Cumming of Age Ch. 5
May 16, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment
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Comment: Thank you very much for the great feedback and especially for your votes on Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy Chapter 5 just as much and please remember to vote again, it’s what keeps some of us going)
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So here I sit, feeling a little smug and for the most part, quite pleased with myself. I’ve got a grin like a Cheshire cat and my dick is a happy camper. Yesterday was a banner day in my young life and thanks to two sexy older ladies, I had been transformed from an insecure virgin into someone who appears to have a bright sexual future. The fact that my mom was one of the “older ladies” did not trouble me as much as I thought it might. In fact, I was actually rather proud of the fact that of all the men in the world, mom had chosen to share herself with me.
Yup, things were “cumming” along rather nicely, until that is, I had to go and open my big mouth and tell mom that I had a plan to have her catch Mrs. Johnson giving me a blowjob. Way to go dickhead! What plan? I had no plan. The alleged plan was merely the product of wishful thinking and a big mouth. Talk about getting ahead of myself.
I had but one measly day of sexual awakening under my belt and here I was trying to get my only two sexual partners into the same room at the same time. Who the hell did I think I was… Joe Stud or what? I guess the reason I got carried away was due to my mom’s willingness to do as I ask. That and the fact that my cock had become the focal point of my entire thought process over the past 24 hours and I was letting my imagination run wild. Talk about thinking with the wrong head!
Somewhere within my scattered and inexperienced teenaged mind, I was trying to figure out how to gently test and push the boundaries of my relationship with mom. For some stupid reason, I felt compelled to move our exciting relationship to the next level. If I had half a brain, I’d be happy to let our relationship evolve slowly and naturally. The thing that was messing me up however, was my aching need to continue to include Mrs. Johnson in my immediate sexual future. It never occurred to me to break off the relationship with Mrs. Johnson and devote myself completely to my mom. I guess I was being a greedy pig by wanting to continue to explore all that sex had to offer with both of these beautiful, busty, cum loving women.
Mom and I had just crossed a very big line and we had turned a loving mother and son relationship into something much more that now included wild and crazy sex. There is no way to sugarcoat it; the word used to describe the nature of our new relationship is incest. The word ‘incest’ has such ugly connotations but really, who were we hurting? No one. We weren’t going to have kids together so we didn’t have to worry about diluting the gene pool. In my naïve mind, I figured the primary reason for societies objection to incest was the potential for physical defects that could be a curse to any offspring. Do the characters in the movie ‘Deliverance” ring a bell? I mean sure, those folks could play the banjo like hell but fuck it, I like the eyes on my head to be where they’re supposed to be, thank you very much.
We both knew that I was going away to college next year and who knows if our new relationship could/would slowly dwindle and fade to black. For the moment though, we were able to enjoy each other in an intense physical way and our love for each other as mother and son would not be harmed. In fact, our love would be taken to levels most families would never know. Sure, we had to be careful for fear of becoming social outcasts but it should be easy to keep this a secret. We did after all, live under the same roof as mother and son and as long as we kept our “little secret” indoors and out of the public eye, no one would ever discover the joy we would have together. Who knows where this relationship will end up?
In a perfect world and being the greedy little bastard that I am, I wanted to create a situation in which I could continue to enjoy the wonderful slutty talents of both Mrs. Johnson and my mom and it seemed that my mom’s newly emerging submissive behavior might make this possible. She seemed very eager to comply with any and all of my requests. I’d have to make sure that I don’t ask for something that was so far over the line that even my devoted mom would freak out and refuse? You never know, she just might feel it necessary to break off the whole deal if I push her too hard or too fast?
Would mom be agreeable to joining Mrs. Johnson and me in a threesome? This would assume of course, that I could talk Mrs. Johnson into having sex with my mom and me. Hmmm. I was reasonably confident that each of them would become addicted to a regular supply of my cum that they would do pretty much anything I asked. Perhaps the secret to success is to go slowly and not push too hard. Yes, that’s it. Let things evolve at their own speed. If I can get the two of them together, I can simply wait Güngören escort bayan for nature to take its course. I got turned on at the thought of having sex with both of them at the same time and even more turned on at the thought that they might get off on each other. The possibilities were endless and some of my wildest fantasies just might become a reality. My cock started to get hard at the thought of where this might lead. I smiled as I thought that I was probably going to have to walk around with a perpetual boner.
