Bottom of the Class
Nis 28, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment
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“Come, Kady.” Dr. Rivera beckoned me into his empty classroom. The overhead lights were off; the only light was the yellow glow of the green desk lamp from his desk.
I almost lost my nerve but entered and closed the door behind me. It was only four and Dr. Rivera’s art history class didn’t start until six. I was overcommitted and failing. I’d tried to drop the class but I was too far into the semester and a failing grade would tank my stellar GPA.
“Closer,” said Dr. Rivera. His face was handsome enough. Intelligent dark eyes and a rare but winning smile. He was more than twenty years older than me and probably married. He was also heavy set; his wide, strong body dwarfed my soft and curvy one.
After class last Friday I’d offered my body for extra credit, terrified he would report me but instead he reached his hand under my skirt to feel me through my cotton panties. He told me to arrive two hours early on Monday in a g-string and the shortest skirt I owned. A bra would not be necessary but I should wear heels. Bring my backpack because I wouldn’t have time to go home first.
“Pull your skirt up,” he told me when I approached his desk.
I blushed darkly and did as I was told. Dr. Rivera gave me a thin smile. “Turn around.”
The g-string was invisible between my large, round ass cheeks. I swallowed hard and turned back to face him.
“You’re a real slut, Kady,” Dr. Rivera told me. “You must be very popular in the dorms.”
I stared at the floor feeling overexposed.
“Or maybe you’re not interested in college boys at all. Or girls,” he added as an afterthought. “Maybe you only want your holes stuffed by someone capable of controlling you, deciding your future. Does that sound right, Kady?”
It was but I didn’t want to admit it. Still, I had better say something. “Y-yes, Dr. Rivera.” I stammered.
“When we made this arrangement you wanted insurance that I would actually bump up your grade if you performed well,” said Dr. Rivera. “I spent all night thinking about that, Kady. You want insurance and I want to keep my reputation. I’ll give you your insurance, Kady. Anytime you’re ready to quit, you can pack it up. Leave now and you’ll keep your grade. It’s Monday, and I’ll be here marking every day from now until Friday, between four and six. Every day you complete your assignment-keeping me amused until class starts-I’ll bump your grade by 20%. A fail to an A, Kady, think about it.”
I was thinking about it. I would graduate with honors. Five days of sexual service was all he wanted. I nodded.
“You want your insurance, don’t you Kady?” Dr. Rivera smiled and this time it was downright menacing. “Lay back on the desk and spread your legs.”
“Here?” I panicked. “What if someone sees? There’s a window in the door, it’s not locked-“
“Shh,” he held up a hand. “I’m not fucking you on the desk. But this is insurance you get so if you want it, get on my desk and open your legs.”
Slowly I began to move the stack of essays from where I wanted to sit but I felt a sharp blow on my ass.
“Don’t touch the papers, Kady. Just get on the desk.”
I did awkwardly, adana escort and opened my legs.
“Wider,” said Dr. Rivera. He held a sharpie in his hand. “Don’t move.”
He wrote in sharpie on my hips and inner thighs in scrolling, loopy cursive. I couldn’t read it from my vantage point. Immediately above my pussy lips he wrote something I did recognize-his signature-Dr. Alex Rivera.
“Give me your phone,” he ordered.
Shaking, I reached into my backpack and pulled it out. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off.
“I’m not calling anyone, Kady. I’m not sending anything. Give me the phone.”
He took a picture of me with my legs spread, pussy exposed and covered in his writing. He turned the phone to show me what he’d written.
“I promise to grant Kady extra credit of 20% per day she proves to be an obedient slut. – Dr. Alex Rivera”
I couldn’t stifle a moan. The picture didn’t show my face but I love seeing his writing on me like he owned me. He returned the phone to me and I tucked it away in my bag. He grinned this time and pulled me by my hair back to a standing position. I moaned again, unable to help myself. He opened his left desk drawer and extracted a long black dildo with a wide base.
“I’m going to train you to get this inside you, Kady. It probably won’t happen today but I have faith in you to take it all with practice. I have some marking to do today with those essays you were worried about getting all wet. You’re going to spend the week under my desk with my cock in your mouth, trying to fit this inside you. Do you understand and consent?”
His hand was still twisted in my hair. I felt moisture pooling between my legs. “Yes, I consent.”
“Good. There will be no need for you to talk unless I ask you a question. I will expect you to swallow my cum unless you would prefer to take my class with it all over your face, do you understand?”
I nodded and he pushed me onto my knees and backed me under the desk. I was concealed from the classroom door and the seats; you would have to approach the desk from behind to see me. There was a thin piece of foam there for my knees; Dr. Rivera had planned this carefully. My range of motion was quite limited; I could straighten my head but not my legs.
“Take off your shirt. No bra? Excellent,” he said as my heavy, round breasts sprang free.
Dr. Rivera squeezed some lube on the dildo and massaged it into the black silicone before handing it to me and wiping the lube from his hands on some tissues. I placed it between my thighs-it was much larger than I’d realized. Even soaking wet I only managed to get the tip inside me.
Dr. Rivera smiled again, more warmly this time. “You’ll get it inside you, Kady. You’re such a slut, I know you won’t rest until you get it all the way inside you.”
“Please Dr. Rivera,” I said, trying to sound suitably submissive. “What if I can’t get it in? What about my grades?”
“Kady, your mouth is for me and the dildo is for you. I’ll be impressed if you get it inside you but spending ten hours on your knees with my cock in your throat eskişehir escort is all that I really care about.”
