The Brainwash Lab is Too Effective

Categories: Genel.

Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Tyler couldn’t remember who he used to be, what his true given name had been before entering the lab. All he could remember was what he had been taught, what had been programmed into his brain.

He knew he was meant to satisfy those in power, the higher-ups that frequently visited the facility, and honestly, he was eager to do it. Perhaps it was a result of the insatiable sexual appetite the brainwashing process has instilled in his mind, or perhaps it was the fact that he might have been a sexual creature before being kidnapped. It didn’t really matter to him.

What did matter was the fact that the higher-ups didn’t come as frequently as his high libido wished they would, and so Tyler had to find a loophole to enjoy some wild, gay sex more and more often.

His methods had come to the attention of the researchers and scientists who had developed the brainwashing technique used on every single subject, and it was a cause of great concern.

“At first it didn’t alarm us that he was trying to establish sexual encounters with other subjects. It was strange since their desires usually remain dormant until a higher-up arrives, but nothing to be truly concerned about. However, when he actually managed to manipulate the other men into thinking they needed to satisfy his sexual urges, that was when things made a turn for the worse,” the scientist in charge of investigating this occurrence explained to a review board, who would decide what to do with Tyler next. “He is a good specimen: has the potential to pleasure multiple men a day and his stamina is impressive. Losing him would be a waste.”

“So what do you propose? We can’t have one of our subjects out-cunning the system,” one of the supervisors replied, clearly not pleased by the turn of events. These kinds of errors weren’t supposed to happen, not in this facility.

“Andrew’s right. What if next he begins thinking he should hurt the higher-ups to get more for himself?” William, another of the men in suits and labcoats added.

“Your concerns are valid, but it’s important to note Tyler hasn’t displayed any aggressive behaviors. We believe he can be reprogrammed, and the results analyzed to avoid this kind of accident from happening again,” the young scientist replied. He had introduced himself to the board as Luke, but he doubted any of the men in front of him remembered any longer.

There was some debate, but in the end, they agreed it was worth a shot as long as Tyler was monitored daily for at least the following six months, and all his access to higher-ups was forbidden unless great security measures were introduced.

Luke was pleased by these results. After all, not only was Tyler a good specimen, but this situation granted a unique opportunity to reevaluate the brainwashing process.

And so Tyler was taken back to the room all of the other victims only visited once, right after being placed in the facility for the first time. Naked and confused, he was strapped to a large gurney, several monitors surrounding his body, as well as odd-looking machines.

“Hello, Tyler, how are you feeling today?” Luke asked, approaching the handsome young man. Tyler was truly a looker, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. His hair was brown and short, his eyes a bright shade of blue. Most subjects had empty stares most of the time, communicating Beylikdüzü Escort among themselves only when necessary, but not Tyler. Tyler’s gaze looked sharp, filled with a lustful sort of determination.

“Horny as hell. I’d like to fuck someone right now… maybe you?” he suggested cheekily, and Luke promptly scribbled something on Tyler’s file.

“It’s good that you’re excited to have sex with other men, but you need to understand you’re here to please the higher-ups, not yourself,” Luke explained calmly, attaching small sensor patches over Tyler’s chest, inner legs and arms.

Of course Tyler’s cock was stiff as a board already. That was a good sign, as he had been brainwashed to get easily aroused, but paired up with everything else going on, it had to be evaluated in a different light.

“I just want to fuck, I don’t care who it is on the receiving end,” Tyler replied casually, just as Luke grabbed the bound man’s erection, making him groan loudly. “Yeah, jerk me off, fuck, that feels good!”

“I’m not going to do that,” Luke replied calmly, instead inserting the entire penis, up to Tyler’s lap, into a long tube, which would massage and stimulate the phallus during the brainwashing process, as well as collect important data. “Remember this isn’t about your pleasure. It’s never about your pleasure. You’re only here to please others. The higher ups.”

Activating a series of blinking lights and putting on black glasses specially designed to block the intense signals being bombarded at Tyler, Luke continued to calmly, soothingly repeat those words over and over again.

“You are here to bring pleasure to the higher-ups. You must not be selfish, you must not approach other subjects unless you are commanded to. You must only get hard when a higher-up walks up to you, or you are called to pleasure them,” Luke continued to speak, his voice interrupted only by the sucking noises emanating from the large tube entrapping Tyler’s cock entirely.

Tyler moaned rhythmically, trying and failing to thrust his hips up against the machine. He was strapped too tightly to do anything of the sort. That certainly didn’t stop him from trying, at least not during the first stage of the procedure.

“No, don’t thrust your hips up. This isn’t about your pleasure. You can thrust when fucking a higher-up, you can jerk off if ordered to. You can suck and get on your knees, but you must not search for pleasure from other subjects. You are submissive, you’re only here to serve others,” Luke continued to speak, repeating these sentences in certain orders, making notes on Tyler’s files, noting the reactions to every different combination.

A harder stimulation seemed to be more effective than a gentle one, he realized after a while, but it was important to avoid giving Tyler what he wanted. That meant, no orgasms until the process was over. Fortunately, the machine was calibrated to analyze the subject’s vital signals as well as the way and frequency of his cock’s twitches and throbbing motions, in order to avoid anyone lying on the gurney from cumming without authorization.

Whenever Tyler got too close to cumming, the machine slowed down and proceeded with a gentler massage to keep arousal levels high while keeping an orgasm safely out of reach.

“No! Let me cum, fuck! Let me Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan cum!” Tyler demanded angrily the first, second, and even third time this happened.