I remembered one of my favorite porno flicks. One porno chick was on her hands and knees with her big tits hanging low and flopping all over the place. She had her butt up in the air while the stud star kneeled behind her and slammed his big cock in and out of her juicy little shaved pussy. The other “starlet” in this epic movie was lying on the floor between the stud’s legs. Every few strokes she would grab his big hard cock, rip it out of the other gal’s cunt, bend it backwards until it almost broke off and suck it as if her life depended on it. I was amazed at the way she could suck this well-hung dude all the way up to the balls. After she sucked all the other chick’s cunt juice off it, she would place the tip of his cock back at the entrance to her friend’s cunt and he would shove it in and start fucking the shit out of her again. The whole time he was fucking her, the spare chick/babe/slut/woman would be feeling and sucking his balls or licking his asshole. Without question, this one powerful fantasy was responsible for my burning desire to get together with Mrs. Johnson and my mom.
Shit, that fantasy always makes so fucking horny!
So, where was I? Oh ya, I had to come up with a plan. I had already opened up my big mouth and told mom that I wanted her to catch Mrs. Johnson sucking my cock. Then what was supposed to happen? What was it that I expected her to do after she “caught’ us?
Even though I felt like quite the stud because I had my first fuck under my belt, I knew I had a lot to learn. Let’s face it, I had barely scratched the surface. But even though I was totally inexperienced, I felt like I had served a full sexual apprenticeship thanks to countless hours spent surfing a zillion porn sites on the Internet. Maybe I was going to get a chance to do some of the things I had only fantasized about. I had spent many nights on-line spanking my monkey and when I thought about it, most of my best jerk off fantasies involved mature, large breasted, cock-sucking women. A blend of big tits, blowjobs, facials and pussy with a dash of submissive behavior all added up to my favorite full meal deal. If I played my cards right with Mom and Mrs. Johnson, I just might get everything I ever wanted and thought I’d never get.
I was completely titillated at the thought of getting mom and Mrs. Johnson to suck me off together. The thought of seeing them both naked and on their knees with two pair of assorted body parts was powerful brain candy. I could almost see their tongues touching as they sucked me off together. My mind reeled at the possibilities. What if I could actually get them to have sex with each other? I’d love to watch them play with and suck each other’s big tits and the thought of oh, I don’t know, maybe fucking Mrs. Johnson’s pussy while she ate out my mom was giving me a giant woody. There were so many possibilities. How was I going to do this? It was clear that my mom was beginning to take on a submissive role and she would be likely to do anything I asked. I had to be careful because I really didn’t want either of them to have to do anything they didn’t want to (because I’m a nice guy at heart). I would never hurt either of them, but if I could make them do things that they ended up liking, could that be so bad? And, if I read Mrs. Johnson correctly, she seemed like she was willing to do pretty much anything as long as she could get a mouthful of my cum for her trouble. I had to wonder about my luck in finding two women who were so addicted to cum and quietly wondered if a lot of women secretly craved the stuff or whether I was just plain lucky. Fuck it, all this thinking was making my brain hurt.
I started to gather up the few tools I needed to mend the rest of our fence. I thought about leaving one of the fence boards loose so that I could stick my cock through and get a blowjob from Mrs. Johnson but slapped myself in the head when I realized I didn’t have to sneak around anymore. If I want a blowjob, I’ll just go over to her place and drop my pants. A bit fucking cheeky of me if I don’t say so myself. With a little grin, I headed into our back yard to fix the fence and to develop a plan to get my mom and Mrs. Johnson in bed together with me. I knew that by the time I got the fence finished I would have to have a plan figured out that I could share with mom. Either that or try and stall a bit.
