The New Job Worries Are No More Ch. 02

Categories: Genel.

Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Gathering their wits about them, recomposing themselves, he kisses her softly as he walks her to the door. Before she opens it, she wraps her arms around him holding him close to her one more time. Her head now filled with thoughts and memories that surely won’t leave her any time soon. The last hour with him has been an hour that she can’t and won’t surely forget, she couldn’t remember ever feeling the freedom of being allowed to be who she really is, or that special warmth and security that a man relays to a lady when she is what he really wants.

Suddenly she could feel all her pent up emotions coming forth as she held back the tears, yet as he looked deep into her eyes she thought he could sense it, something about the look in his eyes changed not in a bad sort of change, but a change to someone who really cares. As she tried to release her arms from around him his hold got stronger, gently pulling her back to him.

“Don’t…” he whispers.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t let…” then suddenly before he could finish his thought, his cell phone rang.

“Oh damn it what now??” he asks as his tone in his voice changed from soft and sexy to harsh and disgusted.

“Maybe you should answer that. It might be important.”

“Oh trust me it’s not. Not at this time of the day”

“Well go ahead and answer it and if you want I will still meet you for lunch.”

“Alright but please stay here this will only take a minute.” Releasing his arms from around her, he goes into the pocket of his jacket and retrieves his phone; looking at the caller ID he answered it. She knew from the way he answered it that in here wasn’t where she was supposed to be at this moment. She smiled Afyon Escort at him as she walks out the door. Getting back to her desk, all she could think of was how good it felt to be in his arms when he pulled her to him in the way that he did, and how suddenly empty she felt when he had to let her go. Periodically she could hear him raising his voice a bit, then he would get quiet, then he’d speak up again.

“Oh damn it all to hell” was the last thing she heard him say. Getting up from her desk, she knocks on his office door, and not thinking he snapped, “What do you want?”

“Are you alright?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, no, oh hell I don’t know, I just don’t want to talk about this right now.” And with that in an instant she saw the man who was so sweet, and so kind and gentle with her not more than 2 hours ago, go from the way he was to the way he is now. Her heart dropped directly into her stomach.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come in here I will leave you alone, I just wanted to make sure you were alright and now that you apparently seem to be if you need anything I will be at my desk.” Slowly she backs toward the door as she can feel the tears building once again, and this time harder to control.

“Oh no wait, don’t go…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you, you didn’t do anything.” He replies as he walks toward her. Walking past her for just a moment he locks the door and pushes it closed. Turning around he takes her into his arms once again.

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have come in here after such a phone call, I promise it wont happen again.” she replies softly as the tears that now filled her eyes began to roll down her cheeks.

“Oh Afyon Escort Bayan please don’t cry, god I am so sorry I never intended to make you cry. Please look at me.” placing a finger under her chin, he raises her head to look at him. Slowly he wipes away her tears. Lightly kissing her on the forehead, on each eye, and little by little he plants soft butterfly kisses down each tear soaked cheek. His fingers slide into the sides of her hair, gliding gently to the back, he releases her hair from its up do, her hair long and flowing over her shoulders, his lips meet hers, his tongue softly probes over her lips, her lips part to accept his wanting tongue.

As their tongues danced the dance of passion, and desire, their hands explore each other’s bodies; he slowly lifts her sweater, removing it from her as she begins to unbutton the buttons on the top of his polo shirt. Her hands cascade down his back, pulling up on the bottom of his shirt, slowly removing it. Her hands now wanting to explore his chest, yet as she suddenly stops he looks deep into her eyes.

“What’s the matter?” he asks softly. She didn’t know how answer him for she was afraid to admit that she hadn’t ever touched a man’s chest hair before. “It’s alright you can touch me” he moans softly this time as he feels her hands exploring every inch of his chest, her body shutters to the feeling of his chest hair running through her fingers as his hands cup both of her ass cheeks gently.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, he picks her up and carries her to the leather sofa that’s in the corner of his office, laying her down gently, this time he slides off her skirt, and removes her thong, Escort Afyon his eyes lock onto hers as she sits up taking his waist band into her hands, opening his pants slowly, his fully erect, throbbing shaft is released into her hand. The look of happiness again returned to her eyes, as he smiled softly.

“Please, let me feel this again.”

“Are you sure?”

” Yes I am sure, I need to feel this inside me again, I was so happy before, please that happiness back to me” leaning in he kisses her once again, only more passionately this time as he lays her back onto the sofa, her legs parting for him as he settles in between them. With her hand wrapped around his shaft, she slowly guides him to her hot love box. Teasing at her opening, her hips hunch forward trying so hard to get him inside her. Complying with her wish he enters the head of his cock to slip inside. She lets out with a loud yet muffled shriek, as her back arches off the sofa. Inch by every loving inch he enters inside her.

Her legs locking around his waist, his pace begins to pick up as her hips hunch to meet his every long, powerful, yet gentle strokes. Her orgasm is quickly approaching and they know it as her muscles inside her contract down around his girth, milking his shaft their moans grow a little louder, his cock hardens more inside her as his balls tighten, and begin to tingle. Her fingers wrap around him as she strokes his shaft, wanting to feel his hot cum rolling up his main vein. Their bodies begin to shake almost in harmony, her body stiffens, and his head throws back, as they bring each other over that wonderful edge, riding through wave after wave of powerful orgasms together. As their bodies begin to calm, he lays spent beside her, wrapping his arms around her holding her close, he looks into her beautiful brown eyes once and again and whispers…

“Come on beautiful lady its lunch time, and if you’re a really good girl, you can be my dessert.”

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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