Better Now
Nis 27, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Samantha walked in the front door and gracelessly dropped her bag to the floor. She let out a groan and set her keys on the table, kicking off her shoes and walking into the warmth of the kitchen. Pulling her cell phone out of her back pocket, Sam scrolled through the conversation from just before she’d left for home:
M: how is the day going?
S: incredibly frustrating
M: tell me
S: it’s a long story
M: call me
And she had, explaining the frustrations and pressures, sharing the feeling of being overwhelmed while he listened patiently and sympathetically. He offered his love, and when they hung up, he sent one more message:
M: message me when you arrive home
Samantha typed “home safe,” and hit send. She sat at the table and played back through the day, losing herself in her daydreams and reliving the moments that made her tense. She wondered if she should have handled things differently. A familiar tension rose up between her shoulder blades, and she was startled out of her thoughts by the message alert on her phone. Glancing at the screen without touching it, she read,
M: Good girl. Now stop.
With a puzzled thought, she typed quickly.
S: Stop what?
M: Thinking so hard.
S: Lol, get out of my head.
M: Stop, sweetheart. It’s time to let it go for the day. You’re done. You’re mine now.
The corners of Samantha’s mouth turned up in a small smile. She loved when he said that to her. As if she didn’t belong to him just as entirely for the rest of the day. But he knew her well, and knew she’d be fixating on all the things she couldn’t change. She curled up in her chair, tucking her feet against the edge of the table while being grateful he wasn’t there to see it. Smiling to herself, she wrote back:
S: I’m always yours.
M: Yes you are. And I would like you to do some things for me tonight.
S: What kind of things?
M: First, you will go to your spot and kneel. You will close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing and nothing else for five minutes. Do you understand?
S: Yes, Sir.
M: Good. Next I would like you to do your chores. Tonight you will do your laundry, and decide what you’d like for dinner, then start it…keeping in mind that chocolate is not an option. I expect something with nutritional value. Tidy up our bedroom, as well, please. When I arrive home, I expect to find you waiting in your place in our playroom, ready for me.
She read the message over and over. She knew what he was doing, and it was already working. He was refocusing her. Giving her a purpose and allowing her to let go, to stop being Samantha and start being His. It was as easy as breathing now, and she felt the eager anticipation gaziantep escort begin to build within her.
S: Yes, Master.
M: Good girl. Get started now.
S: Ok, Sir.
Samantha stood and started for the bedroom, feeling the sense of calm that only her Sir could create spreading through her. Pulling her shirt over her head, she tossed it in the laundry basket, and followed it with the rest of her clothes. When she knelt, she was to be naked. It was a rule. She pulled one of Sir’s t-shirts out of the closet and a pair of shorts out of her own, then headed back toward the living room. Pausing at the doorway, Sam took in the chair her Sir preferred to sit in, and her spot on the floor at its side. There was a small, soft pillow and blanket there, put in place one day by her Sir, and left for her comfort. She dropped the clothes on the chair before picking up and folding the blanket until it formed a small pad, and set it down. Letting her knees fall on top of it, she settled into position.
She loved this. Admittedly, she loved it more when her Sir was in the chair, but this would do for now. She let her breathing take on a calm, deep rhythm and tried to focus on it, but her mind kept wandering to how she might please her Sir later.
Focus, Sam told herself. Just breath
Every time her thoughts would stray, Samantha forced them back. The tension eased out of her body, until her muscles felt loose and pliant. She slowly became aware of how much time had passed, and opened her eyes to glance at the clock.
Well, shit. She’d spent more time than the required five minutes lost in kneeling. She needed to get her ass in gear if she was going to be ready and in place before Sir got home.
Sam tossed Sir’s t-shirt over her head, and pulled on her shorts, not bothering with underwear – She wouldn’t be wearing them for very long anyway – and dashed off to get her chores accomplished.
Laundry in, dinner set to warm, and fresh from a shower, Samantha had minutes to spare before Sir arrived. Finishing up some last-minute tidying, she heard his truck pull into the driveway, and let her grin spread across her face. It was time.
She tossed her clothes into a pile on the now-clean bedroom floor, and bolted for the playroom, making a bee-line past the St. Andrew’s cross and horse, and heading for the large bed against the far wall. This was her spot for waiting unless specifically instructed otherwise.
Her Sir called her default position “Show me”, and she climbed onto the bed and settled into it as her heart began to pound. On her knees, face down, with the upper half of her body on the bed. Legs konya escort wide. Her ass and pussy exposed and accessible.
And already, she was wet. Again, Samantha focused on her breathing, straining to hear the soft click as the front door closed. He was home. Her Sir was here.