After an hour stuck there, his cock constantly massaged, the lights continuing to blink in pre-set intervals, Tyler’s demands had turned into pleas, and that was a step in the right direction. Not enough, but certainly a good sign.

“No demands, Tyler. Demands are bad. Manipulation is bad. You’re not here to find pleasure, you’re only here to grant it. You are a living sex toy for the higher-ups,” Luke continued through his list of fundamental reminders, though he adjusted them to fit Tyler’s high libido and cunning ways. This session would be far longer than a usual brain-washing procedure, certainly the longest one he had ever conducted.

Tyler whimpered as the machine slowed down once more, his cock stimulated to the very limit only for the sucking motions to become gentler all at once. His erection and the tube it was stuck inside were both coated in what seemed like an endless supply of precum. The machine allowed Luke to know precisely how much precum Tyler was producing, and this only helped to reassure his belief that this particular subject was worth the extra effort. He was a fine specimen, one that would bring incredible pleasure to those in charge, so why let his potential go to waste just because of a little hiccup?

“What are you here for?” Luke asked as the sucking motions regained their usual rhythm and intensity. “Tell me, who do you need to please?”

“M… me?” he asked slowly, clearly confused, bewildered. He had demanded pleasure before, but now the question confused him, not certain if he was entitled to any orgasm any longer, not without being commanded to enjoy one.

“No… try again,” Luke replied calmly, increasing the frequency of the blinking lights to further Tyler’s trance. “Who are you here to please?”

“The higher-ups,” the handsome young man moaned, having stopped attempting to thrust his hips against the machine more than half an hour earlier. They were reaching the second-hour mark, a stunning record in Luke’s mind. Tyler was a magnificently determined young man, but no one was safe from the brainwashing techniques developed in this very lab.

“That’s good. And what about other subjects like you?”

“They aren’t important. Only higher-ups are important. I’ll fuck them if I’m told to, and nothing else. I’ll get hard if I’m ordered to,” Tyler replied between loud moans, his arousal so powerful, his need to cum almost impossible to resist.

“You are a sexual creature, your libido high enough to need sex at every moment but unable to satisfy those needs unless you are commanded to,” Luke reminded him, and his words were answered only by a string of loud, almost desperate sounding moans.

At the beginning of the session, Tyler had been close to smug, demanding sex, demanding pleasure, and thinking himself as important as any of the facility’s higher-ups. That wasn’t the case any longer. The man lying in front of Luke was docile and waited for the scientist to speak to him in order to talk, focusing only on the strong sensations emanating from his dick, aching for an orgasm but no longer begging for one.

“Do you want to cum?” Luke asked softly, Escort Beylikdüzü prompting the machine’s setting to a higher level still, one he had never tried before. It was programmed specially for Tyler’s session, and as soon as it was activated, the young man seemed to tense from head to toes, panting heavily.

“Ahhhhh! Yes, yes, let me cum, let me cum!” he screamed out loud, his docile behavior snapping away. He was quivering all over, trying and failing to thrust his hips up into the air. As Luke suspected, any intense peak in his arousal levels would activate that hidden part of his consciousness all over again.

He needed to continue the brainwashing process in this state, no matter how torturous it might be for Tyler. There was no way the young man would ever reach this level of stimulation and arousal in a common setting.

“No, you don’t get to make that demand. You don’t even get to ask for it, unless you are told to beg,” Luke said patiently, scribbling a few more words onto the file. He was documenting every single reaction, and would later be able to analyze the results from the different machines attached to Tyler’s body.

For the following ten or fifteen minutes, Tyler’s demeanor continued to be far from the desirable submissiveness expected from all subjects in the facility. He tried his best to push himself to orgasm, an impossible feat while connected to this machine. Every single time he was about to reach that boiling point, the sucking motions would simply slow down over and over again. The special lights installed in the room blinked at a speed Luke had never used in any of the procedures he had conducted before.

The young scientist continued to speak, reminding Tyler of his place, of his objective in life, over and over again, with no rush, no anger. Just constant repetition, over and over and over again until his patient stopped screaming for an orgasm.

Slowly, bit by bit, Tyler seemed to grow more docile all over again, even though his body continued to quiver, his every muscle tensed almost perpetually. His dick was releasing a record amount of precum, like nothing Luke had ever witnessed before. It was all being collected for further examination, of course. For now, the hypnosis was far more important than any of that, though, and so Luke focused on Tyler’s reactions instead.

It took almost one extra hour to get back to the desired demeanor. Docile, almost dazzled with pleasure and arousal, but unable or unwilling to beg for an orgasm even if he wanted to.

“What do you want?” Luke asked, certain that the session was close to end, at long last. They had been in that room for over 3 hours, an incredible record Luke never thought one of his patients would reach.

Of course, Tyler wanted to cum, but he didn’t say that. Instead, the handsome, quivering brown-haired man whispered:

“I want to please the higher-ups,”

It was a simple, gentle statement, and that was when Luke finally granted his guinea pig the orgasm he had been aching for ever since the session first began.

“Cum, Tyler, you’ve earned it. Cum and we can get you back to your room. You did good,” Luke praised Tyler as a blissful relief filled his face, filling the tube with cum. The young scientist was certain even a strong-willed subject like Tyler would be unable to reverse the effects of this particular session. He would be willing to bet his entire career on that assertion, in fact. And in a way, he was doing just that. This could be his greatest achievement or his downfall, but the grateful look on Tyler’s face when the pleasure slowly started to fade away gave Luke hope for the former.

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