Anniversary Present

Nis 25, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment

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It was still dark when Damian opened his eyes and slowly woke up, his arm was resting on the waist of his slave Catalina, and she was lying naked against him his collar around her elegant neck, a chain running from a ring in the collar to the bedpost. The room still smelled of the previous night’s pleasure she had given him. Her body against his was already arousing him she had that effect on him he could look at her and then suddenly she would move or look or say something in a specific way and it would drive him crazy with lust for her sometimes just like now she did not even have to do something just be there and the need he would feel for her would overcome him.

Damian loved and hated at the same time the effect she had him, Damian could be described as a control freak he wanted to always have absolute control, control over his slave but also over himself. Catalina was the only thing in the world that could make him loose control she could drive him crazy with lust for her. Damian could feel it coming the all the familiar feeling by now, even after all this time together she had that effect on him, the growing need for her, the need to hold her driving him beyond a point that no human could possible endure.

Damian gripped a handful of her hair and turned her around pushing her mouth towards his, she was wide awake, and he knew she would be. She was so in tone with him that the moment he would wake she would automatically wake up with him, for years he had not caught her of guard anymore. Damian lips pressed slowly on Catalina’s and her mouth opened eagerly awaiting his tongue but not yet he liked teasing her, his tongue caressed her lips; he could feel her hard nipple against his body. Damian right hand untied the chain from Catalina’s collar he knew that it would hinder him now. Damian bit softly on Catalina’s bottom lip, slowly he increased the pressure making sure that he would not break the skin but still giving Catalina the sensation that he was biting it of her, a deep moan of pleasure given to her by the pain escaped her. It was at this moment that his tongue entered her mouth and intertwined with hers, the sensation of her wet willfully mouth and the softness of her tongue against his had given him a huge erection.

His left hand was still gripping Catalina’s hair and he forced her head towards his penis, not that Catalina needed much force. The moment he had pushed her head down she had started to move her mouth towards her favorite body part and she put her mouth on top of his penis and pushed the skin back with her lips. Catalina’s tongue started to roll and massage the head of his cock, thrills of pure pleasure where running now through his body, she then turned towards sucking his dick like she only could, using her hands and her mouth. It did not take long or Damian’s dick started to pulsate which was a sign that he was on the brink of coming, the reaction of Catalina was to suck even harder then she was doing and Damian sperm worked its way into her mouth, Catalina drank fully from his Pendik Escort gift to her not spilling a drop, even after there was not drop of sperm left she did not stop and Damian had to pull her away from his dick. Disappointed she looked up at her Master she had hoped that she would be allowed to keep on going and make him cum again.

Damian and Catalina had not uttered a word yet. Almost every morning Damian and Catalina played this so familiar game, although not every time Catalina was allowed to drink her Master’s cum. It was still early and it being a Saturday it meant that Damian was free for the following two days. He pulled Catalina next up to him and held her in his arms softly he caressed her breast her perfect nipples erect like they always became when he touched her.

Damian whispered to his slave, “Prepare the room for a scene.”

Catalina jumped out of the bed and started to prepare the room. She opened the closet where Damian kept his toys and removed a small black folding table out of it, she opened the table and removed a red silk sheet out of the closet she opened and laid it out on the table. She then continued to lay out her Master’s favorite toys. A long black leather nine tail whip, a long black bamboo cane of which one of the ends had been flattened by hitting it continuously on a rock until by now the end looked like a small broom, several clamps, clothespins, blindfold, handcuff and of course his ropes. She went back and put a long silver cup on the table which she filled with cold water for her Master.

Suddenly her Master’s voice cut the silence, “take the piercing needles out, the disinfecting and two little bowls fill one of the bowls with ice.”

Catalina immediately complied and then knelt next to the bed on her Master’s side. Damian stepped out of the bed and walked towards the shower, she immediately followed him, together they took a long hot shower and Catalina dried her Master in the way she had been taught. First Catalina dried his body with a soft towel not missing a single spot to then drop on her knees in front of him and lick his shaft and balls dry. Damian strolled towards their room and Catalina followed him still wet from the shower.

“Make up the bed while I get dressed and then lay on it back side down,” Damian ordered his wife, mistress and slave.

Damian walked slowly around the bed looking at his beloved Catalina; she was naked still not completely dry, lying perfectly motionless on the bed. Damian walked towards the table and took black rope that he used to tie her wrist to the headboard of the bed. Damian then spread Catalina’s legs and in that position tied her ankles to the bed, he was not finished yet he then tied her waist to the bed. Catalina was complete immobilized by now, Damian blindfolded his slave and walked slowly towards his folding table he was in doubt how to start, while thinking he took a sip of water from his silver cup and looked at Catalina, the sight of her so helpless and so completely under his Anadolu Yakası Escort control aroused him again, and he could feel his manhood growing.