And she waited. Knowing he was drawing it out; letting her feel the anticipation. Her thoughts drifted, wondering what was to come this evening. How would her Sir use her tonight? It didn’t matter. She was his. She wanted to be his.
Finally, she heard him coming down the hall. He entered the room and brushed a hand over her upturned ass as he passed her. He stopped at the head of the bed, looking her over.
“Hello, sweetheart,” He said, his voice sending shivers down Samantha’s spine.
“Hi, Sir,” she whispered back.
He crouched beside her and she turned her face to meet his gaze.
“You had a hard day today,” he murmured, brushing his hand over her long, dark hair.
“Yeah. It kinda sucked.”
Her Sir chuckled softly before saying, “It’s over now. I’m here.”
She smiled at him, “yes, Sir.”
“Would you like me to make it better?”
“Yes, please, Sir”
“Ok, sweetheart.” he said, and slid his hand through her hair, and down her back. Every inch of skin he touched becoming sensitized for him.
Sam sighed deeply. This was freedom to her. No more struggling. Now, her job was simply to feel, and obey, and cum for her Sir.
He moved behind her, running his hands over her ass, kneading and stroking. She knew what was coming. She couldn’t help but tense, and sure enough… SMACK.
Where his hand struck stung sharply, and he rubbed over the spot for a moment before striking again, SMACK. He switched to the other cheek, and repeated the process. Samantha couldn’t help but flinch, jumping slightly.
Again, his hand connected. And again. After each slap, he would spend a moment rubbing away the sting, giving her the delightful warmth she craved, and smoothing away the hurt. Too soon, he stepped back, and Samantha bit back a whimper of frustration. She wanted more. Her warmed ass, now a light shade of pink, wriggled in the air.
“I think 10 will be enough today, don’t you, sweetheart?” Her Sir asked, stepping back. For a moment, Sam was confused…had that been 10? She wasn’t sure…but then she heard the jingle of his belt buckle as he unfastened it. Her heart sped up, and she whimpered and squirmed. She loved and hated the belt. It HURT, but the feeling she always got after, the release, it was heavenly.
“I don’t think I heard your answer,”
“Er…yes, Sir” she stumbled
He stepped close and leaned close to her, “Pardon?”
“Yes, kayseri escort Sir…10 is enough”
“Good girl,” he said, moving back behind her, “Count.”
The first strike connected with her ass with a startling slap. Samantha yelped and jerked, gripping the blankets on the bed tightly in her fingers as she bit out, “One.”
The second strike, on the other cheek, was just as startling.
And so it continued, the sharp, stinging pain on her skin giving way to a spreading warmth moving through her body, lulling her into a sense of calm and making her feel like she was floating.
“Ten,” she said, releasing a long breath, and loosening her iron grip on the blankets. She didn’t dare to move. She knew her Sir wasn’t done with her yet.
“Good girl,” He said, his hands again grazing over her bright red ass, dipping down to move between her slick pussy lips, “very good girl.”
Samantha moaned and pushed back on his fingers, a new type of heat spreading through her lower half.
Sir’s fingers slid lower, finding her clit, and stroking it with a rhythm that had Samantha panting and squirming. He slid his thumb through her wetness, and pressed it into her ass, holding her in place with the pressure while increasing his pace on her clit. Stroking over and over while she moaned and writhed, aching to have him inside her. Her pussy pulsed, and her orgasm built until she was on the brink,
“Sir,” she gasped, “I’m going to cum”
“Good,” he said, keeping his pace steady on her, “that’s it…cum”
Samantha bucked against his hold as her body detonated, cumming hard. Before she had even finished twitching, she felt his cock press against her, and his hands grip her hips hard as he shoved deep inside her.
“Ahhhhh,” she moaned, losing herself in the pace he set with his thrusts and the sounds his body made against hers. This was what she lived for, the moments when he used her body for his pleasure. Feeling him inside her, knowing he wanted her, that she pleased him, was a more delicious sensation than any orgasm. A turn on like no other. And soon she felt the pressure of another orgasm building. Her moans became a steady stream. She was so close.
“Sir sir sir, pleeeeease,”
His grip tightened, his breathing coming in ragged gasps as he approached his own climax,
“Yes. Cum for your Sir. Cum hard.”
Samantha gripped the blanket tight, her back arching as her pussy began to clench around his cock. She cried out while he pounded into her, then shoved in deep, groaning as his own orgasm came upon him and he filled her. He held her firmly like that for a moment, riding out the waves, before sliding out and guiding her back so her face was level with his semi-hard cock.
She darted her tongue out, taking in their combined flavours. Murmuring “mmmm,” she continued on, licking him clean. He leaned down to kiss her, sharing their tastes, before pulling away and asking,
“All better now?”
“Yes Sir,” she replied with a relaxed, sleepy smile, “All better now.”
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