The Girl from the Gym
Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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I’m a 21 year old male, and work as a cook in a busy restaurant all week aside from Friday’s and Saturday’s. It can be very stressful. I’m usually tired after work and lack any motivation to go to the gym, but I’ve definitely been meaning to start pumping a little iron. I’m a decent looking guy, hung an inch or so over average, and I hook up with girls often enough, but I’d be a lot more confident with some muscle on my bones. A plus side to working out would be the view of all the fit females stretching and sweating and gyrating their sweet young asses… But a downside would be embarrassing myself with my physical lack of strength in front of them all. I decided fuck what people think of me, and that this weekend I would hit the gym…
Now I should mention that I have a foot fetish. A raging foot fetish. Particularly the soles, toes and arches, and I also love a nice grip of ass… breast size doesn’t make a difference to me, although I definitely prefer natural as opposed to fake. Anyway after I checked in and paid my fees, I headed to an area where people were stretching on blue mats. There weren’t a lot of people there, two males lifting weights and working out on some bow flex type deals, a middle aged woman lifting some light dumbbells, an older male doing sit-ups and there was my girl. She sat on the blue mats facing a mirror, with her legs spread in a “v” while she leaned forward stretching her back muscles. She looked of Brazilian descent, but her black eyes contained traces of an Asian background.
Five feet five inches, she had flawless Brazilian tanned skin, black-brown eyes, dark brown hair with a few streaks of dirty blond. Petite little body, size six gym shoes, and her three quarter black spandex pants accentuated the lean muscle of her calves and thighs, which led up to a beautifully curvaceous ass. Her training bra and halter top combination covered her B cup sized twins. She could have been about 19-23 years old.
I stopped gawking with a quick glance around to see if I had been caught, and took a place on the blue mats, a safe distance behind her, but still with a good view. I looked around the gym and noticed a door marked “pool”. Through a window in the pool door I could see the pool itself, empty. There were two changing room doors and a sauna room. When I looked back over to her she got up, walked over and entered the pool area. She’s goin swimmin! I only care because you can’t swim with your shoes on! I mentally make a note to bring my swim suit next gym session, and continue to stretch for about 10 minutes.
About 30 minutes into my pathetic weight lifting display, I was starting to miss my girl, and decided to take a little steam in the sauna to check out the situation. You don’t need a bathing suit for a little steam. I headed over to the pool area door and opened it, but- “hey sir you need to pay a pool fee to enter that area.” said the lady behind the reception desk. I just paid the damn forty dollar monthly fee, and on the first Antalya Escort day they’re already hitting me with hidden fees. I paid the extra fifteen dollars and continued on my quest.
I entered the pool area and saw her walking towards me with wet hair, gym bag and fully clothed in her regular casual attire. We exchanged polite smiles and I held open the door for her as she continued on her way. I did a few laps anyway before I went home. I decided to come back next week on the same day at roughly the same time if not a little earlier.
A week later I was back at the gym. I usually have some problems with motivation but not today for whatever reason. At first there was no sight of this vixen, but I quickly viewed her doing laps in the pool. I did a few stretches and reps for like 20 minutes and I entered the pool area in time to see her slide out of the pool, and this time pad into the sauna room. I quickly changed into my swim shorts, jumped into the pool and did a couple lengths as if I wasn’t here just to ogle this fine specimen of female. I climbed out and entered the sauna. She had her eyes closed and was wearing a modest two piece bathing suit, one leg crossed over the other, so that one sexy little foot was dangling, relaxed. Pedicured toenails. When she noticed me enter the sauna, her doey black eyes opened, and she again smiled politely. I said “hi” to her, smiling back and took a seat on the opposite corner of the sauna. She closed her eyes again.
With her eyes closed I had the chance to view this near naked goddess at my leisure, without the accusing stares of innocent, yet nosy bystanders. Pool water was evaporated and replaced by beads of sweat covering her browned, smooth skin. Her firm, youthful breasts rose up and down with her relaxed breathing, and her hands rested on her thighs. I noticed a slight outline of a small nipple through her top, but my fetish had my eyes drifting unconsciously to her soles. Her foot began to sway a little bit and I couldn’t take my eyes off the ball and arches of her feet. I wanted to do more than stare, and that’s when I became aware of my growing semi hard member. I stole a quick glance down at my own shorts and then at her face to see any signs of suspicion or disgust. There were none, and she was still resting her eyes, so I continued on with my little voyeuristic venture.
I had been staring for about 7 or 8 minutes, and so I now had to sit with my right ankle resting on my left knee in a position to hide my pulsating sausage. I had also been keeping a pretty steady watch of her face for any signs of repulsion, and on about the fourth glance, I saw it. She was looking right at me. Her expression was strange, and I couldn’t tell at first if she was angry. When I saw her eyes quickly scan me over and return to make contact with my own, she had a slight smirk out of the corner of her sweet mouth. I didn’t know how to react.. You’d think that with all the silence between us I would have been prepared Antalya Escort Bayan for this moment, but she was the one to break the awkwardness.
