What happens in Vegas
May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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My plane landed in Las Vegas just after noon on a Thursday. I had come to town to attend a sales conference for Remax brokers and agents. A shuttle took me to my hotel which was also the site of the conference. Thursday was just for registering for the various seminars and other activities to be held all day Friday and until two on Saturday. I had a bellman take my luggage to my room while I registered for the conference and picked up my credentials and name tag.I wanted to use this conference get away from my office and clear my head. I had been divorced for almost year. I was glad to be out of that relationship. I don’t know why I even married her. Once at a bar the subject of anal sex came up. I said that I couldn’t do my wife that way because she already had a stick up her ass.I had started fucking my 22 year old secretary/recptionist shortly after my divorce was final. Beth had a dynamite body and an OK face. Nothing much to look at, not a dog-face either. The sex was passable. Occasionaly she would go down on me. She wasn’t very good at it but, God bless her, she tried. I’m sorry to say that I only did her because she was handy.Beth spent the night with me before my flight out on Thursday. She stayed over so that she could drive me to the Indianapolis airport the next monring. We spoke little as we drove the sixty plus miles up Rte 31. When we got to the airport and the luggage drop-off spot, she told me to hold on a sec. “What is it?” I asked.I was shocked when she said that we had Anadolu Yakası Escort to stop fucking. She went on to tell me that she was getting married in a couple weeks. She said that she would be in the office for the rest of the week and on Monday when I returned. If I wanted to let her go then, she would understand but she wanted to keep her job.I had a lot of questions but the airport security guy wanted the car moved. I got out, took my bag from the back seat. The door was barely closed when she drove away. Son of a bitch. She had to be planning the wedding while she was fucking me.After registering I went to my room to unpack, shower and change clothes. Refreshed, I returned to the lobby. It was a bit early for dinner. I looked around for something to do.I was in a casino hotel, what else is there. I was luck enough to find a low stakes blackjack table. I took a seat and bought $100 worth of chips. I did good early. Actuallly doubling my money. Nearly two hours later my winning were gone along with my origional $100.Time for dinner. I was just 30 and only had my small brokerage for a few years. So scanning the dining room for a familiar face was an excercise in futility, I ate alone and returned to my room. I turned on the boob tube and surfed the channels. Nothing. Porn? What a joke. Lots of bare tits, no rock hard cocks, no pussy, nothing. I turned it off befor the movie was over.I was bored. Down to the lobby again. I wandered around. Checked Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan out the gift shop. Thinking that I might try the casino again, I headed in that direction when I saw a lounge and went inside. I didn’t know it then, but walking through that door would change my life forever.There were two empty seats at the bar. I took the closer one between a single man at the end of the bar and a well dressed woman who was with the guy on her other side. I ordered a diet Coke and looked up at one of the six TVs. The Pacers were playing the Knicks. I am only a casual sports fan, so even though the Pacers were playing I had little interest in the game.The guy on my left struck up a conversation by introducing himself as Bill and put out a hand to be shook. I took his and and responded with, “Richard, here. ” I learned that Bill was from the San Francisco bay area. And Bill learned that I was from south central Indiana.We exchanged small talk. We both owned Remax brokerages. Bill had sixty agents, me just six. Both divorced. Neither had much interest in sports. We discussed the economy and it’s effect on our Real Estate businesses. I liked Bill right away and enjoyed talking with him.The classy lady and her companion left and the seat next to me was filled by a busty redhead with a lot of cleavage and even more make-up. She said that her name wa Doris and asked of our names.”I’m Richard and this here is Bill.””Hi Richard and Bill. Escort Anadolu Yakası Buy a girl a drink?””Sure.” I motioned to the bartender.With the free drink in front her she wanted to know if we wanted to party.”What kind of party?” I asked.She didn’t need to answer. Bill nudged me with his elbow. “She a pro,” he whispered.Now, I may be from Indiana but I’m no hick. I knew what she was asking.”No thanks, Doris. Thanks for asking,” I said politely.She took the first and last small sip from her free drink then went for the door.Bill said, “What’s the matter with you? She was offering a BJ or what ever else you wanted.””And what would that have cost me?””A blowjob… 50 bucks, maybe.””Look, I spent twice that in the casino earlier. And it took nearly two hours to drop twice that much.” “You’re right, a quickie blowjob isn’t worth 50 bucks. But what if the experience could be stretched out. Now, would you spend the $50? No? No. I think I get it now. You’ll take a blowjob, it has to be streched out and it has to be free, right?””Yeah, streched out blowjob and free.” I laughed. My cock started to stir a little at this talk of blowjobs.”I got it, I’ve got the solution,” said Bill.”And what would your solution be?””I’ll suck your dick,” Bill said, looking me straight in the eye.I was speechless. I didn’t have the ability to say no, let alone, no thanks.Bill pressed on. “Have you ever had sex with another man? Ever wondered what it would be like? Besides, this is Vegas. What happens in Vegas and all that. Who’s to know?” From where we were sitting no one could see when he put a hand lightly on my upper thigh. He didn’t leave it there long. He quickly brushed my croch then pulled his hand away as quickly as he had put it there. The desired effect was achieved. My cock began to stir again.I left the bar without speaking another word.
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