He walked towards the bed and sat down next to Catalina, he softly caressed her breast playing with her nipples, they where already erected and pointed straight up. Damian’s slightest touch would arouse his slave, another point he loved so much. Damian softly pinched Catalina’s left nipple and then suddenly twisted it forcefully. Catalina surprised by the sudden change from tenderness to pain let out a hiss of pain. Damian softly massaged Catalina’s right nipple with his tongue wetting her nipple and then started to suck on it, Catalina let out a moan of pleasure. Damian bit softly on Catalina’s nipple and kept biting it slowly increasing the strength until Catalina felt as if he was biting off her nipple but he had not breached the skin. The pain in her breast increased and Catalina was moaning load now the pain was pure ecstasy for her. Damian took a clothespin and put it on Catalina’s right nipple to repeat the same process on her left nipple.

Damian’s mouth found his way up to Catalina’s mouth and he inserted his tongue that immediately melted with hers. Damian went down again and this time he started on her clit. He caressed it with his tongue, Damian tongue on Catalina’s clit produced cold shivers, he licked Catalina’s clit vigorously and it was not long before Catalina was begging for permission to cum. Every time when she was on the brink of coming Damian stopped licking and gave her a couple of minutes of rest to then start again. Damian was building it up, Catalina’s was in a complete haze by now the pain in her nipples combined with the licking of her clit and the teasing had put her body in a completely confused situation, she wanted so desperate to cum but every single time she thought she could not stop it Damian stopped al together.

Damian stopped playing looked up from between her legs and ordered Catalina in a sharp voice,” CUM NOW.” Catalina felt her body immediately cum she started to shake violently and with a loud moan shouted “Damian” while she came, “Thank you Master.” “You can cum as many times as you may without asking permission,” Damian told Catalina.

Damian immediately started to lick Catalina’s clit again and it did not take long or Catalina was coming again. Exactly at the height of her orgasm Damian bit her clit hard the pain mixed with the ecstasy of her orgasm brought her to new heights, her body shook violently and she was shouting her owners name over and over again. Damian kept biting and sucking on Catalina’s clit now, who kept coming over and over the bed was soaked with her cum by now. The smell of her cum rose from her cunt and the soaked bed up to Damian, it excited him only more. To be able to give so much pleasure, to turn on his slave so much, to be able to torture her with pure ecstasy gave Damian a great sense of control and power.

Catalina started to beg now,”please Master stop İstanbul Escort I can’t take anymore, I can not cum so many times.”

Damian ignored Catalina’s pleads and kept going on Catalina kept coming over and over again. Her body shaking, her legs quivering uncontrollable, slowly Damian started to decrease the intensity of his sucking and biting helping Catalina in this way to get her body under control again. Damian put a clothespin directly on Catalina’s clit and stood up from between his slave’s legs to walk to his table. He got hold of his whip gave a practice swing and without further ceremony his whip landed on Catalina’s belly leaving its mark the whip cut into her flesh over and over, on her breasts on her belly her arms her legs. He did not leave a single piece of skin of her body unmarked. The pain was making Catalina who was still exhausted from coming so many times scream, Damian stopped whipping Catalina and walked towards his folding table again, this time he took up his cane. His eyes glazed over Catalina’s body bruised by his whipping, red stripes and marks all over her body; she was blindfolded and had clothespins on her nipples and clit. His cane descended with force on the bottom of her feet, again and again and Catalina begged for the first time to stop, the pain was too much for her and she was crying, letting her tears run freely down her cheeks. Just when she thought she could not take any more pain and she had reached and past her limits Damian hit her once more on the bottom of her feet and stopped. Catalina was crying with pain and exhausting, she was shaking violently and never before had Damian brought her to this point.

Damian walked towards his table and took his piercing needle, disinfectant, the two rings he had bought two days before and the two bowls. Damian put the needles and the rings in one bowl and sat himself down on the bed next to Catalina. Damian removed the clothespin from the left nipple which caused Catalina to moan in pain again. He massaged the nipple and kissed it, he disinfected the nipple and the surrounding. Catalina was still blindfolded so she did not know what he was doing and only felt relief on the removal of the clothespin. Damian took two ice cubes and inserted one into her ass hole and one into her pussy. While Catalina was distracted by the ice cubes he took his piercing needle and in one fast smooth motion he pierced her nipple. The pain surprised Catalina but she hardly felt it, it was nothing compared to what she had experienced so far. Damian connected one of the rings to the end of the needle and pulled the ring through her nipple. He disinfected again the nipple and breast and repeated the process on her right nipple. Catalina had been starting to feel the pain of the piercing in her nipples when he removed the clothespin from her clit. The blood flowing back in her clit was much worse a pain then the pain in her nipples which was quickly forgotten. Damian went back to his table and took a gold chain he had lying there he used it to connect the two gold rings. Damian removed the blindfold from Catalina and untied her.

He took her bruised and exhausted body into his arms and gave her a long slow sensual kiss, “I hope you like your anniversary present it is today exactly two years that you freely gave yourself to me.”

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