Two Sizes of Condoms

Categories: Genel.

Ağu 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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It was a hot summer’s day, and my sister decided to visit and use my swimming pool. Happens all the time. she has a key to my house. So when I arrived home it was no surprise to find her there. I decided I had time and would join her before I went to work. The surprise came later on.

She needed a bathroom break. While inside she also needed more bath tissue so she helped herself and opened my linen closet where I store things. It was there on the top shelf of the closet something grabbed her eye. That she just had to ask me about.

Out in the water I was questioned. You have 2 different sizes of condoms in your closet, what’s that all about? First shocked at the question, my mind was racing for a clean response. Before I could answer she joked What is your boyfriend bigger then you? I know she was joking and that she thinks I am straight. I do dabble some on both sides of the street. But I decided to answer vague but truthfully. I told her that sometimes I need a bit more coverage. My response only invited more questions.

You see she worked in a lingerie store that sold toys and accessories. So one she was not shy about these topics. But she understood that there was a real difference in the 2 size boxes she saw in the closet. Knowing and enjoying she was embarrassing me putting me on the Didim Escort spot. She kept looking at me for an answer. Busted. I confessed that as a teen and for all this time since. I had been using a penis pump. To vacuum enlarge my junk.

She asked me do those things really work? She said her husband had one that he tried and didn’t like it only used it 2-3 times. I told he it is an acquired taste. It takes some time to get use to but yes over time you can see some dramatic results. Again more questions. First about size. Then hardness. Can you fuck with it like that? Did Kathy, my last girlfriend know? Did she like it? Then can I see it?

That progressed pretty fast. I attribute some of that to the wine she had been drinking. But she was not to buzzed and it is an honest question that I would expect from anyone else. but this is my sister. I went with the safe route. Pulled up some photos on my phone of other guys pictures. She was laughing and giggling. Shocked at the size difference achieved. But then asked to see mine. She was making me horny. She asked over and over. I thought I will probably never get another chance to bring this up with her again. So it was take a chance and impress her and see where it leads. Or say no.

So decided to go for it. I handed over my phone. Didim Escort Bayan She scrolled through a group of my photos first the before and then the after. She ohhh and awed and cooed at my pics making my cock hard. Then when she looked up from the phone I slowly pulled my swim trunks down about 10 inches and exposed the real thing under the water. She did not hesitate. She put my phone down and immediately reached out grabbing my hard cock in her hands. Stroking it and telling me how big big brother was. I pulled her closer. began rubbing her butt her belly and then her boobs. I massaged her nipples under her bikini top. eventually pushing the cloth aside to see and feel them in the open.

My backyard is somewhat private but I did not want the neighbors seeing this form of incest so we moved things inside. I took a moment to text work I was not coming in. And my sister and I walked dripping wet into my living room. She sat down and dried off while I ducked into my bedroom and pulled out my vacuum tube and some lube. She joked I can’t believe we are doing this. Other then some heavy petting nothing had really happened yet. I waggled my oiled up erection in front of her and put my tube on. It only took a few pulls of the brass handle to create a good seal and then to see Escort Didim my cock begin to fill out. She asked me if it hurt? I explained the process and the comfort levels with her.

She took her wet bikini off and sat down next to me on the couch. I told her I get real good results in this tube to give it about 20-30 mins. My heart was racing so I expected it would be shorter then that. She wanted to encourage me. she began putting on a show for me. First caressing my thighs. then stroking her hand on the outside of the tube. She rubbed me balls some. Then stood up and modeled some for me. pretend lapping at my growing cock with her tongue. She pressed her boobs together and then began rubbing her tips across my chilled wet body. Ending on my face. I could not see my growth but felt it sliding up the tube. I drew harder then normal to get it to rise to the top of the tube as quickly as possible. I wanted her to pump it for a while but she grew impatient. I wanted to give her the ” full” experience but she didn’t want to wait. She dipped a finger into her wet pussy and then put it in my mouth.

She ordered take that thing off. I broke the air seal and dragged the acryllic tube off my clinging skin. I had almost packed my 2 inch tube. She immediately grabbed my thickness. Wow was all she said. obviously noticing the difference in her hand from just minuets before. We didn’t even discuss protection. She climbed on to my lap. pointed my dick at her hot pussy and lowered herself down on it. I will never forget the feelings I felt at that moment for as long as I live.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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