Thankfully Mrs. Johnson wasn’t Escort İnnovia home right now so I had a bit of time to think something up before I talked to her. I was going over to her place in an hour or so to finish painting and I felt a bit of pressure to come up with a stupid plan in time. If I had been smarter I wouldn’t have said anything to my mom and I could take some time to figure things out. I suppose I could tell mom that I wanted to wait awhile before activating my “plan” but I somehow felt that my credibility was at stake.
So far, I had told my mom that I wanted her to catch Mrs. Johnson sucking my cock. Try as hard as I might, I couldn’t think of an excuse to get my mom into Mrs. Johnson’s house so that she could “catch us.” That meant I would have to get Mrs. Johnson to come over to our house and blow me. And then, what was I going to tell mom that I expected of her when she did catch us “in the act”?
I hadn’t thought this out very well had I? Shit.
The only thing that made sense was to dream up an excuse to get Mrs. Johnson to come to my house, get her to suck me off and then to have my mom arrive home “unexpectedly” while she was busy blowing me. I wondered what kind of excuse I would need to get her to come over to our house? What would she say? Would Mrs. Johnson be uncomfortable blowing me in my house? I forced myself to stop thinking about it. Fuck. I was doing it again, thinking way too much. I must be a lot more nervous that I thought.
I finished mending the fence (and did a mighty nice job of it if I don’t say so myself!) and went into our house for a quick bite to eat before I went over to Mrs. Johnson’s to finish the painting. Mom greeted me with a quick kiss on the lips and was humming a happy tune as she prepared our lunch. She had just returned from the tennis club and was wearing her white tennis shorts, white socks with sneakers and a nice little pink tennis top. I could see through her top that she was wearing a sports bra, presumably so she didn’t kill herself with her big tits as she ran around the tennis court. I looked down at her cute ass and her beautiful legs and was pleased to note that she didn’t have any of that cellulite shit hanging off her thighs. From the back, she could pass for a teenager.
My dick started to get hard while I watched her. I knew I would never look at my mom in the same light again. Now she was more than just my mom, she was a sexy bitch and as such, my thoughts were focused on her considerable physical attributes. I loved it when she tied her hair into a tight bun when she played tennis because it gave me a chance to see her pretty neck. Fuck I’m getting horny. I thought I should probably save myself (and my cum) for what might lie ahead today but still, I felt a little wicked.
“Mom, I’d like you to take of your top and your bra. I’d love to look at your tits while I eat lunch.”
Mom blushed a little and hesitated for a second before taking a deep breath and pulling her top over her head. She faced me with just her sports bra on and I could clearly see that her nipples were starting to get hard. In fact, they threatened to poke through the thin material of her bra.
Fuck she is beautiful!
She slipped off the sports bra, gave her massive breasts a quick massage and pulled briefly at her nipples, I guess because they had been scrunched up while being held captive by her bra. She smiled at me and went back to making lunch. It was so cool to see her topless. Her big tits moved around and if I didn’t know better, I’d say that some of her movements were designed to make them move around more that they would normally.
I especially loved it when she bends over to get something out of a bottom cupboard. She keeps her legs straight and bends over at the waist. She was kind enough to keep her arms out of the way (I’m sure so that I had a better view) and let her heavy tits sway and hang. They hung so low and looked so sexy that I wanted to go over to feel them in the worst way but I resisted. I knew that sometime in the very near future I would want to lie on my back and make her drag those big tits across my face. Tits, I love tits. It’s funny how different the same set of tits can look depending on the position of their owner. They look completely different when she’s lying flat on her back than when she’s standing up and especially when she bends over and lets them hang like that. Fuck I love big tits. I wanted her on her hands and knees with her big tits hanging down, almost reaching the floor. I’d take one of her hanging tits in both hands and very gently feel it. I’d run my fingers all over the cool, smooth skin. I’d place one hand under her tit and then lift it, feeling how heavy and soft it is. I’d feel the nipple burning a hole into the palm of my hand as I held it. Fuck.