He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. His cock sprang loose, hard and wide. He sat in his rolling chair and rolled towards me until his cock head aligned with my mouth. He pushed into my mouth and I tasted his skin, warm and slightly tangy with sweat. His large body blocked me completely from sight and I had the pleasing sense of safety and peace from being encased in this way, where my only job was to give pleasure and obey.
He rested a hand on my head, entwining his fingers in my thick brown hair. “Good girl. Your mouth is so soft, just like the rest of you.” His words were muffled through the wood of his desk. “Don’t be too goal oriented. I’ll tell you when I’m close and then you can bob on my cock like I know you want to but until then, get used to just having your mouth filled like a good little slut. Your classmates should thank you, their essay grades will be much more generous now.”
After a half hour my legs were cramping badly and Dr. Rivera showed no signs of softening. The phone rang and I pulled away.
“Dr. Rivera’s office,” he said. His hand was in my hair at once, roughly guiding my mouth down on his cock so that I choked. He held me there for several minutes, only allowing me a quick breath every twenty seconds or so.
“See you in ten then,” said Dr. Rivera, hanging up the phone.
“You don’t need to stop for phone or student appointments, Kady,” he chided. “Do you know Steven Womack? He’s in your class. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, just between us. He’s meeting me in ten minutes for guidance on the final project. I’m going to stay seated and you’re going to keep your mouth full and Mr. Womack won’t have to know about your final project, now will he?”
I shook my head slightly but I was breathing fast. My legs hurt, my pussy was sore, and so was my jaw. Now I had to suck my prof’s dick while he met with other students. How could I make it an entire week.
A few minutes later I heard a knock and Steve’s voice. Dr. Rivera used his legs to pull me closer, which gagged me more effectively and soothed my fears of being seen.
I felt Steve sit down on the other side of the desk, behind where my ass would be. I didn’t know Steve-I couldn’t even really picture him-Dr. Rivera’s class had close to sixty students, but I pictured a jock who got pushed into an art history class. I imagined Dr. Rivera spreading me out on the desk and fucking my throat while Steve fucked my pussy. I wanted my ass fucked too but you couldn’t trust straight jocks to go slow.
I didn’t hear much of what Steve said; Dr. Rivera’s cock and warmth and the smell of his skin overwhelmed me and I focused instead on imagining Dr. Rivera trying to discuss project topics with his cock buried in the back of my throat. I ran my tongue lazily over his shaft, teasing him. I slid a half inch down on the dildo.
I heard Dr. Rivera bid Steve farewell and a moment later a door closed. Dr. Rivera’s hand was on my cheek and in my hair, gently sakarya escort at first and then with force.
“You want a mouthful of cum, don’t you, you little slut? You think I’ll dismiss you once I fill your mouth and throat with cum? Seeing you between my legs will keep me hard until class, so you’d better get used to this. I’ve got a conference call tomorrow Kady, and I’ll need your mouth for that. The day after there’s a weekly check in with my grad student and I’ll fuck your throat for that too.”
I squirmed on the dildo, empty and unfulfilled. I was ready to beg him to fuck me, spank me, choke me.
He stiffed in my throat and held me still as I gagged and he exploded in my throat. I could barely taste him he came so deeply.
He stroked my hair a moment but he didn’t soften. I wondered if he was that turned on or he’d taken Viagra or something.
“Good girl,” he whispered, wiping the sweat from my brow. “If you want a letter of recommendation from me, here’s what you’ll do. Totally optional of course, but I’ll write you one if you do as you’re told. Take that dildo home with you and bring it back tomorrow. Good girl, you’re very good at sucking cock, aren’t you? Take it home and think about how this makes you feel. Practice taking this dildo up that tight little pussy. I want at least one picture. I’ll write my number on your tits before I let you up for class. Do that every day this week and I’ll write you a glowing recommendation.”
I slid down a tiny bit more on the dildo.
“Maybe tomorrow I’ll tie your wrists together while I fuck your throat. Would you like that, Kady? Are you the kind of slut who loves to be tied up? I bet you are.”
I was and I grew ever wetter. I let him bob my head over his cock for the better part of twenty minutes while he wondered out loud how it would feel to walk me naked on a leash through the quad, a cock gag in my throat and plug in my ass. He reached his other hand under the desk and pinched my large nipple between his strong fingers and I gasped around his cock.
“You’re happiest when you’re surrendering, aren’t you, Kady? It’s almost time for class. I can’t come again so soon but I’ll save her up your wet little mouth tomorrow. It’s cum for dinner this week, little slut.”
He pulled out of my mouth and slapped my cheeks gently with his cock, wiping my saliva over my cheeks.
He helped me off the dildo and shaking to my feet. They cramped terribly and I fell onto his lap. I tried to get to my feet but he held me there, dipping a couple fingers inside me.
“You’re so wet, Kady. My god. Look,” he said, feeding the soaking fingers into my mouth. He pushed his other two fingers into me, brushing gently against my clit. I howled around his fingers. “Shh. It’s okay, sweet slut, you can spend all night masturbating, thinking about how good it will be to have my cock in your throat tomorrow and the next day, and the day after that. For now just be still, let the blood come back to your legs, and take one of the front desks. You’re going to hand back essays in that tiny skirt, and you’re going to sit with your legs apart like the obedient whore you are, understand?”
I nodded, unable to do much more, impaled with his fingers in my mouth and pussy.
“Good girl. Clean my fingers, put your toy away, get your shirt back on and take your seat. Be sure and think about that offer for a recommendation, and I’ll see you under my desk at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon.”
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