My Friend’s Mother Ch. 02

Categories: Genel.

Tem 31, 2023 // By:analsex // No Comment

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Evelyn worked – as it happened – in a fertility clinic behind the college campus. I only realised it was a fertility clinic when she invited me there one afternoon after classes.

She told me – very business-like as always – that there was a shortage of high quality sperm. Whether I would consider donating? It would be pro bono as was the clinic, but she would try and make it worthwhile in other ways. She obviously had first hand knowledge that I both produced ample volumes of the stuff and that it had a pleasing taste. However, it would be necessary to check the qualities more relevant for fertility. She asked me to provide a sample then and there for testing. How could I not agree to this.

Things progressed quickly from there. We were already in the consultation room. She asked me to strip to the skin and wait as she retrieved a colleague. A few minutes later she returned with a stern looking female doctor. She was older than Evelyn, tall, with jet black hair in a pony tail. Large fashionable glasses. She looked busy and every bit as business-like as Evelyn. She took no notice at all that I was stark naked.

“Hello, James”, she said. “I’m Dr. Callahan – I’m the head fertility doctor here. I’m so happy to see we can still attract new donors. As I’m sure nurse Vaughn has told you we need all the sperm we can get. More and more women and couples are seeking our assistance – and we have trouble competing with commercial clinics that are able to pay their donors. Your contribution is most welcome.” She smiled very professionally. She glanced in the direction of my dick, which was getting fatter as she spoke.

“However, we must test the quality of your sperm, obviously. As it’s supposed to make some lucky women pregnant.” She smiled again, this time not bothering to hide that she was having a good look at my cock. “I know you are in good hands with nurse Vaughn – she is our most experienced and trusted expert in these matters.” She sat down behind the desk and consulted the screen, punching something in once in a while.

“So, how long since your last ejaculation, mr. James?” She looked up.

“This morning.” Evelyn replied. “Twice.”

Dr. Callahan grinned broadly at her. Then she looked more seriously in my direction.

“Well, that’s quite recent. Normally I’d say come back in three days. But we are pretty anxious to get started. What do you say, nurse, should we try the new serum in this case?” She looked back at Evelyn.

“Absolutely”, she replied. “My sense is that in this case it would be quite worthwhile.” She didn’t look at me at all.

“Quite.” The doctor nodded. “Would you set up, nurse? Thank you.” Evelyn left to make arrangements.

“So, mr. James, nothing to worry about.”, the doctor said. “We have contrived a little cocktail to accelerate semen production. Although Gülveren Escort still experimental, it’s perfectly safe. The question is only whether it works or not in your case. Therefore, we shall administer it, but also take the opportunity to monitor how it works. Hopefully, you will be able to deposit a sufficient amount already tonight. You’ll see.” My cock was now in full salute, not that it seemed to distract the doctor the slightest.

Evelyn returned with a cup of the serum. It looked like semen to me, only slight bluish.

“Drink this,” she told me. I did. It tasted like cough syrup but was more slimy.

“This increases sperm production dramatically in most males.” She said. “But not all. We will try to measure and assess your testicles regularly in the next hour to make a forecast if it will work. Please take a seat in the gyno-chair in the corner.”

When I was seated in the cool leather seat Evelyn lifted up my legs and fastened my ankles in the stirrups, legs apart, fully exposed to her and her colleague.

“Now I will quickly measure the size of your testes” It felt like she tied some velcro laces around my ball sack, quite firmly. The doctor nodded and uh-oh’ed approvingly over her shoulder Evelyn took some notes on a clipboard.

“There you go,” the doctor said. “The nurse will regularly monitor the size of your testicles. You may feel the laces beginning to tighten. That’s good. It means the serum works. It would cause a rapid physical increase in testicle volume as they fill with sperm. Now it’s best, if you can maintain an erection in the meantime. As a courtesy of the house, I will tease you a little with my tongue to keep your fantasies and excitement going, and when I leave, nurse Vaughn will make sure to keep you in full attention, so to speak.”

With this she unceremoniously kneeled, extended her tongue and let it play gently on the tip of my exposed cock. She finished by sipping a bit of the pre-cum collected. “Wonderful,” she said while getting on her feet. “I see what you mean, nurse.”

The doctor left, leaving me with Evelyn. She was very formal and business-like, not betraying the previous intimacy even now when we were alone in the room. She regularly looked and squeezed by balls and every time she masturbated me a bit to keep me hard. After 25-20 minutes or so, I did feel sort of a tightening. After 40 minutes very much so. I couldn’t see myself from below, but I imagined my balls turning blue and slowly pushing against the confinement of the laces like an inflating balloon.

