in-person test as well. I was given a time and a place. Fortunately, it was after work hours. On the appointed day, I drove over after work. It was a warehouse district. My instructions were to do enter a side door marked “office.” Parked outside the building, I changed from my work outfit (slacks and shirt, with panties and bra) into a nice slutty hot pants, short jacket, and platform heels without any underwear. kolej escort bayan Stripping and changing in the parking lot beside the club was a bonus thrill. I strode up to the door and knocked. A woman in black slacks and white shirt let me in, checked me off her list, and escorted me a classroom with almost a dozen other men and women sitting and waiting in chairs. Most were in a club outfit like me. My eyes lingered on a tall black woman all in white spandex. A couple more people were escorted in, then the staff woman went to the head of the room. “Hello everyone, thanks for your interest in Three Lavender Rings,” she announced. “This is a club ONLY for gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women.” She paused and spoke very clearly. “We take this seriously. No straights are welcome.” We all looked around at each other. “In the past we’ve had trouble with this,” she continued. “Therefore, we now have a test you must pass. If you don’t want to take the test, just leave. That will cancel your application. If you stay and take the test, but fail to pass, we also cancel your application. “The test is fairly simple. Each of you will be escorted to the part of the club for your sex – women to lesbian side, men to gay side. This is because purely straight people are revealed by their lack of interest in the same sex. We have nothing against such people, but this club is not for them. “You’ll be wearing special ‘applicant’ items,” she smiled. “Inside you’ll find members and staffers who want to sexually interact with you. Your responses to them will be graded by your escort. You don’t have Escort sihhiye to agree to everything, or even anything. Declining some things does not necessarily hurt your grade. Everyone has different tastes. After an hour or two of observing your actions and reactions, your escort will bring you back here and explain your final grade. ” The woman smiled. “There are a couple little gotchas here. First, aside from the ‘applicant’ items, you won’t wear anything else. That’s right, totally naked.” The staffer grinned. “The first applicant item is a neon glow-in-the-dark lavender necklace. The second is a hood that covers your eyes and head, while leaving your nose and mouth free. We do this to insure the privacy of our existing members, and to heighten your reactions.” She grinned again. There were small gasps from a few men and women, but not me. I felt my pussy heating up inside my hotpants. I would enjoy taking the test. The black woman in spandex raised her hand, “Does this mean we’re expected to have sex?” The staffer nodded. “Of course. We’re a sex club. You were expecting something else?” Everyone laughed. “Seriously,” she continued, “we’ve found that straights just aren’t comfortable having sex with someone of the same sex. It shows in a million large and small ways. After an hour or two, it’s pretty obvious who is comfortable and who is freaking out. “Now, at any time during the test you can always quit and leave. Just ask to leave and you’ll be escorted out. No harm, no foul. Some people discover they’re not comfortable being naked and having sex with unseen strangers. “Now that sincan escort you know about the test, does anyone want to leave?” The staffer looked slowly around the room. A couple of men and one woman got up and left. “Wow. This group has an unusually high percentage willing to take the test. I’ll be back in a minute with your escorts. In the meantime, please undress and put your clothes on your chair.” She smiled and left through a side door. I immediately got busy pulling off my skimpy outfit, draping it over the back of the chair, and then pushed my shoes under my chair. I sat back down with both feet on the carpeted floor and legs spread, deliberately showing my pussy. I wear a thin, short-cut “landing strip” that becomes an arrowhead pointing to my clit. I looked over at the black woman who was slowly peeling herself out of the white spandex. Her boobs were bigger than I expected, and her pussy was full of nice, black, curly fur. I couldn’t help licking my lips. She looked over at me, smiled, and spread her legs as well. Her pink pussy gleamed at me. The staffer returned with a group of men and women in skimpy underwear. Each had a clipboard, a small bag, and an armband with three lavender rings. My escort was a short, thin blonde wearing see-thru bra and equally see-thru thong panties. She was clean shaven – no pussy hair. “Hi, I’m Ashley,” she chirped. “You ready for your test?” I put my fingers onto my wet pussy and sniffed them. “Oh yes, more than ready; by the way, I love your outfit. Can I touch?” Ashley giggled, “Not here, but inside the club, who knows? It might be me.” She opened the bag and said, “Here, let me put these on you.” The glow-in-the-dark lavender necklace cinched up tight around my neck, like a collar. Then she maneuvered the hood down over my head, pulling my hair back so it all hung out the back.
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