Do it in Mexico

Categories: Genel.

May 15, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public , something that wouldn’t allow me to do so in my own town. I am Hispanic so I wouldn’t have a problem there. To make a long story short , I took my 2 weeks vacation, told my parents I was going to Vegas.But instead I leased a 1 bedroom house on the outskirts of a small town in Mexico.  During the days it took me to clean it up ,paint it , clean the yard , garden and so on, I was dressed up all that time. I wore cutoffs very short , sandals, cutoff t-shirts, my wig  and a ball cap on. some make-up, my silicone breasts , bra of course, panties of course , big earing like most Mexican women do. My legs and my whole body was always smooth since I always shave. It took me 3 days to clean my little house , on the 2nd day The landlord stopped and asked me    ” Who I are you and where is Felipe ? ”   Felipe was the one he rented the house to ,{ which was me }.  I told him,,” I am his wife, my name is Rebecca ”’….!,  he knew Felipe was a salesman. I told him he wouldn’t be home for two weeks he had gone to a convention . He introduced himself ‘my elvankent escort name is CARLOS senorita””he was I think in his late 60’s. I am the owner of this house,, he said in broken English. Hello MR. CARLOS I replied please to meet you. Then he said ,,”I didn’t know FELIPE was married,  I’m sorry,, I answered , is there a problem with me being here ? I asked   ohohhh no senorita you bring such beauty to the place nonono  no problem at all, “”FELIPE is one lucky man “” he said ,,you tell him I said so as he turned away. And I kinda laughed told him thank you MR.CARLOS.I couldn’t believe I had him fooled so he bid me a good day and a wink as he looked me up and down.             I resumed with my yard cleaning ,I didn’t have neighbors 1/4 of a mile to each side it was like a farming area. I had my radio on outside during all that time , the station was an easy listening beautiful Spanish songs. During the day only 3 persons would go by, the landlord, the trash collector on a horse and buggy which was an old man and a younger boy whom I think was his son. On the 4th day I woke up , took a long bathe , shaved ,body sprayed myself ….just the thought that I smelled like a woman made me horny,  plugged my brows,makeup,     eye shadow, my fake eyelashes, light blush, red lipstick, hazel contacts, big white fashion earings, matching necklace,silicone breasts, white brassiere, white panties,no fake buns ‘since I do have a huge ass’ no pantyhose,  ‘since I’ve been told I have pretty legs’,red emek escort bayan dress that fit like a glove, white heels, and finally my favorite,  a dark brown full body wig.  Feeling totally like woman I walked out the door,     I see the trash collectors go by     ‘asking if I have any trash to dispose of ‘  ”no gracias” I reply ”’gracias a usted senorita”’ he answers ,  and then the landlord waving thumbs up……..  I get in my car and go into town.I walk around the little town for a few hours,            at about 4:30 in the afternoon I go into this bar, I sit down and I can already feel all eyes are on me  I order a soft drink……, then after a while a man makes a move on me,  asks to sit with me,    to my surprise it was Franklin ”my ex-girlfriend Helens father”.  And kind a little drunk already but kindly asks me my name?         Rebecca …!I reply,  “Well hello Rebecca”  my name is Franklin,   {which I already know}…..     I own this bar he said..,    (Helen did tell me her father had a business in Mexico).. but  I was surprised that a gringo would own a bar in Mexico. After  a mindless conversation, and all kinds of , come ons,,, from Franklin, the thought of my ex-girlfriend Helens father,,, fucking me was getting to me (excitingly). But I told him that I was married , he told me  ‘I’m married too”, and laughed at the way he said that.        I kind of flirted a little,  just enough to let him know that it was O. k.  He asked me if I would like to go into his office. Escort eryaman I asked for what?  He told me his wife was going out on him and he hadn’t had any for months. He said he’d pay me,,, and I couldn’t help but to laugh about the paying part. Please he pleaded,,,,  please Rebecca,, Why me I asked?  ‘Because you look so beautiful and so hot baby’. I told him I couldn’t anyway cause I was on my monthly thing (since I always wear a kotex for situations like these)…. He said,” but there are other ways to get pleased!!!!” (BINGO)….  I was already very horny, So I said,, ‘O. k but just for a little while’,,, yes my love,, he  said ,,,what ever you say,  “why thank you Franklin” I replied. I walked through that bar with him into his office,,, as If I was a queen.The few men and women that were there,, stared at me, they knew that I was going to get fucked.     And I knew they knew,  that made it more exciting.  When he opened the door to his office we got on each other very good ,  we kissed,   my wet lips wanted him more and more, “Helen” kept popping on my mind,  that made me more excited. He started touching me all over,,, except my crotch, He asked if I smelled that good all over “Of course Franklin,of course I do!!!! “I replied”. So he proceeded with kissing my whole body .  After kissing my wet mouth for a while, he gently bent me over,            he starts sniffing my bunghole,  “”That does smell good Rebecca “””! he said                Do you like it baby? I asked ?  Yes ,,,he replied!. since I had bathed and sprayed my body all over that morning with an expensive body spray. It had to have smelled good.  “My husband doesn’t know it’s there baby ,he doesn’t care for my ass ””’fuck your husband its mine right now, “of course it is baby, of course it is Franklin baby”,he started kissing & licking my ass…

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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