“Foot man?”
she questioned my sheepish looking mug.
“Y-yea” i croaked.
She was so damn hot that even if we hadn’t been in that sauna, I’d still have been sweating like a pig from anxiety.
“You comfortable over there?” She questioned with raised eyebrows and a sideways grin. My awkward posture was still hiding my throbbing skin flute.
Do I sit in a more comfortable position thereby revealing my arousal? Damn I need some relief… Most girls are oblivious to a guy staring at their feet, but…shit. I haven’t had the courage before to bring up my foot fetish, but this girl was quick enough to figu…- she cut my silent contemplation off:
“I know you have a thing for feet… I can just tell, you just have that look about you… especially since you’ve been staring at mine for a while. *giggle* My girlfriend’s got a guy with the same fetish, so I can pretty much know when I see it.”
I just sat in amazement.
“I..I, um”
“It’s alright… lets.. lets see what you can do with feet then. We’re alone in here…, it’s just feet so..”
I needed a minute to realize what was going on… this amazingly beautiful woman is calling out my foot fetish, and asking me what I can do with her feet. My god this is just… unreal.
But it was real.
“Yea, yea for sure!” I finally said, trying not to sound too excited.
“You’d like a massage? I can give a mean foot massage.”
She smiled sweetly at me, and then her eyes said the rest.
I got up and walked over to her, my bathing suit material straining against the force of my solid meat popsicle. Smiling at me with a hint of seduction, I gently took her foot in my hand, and watched her expression change to anticipation. My own anticipation was starting to leak out the tip of my mushroom cap, as I began to rub the balls of her feet in a slow circular motion with my thumb. I stopped myself though, remembering one of the many unspoken rules of society, and introduced myself. She laughed at my abrupt introduction, and I found out her name was Michelle. That pesky detail aside, I continued to engage in my lifelong fantasy.
Michelle let out a small moan when I moved to the central arch area of her foot, motivating me further, if that was possible. After about a minute she suggested that we move into a changing room, since the sauna heat was becoming a little unbearable. I agreed and we moved into the empty male changing room. She sat down on a bench in the back by the showers, and I sat down facing her, straddling the bench. I once again gently felt the smooth skin of her foot in my hands, and continued with my circular motions. As I worked my fingers in between each of her toes, I once again heard a soft gasp escape her lips.
“You’re pretty good at this, eh?” She said. I just smiled and continued. Escort Antalya After about 20 minutes of this with both feet tenderly massaged, she said, “so is this all you can do with feet?”
“Well there are some other methods I could use, but well-“
“Do whatever you want man, my feet are yours for the next – *she looked at her sport watch, grinning* -for the next 45 minutes at least!”
That’s all I needed to hear. I nearly busted a nut right there. I held both of her slender ankles in my hands, and brought the soles of her feet up to my face, deeply inhaling the musty orgasmic scent. Michelle giggled at this a little, and I had a slight moment of hesitation, but cut off the negative thought when she encouraged by adding, “atta boy, this gym always did need a little massage therapy.” I hungrily kissed and licked the insteps and balls of her feet. I dragged my lips across her heels, up to the tips of her toes, kissing and sucking the sweat right out of her pores. Michelle released another slight moan of pleasure. I glanced at her crotch area and noticed a dark spot slowly growing in size. The sauna had dried us off from the pool, so her leaking juices were quite apparent. The animal part of me wanted to just start devouring her youthful cunt right there, but I had her delicious feet to deal with right now and that was nothing to complain about.
After about 10 minutes I had tasted every inch of Michelle’s tiny feet, and I had no intention of stopping. My right hand palmed her smooth, toned calf muscle, while I worked my tongue in between her toes, then back down to the arches. Through the spaces of her toes I saw her hand creeping down towards her puss, since it was clearly in need of some tender loving care. She was hesitant in her decision to take it to the next level, but then I saw her fingers begin to make their own circular motions through the outside of her bathing suit. It was slow at first, but as she got a little more comfortable with it, Michelle’s occasional slight moans turned into all out cries of pleasure. Hesitation and social qualms tossed aside, lust officially took over the situation, as I continued my worship for another 10 minutes. Right as I was sucking the saltiness off her left big toe, I saw the bottom half of her bathing suit bubble out. Goosebumps formed along her whole tanned body, as a sudden eruption of her sweet nectar streamed from the depths of her loins. Her eyes seemed to glaze over as her mouth formed a little “o”; silent at first, but after a second or two letting out a long sigh of complete satisfaction. Her body shuddered for about a minute, while her sopping garment leaked juices all over the bench and dripped down onto the floor. It was a beautiful sight… I had stopped my worshipping to watch, and she now looked up at me, focusing back to reality.
“Well that was amazing.” Michelle finally said after a minute or so of silence. Needless to say, my dick needed some serious attention, but she just told me where and when to meet her for my turn. I was to meet her the next day, but I could barely hold out. We went our separate ways, and I went home and jerked off furiously cumming in about 2 minutes. The next night I was generously rewarded, but that story’s not till next time…
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