“Wonderful,” Evelyn said, as she was casually stroking my shaft up and down. “I see it too. Very promising response. You will be ready for milking in half an hour. Usually, the effect is biggest for males with larger sperm volumes in the first Escort Gülveren place – such as you. “

The doctor returned a while later. “Extraordinary. Perfect.” she exclaimed. “Now for the sample”. She rolled her chair over in front of me from behind the desk. She removed the laces and stroked me gently as if to assess the effect of the serum. She cupped my testicles in her palm and seemed impressed.

“Nurse, if you get the container, I will retrieve the sample at once. He looks ready to burst.” Evelyn gave her an open cup, and the doctor immediately began masturbating me in earnest, while it was now Evelyn’s turn to observe from behind the doctor.

I soon climaxed, spraying a big wad into the cup. Then another. And then another.

“Wow, you almost filled it up!”

The doctor stood up, put a lid on the cup and gave it to Evelyn while talking to me. I noticed she hadn’t worn gloves.

“Now it’s normal if this continues through the evening. The swelling, I mean, and the need to empty. It would be very kind if you were to stay here and keep donating, until the effect subsides. No need to let it go to waste. Provided the quality checks out, of course. Nurse Vaughn will go and verify from this first sample. Thank you again.”

She then left the room, leaving the door open to the hallway, where staff and patients passed to and fro, able to see as much of my still stiff dick as they would like to. Evelyn returned a full 20 minutes later. Hundreds of people must have glanced at me in between. That thought kept me pretty much erect and dripping with pre-cum all the time.

“Everything checks out perfectly. Top quality in addition to the ample quantity. If OK with you, as doctor Callahan mentioned, I will just keep milking you for a couple of hours.” My cock jolted upwards again from her words. She took that as a sufficiently positive reply.

She then installed something looking like a farm milking machine on my long hard cock. A tube lead from my cock to a larger cylindrical container. Then Evelyn left without a word, again without closing the door to the hallway.

I felt the machine sucking me mechanically. It was very, very nice. I gradually approached climax and then spurted a huge load of cum once more. This continued for what seemed a long time and I almost drifted in and out of consciousness from the intense orgasms and the increasing tenderness of my cock and balls. The cylinder was gradually filling up.

I woke up when Evelyn removed the contraption, having apparently dosed of after my latest intense orgasm. She smiled and looked pleased.

“The effect has subsided now, but what an effect to begin with!”, she beamed while she stroked my aching cock ever so gently. I think she was happy that her prediction that my balls would respond well Gülveren Escort to the serum had proved so right.

Then she told me to dress and she drove me home. I was in a zen-like, blissful state of fulfilment. I slept like a marathon-runner that night.


After that, I went to the clinic every three days or so in my lunch break from classes. I deposited in the regular fashion – alone in a cubicle with an empty cup and porn magazines. That is actually, quite regularly, Evelyn assisted me in her own lunch break. She alternated between using her hands, tits and feet to get me off. I could tell she wanted to drink the lot rather than giving it up for strangers. Sometimes, when she wanted to keep up our usual intimacy by fucking in the night, she smuggled some of the serum home to give me so that she could both swallow my cum, have me cum inside her in large explosions and not feel guilty as it wouldn’t affect my donations at the clinic. But the jerk-off schedule and the serum also seemed to increase my own steady state sperm production. My balls where visibly larger and felt more heavy and tender. Evelyn liked to cup them fondly all the time as if they were juice-filled oranges she was nursing before harvest.

One day, Evelyn asked whether I would like to observe what all my harvested sperm was used for. This was somewhat unorthodox but she saw it as part of the pro bono award.

I was very curious indeed, so Evelyn arranged for me to pose as an intern at the clinic one afternoon. We went to another part of the clinic where the consultations with the patient took place. I both participated in a first consultation where a single woman described her desire to have children before it was too late and later I also saw some inseminations, also with single women. Watching them in the stirrups being injected with loads of what Evelyn had previously told me would be my sperm made me very horny indeed. Evelyn could tell very easily from the bulge in my pants because she seemed to touch it casually all the time when passing by me in the room. She teased me I think, because she showed me seven inseminations of single women in a row. All with my sperm and always with her winking seductively at me at some point during the procedure.

Afterwards, we fucked in a cubicle. It had made me so horny to see woman after woman being loaded up with my sperm, told to lay still legs high and apart, waiting for my sperm cells to find their fertile eggs and impregnate one beautiful woman after another. Evelyn gave me the full program: First an ever so tender hand job. Then she licked my cherished balls, bobbing them up and down. Then she took the length of my shaft all the way down her throat and then all the way out, repeating, repeating, repeating until I was harder and longer than I could remember ever being. Then she undressed completely and mounted me gently. The fucking was so raw. Sweat was dripping off the both of us and there was a frenzied smacking sound of our bodies every time I thrusted into her. Finally I came and she clenched her pussy around my cock as I shot thread after thread of cum into her.

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