Mom smiled again as she noticed my eyes glued to her tits. It was obvious that she was proud of them Kağıthane escort and she had every right to be. Because of their size (and I guess because of their vintage) her tits had a bit of sag to them but for the most part they looked as good or better than the tits on any chick in a skin magazine. She finished making our sandwiches and sat down at the table to have lunch with me. It was kind of surreal sitting there and eating lunch with my mom half naked. Her tits seemed to have a life of their own as they gently swayed and jiggled around in response to her slightest movement.
Finally I couldn’t help myself and reached over to cup one of her tits in my hand. It felt cool, soft and cool. I wiggled my fingers and let the soft breast flesh roll between my fingers. I hefted her breast, marveling at the weight. Her tit felt like it weighed ten pounds. I started to get a major boner and thought about slipping my cock into her massive cleavage. I tried to talk myself out of doing anything to ensure that I had plenty of cum for what might lie ahead this afternoon. I hoped whatever happened later today would mean I would need a lot of cum. I didn’t want to blow my wad now and run out of cum when I needed it most. But something came over me and I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I put down my sandwich, kneeled beside my mom’s chair and started sucking on one of her big tits. I let the weight of her tit come to bear on my cheek as I sucked happily on her nipple. I sucked as much of her nipple and surrounding breast flesh into my mouth as I could and flicked her nipple with my tongue. When I stopped to come up for air, I told mom how much she turned me on and that I wanted to fuck her big tits. She looked at me with an innocent little girl look and placed a hand on the side of each tit and squished them together creating a mile and a half of cleavage. She leaned over a bit and hunched her shoulders to make her tits look even more inviting and asked, “Is this where you’d like to put your cock Bobby?”
Fuck yes! “Yes mom.”
She smiled, took me by the hand and led me into the family room. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, leaned over to slip off my shorts, gave my cock a quick kiss and then pushed me gently back into a chair. She arranged my cock and balls so that they were hanging over the edge of the chair. She spent quite a bit of time arranging my balls and the more she fussed with them, the harder my dick got. Finally, she gently pushed my legs apart and kneeled down between them.
After kissing my legs for a minute, she softly cupped my balls in both hands and seemed to be weighing them, just as I had done to her tits. She continued to fondle them without touching my dick and I could see that she took great pleasure from watching my cock grow as it responded to her touch. She gently gathered up some of the loose skin at the bottom of my sack and started to stretch it. She started pulling harder and harder until it almost hurt. She seemed to be trying to reach the floor with my balls. Fuck it felt good. Aside from feeling great, the stretching seemed to pull the skin on my cock to the point that the plumb sized head became fully exposed and the little bit of skin that was left after my circumcision was peeled back. My cock had a clear drop of precum forming on my piss slit. She grabbed my cock in both hands, moved the tip of my cock into her mouth and gave it one quick and very hard suck. The head of my cock felt like it was going to be ripped off with her powerful suction and it popped out of her mouth with a wet sucking noise. Then she began licking it like it was an ice cream cone. As she licked my cock, she looked up and into my eyes. I began to gently caress her hair and from the moment I touched her I could see her relax and smile. She looked very happy and contented.
I told her that I loved her and that I wanted her to be my little cum slut forever. She purred like a kitten, smiled at me again and with a mischievous look on her face, stuck out her tongue. She made a point of showing me that she could form her tongue into a point. Then she held my cock in both hands, aimed it at her mouth and slowly started fucking my piss slit with the point of her tongue. Shit! I hadn’t even thought of that one. God she’s a sexy bitch.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better she surprised me again. By now, she had become aroused and her nipples were sticking out about half an inch. She took my cock in one hand and grabbed one of her tits with the other. Then she did the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen. She aimed her erect nipple at my cock and guided it into my piss slit. I was dripping with precum and her nipple soon became shiny and wet. As she fucked my piss slit with her nipple, clear strands of precum would stretch from my cock to her nipple as she pulled it away. She would shove her nipple as far as she could into my piss slit and the head of my cock would disappear into the soft flesh of her breast. Every few strokes she would stop fucking my piss slit to suck the precum off her nipple. She looked into my eyes when she sucked on her nipple and I stared in fascination as she got her entire nipple into her mouth and stretched her tit by sucking hard and pulling back with her mouth at the same time.
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