The Married Man Ch. 01

Nis 27, 2024 // By:analsex // No Comment

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I met Steve online he was cruising on a gay chat site, his profile read “Straight but Curious.” I never understood the whole curious thing, I was gay and I knew I was gay, I was not curious about straight sex whatsoever. He and I chatted for some time, he was married, with two small children but he and his wife were not having sex, she was not about to give him the things he was sure he wanted her to do in bed. He asked me many questions on what I would and would not do. He made it clear he was not into kissing or any kind of amorous affection whatsoever.

Steve would come over when he felt comfortable enough to trust me to be “Discrete” as he always told me,

“Who was I going to tell exactly?” I always wondered.

With some patience and Steve building some trust we finally came to the day he would come by, I saw him drive up in front of my apartment, he sat in his car you could tell he was wrestling with should he come in or should he just drive off. He sat there for a good five minutes before he was ready to open the car door, his one hand on the car door, the other on the steering wheel, finally he hit the steering wheel with his right hand, stepped out of the car, closed his car door standing there looking at my apartment building.

He was broken out of his trance by a car honking at him as he stood by his car on the street, I kind adana escort of chuckled to myself, it would look bad if he was run over in front of the building of the man he planned to have gay sex with for the first time. It was a short distance from the front street to my apartment door buzzer system, it seemed to take a long time before he finally pushed the button. I buzzed him in he stood at my door before actually knocking, I opened the door, he was like a deer in the headlights, there was no turning back now, he charged in like someone may see him and call his wife.

He stood there red faced as I tried to get around him to lock the door.

“Nervous?” I asked knowing the answer I would get.

“Terrified actually!” He said his voice barely audible.

I placed my hand on his shoulder.

“Try to relax, I will only do what you’re comfortable with, there is no one I will ever tell, finally take a deep breath, take your shoes off and come in.” I said trying to reassure him.

He stood there like he would start to cry, finally taking a deep breath, slipping his work boots off he took a step in.

“Would you like something to drink?” I asked trying to get him to relax.

“A shot of whiskey might be good.” He said sort of laughing.

I smiled, grabbed his elbow and took him into eskişehir escort the bedroom, he was limited for time so we could not dilly dally. He followed me like a sheep, once in the room the terror again showed in his face, I stood directly in front of him, my hands on his chest, I slowly unbuttoned his work shirt. The man had an incredible body, working mans muscles, pecs hard as iron, his upper chest hairy, with a treasure trail that went down his trousers. I slid my hands over his chest to slide his shirt off, the hard pecs with the hairy chest felt so invigorating, it made my cock jump in my own pants.

I slowly slid his shirt off hanging it on the hook behind the door, my hands again went to his chest, down his abdomen to his belt buckle, he took a deep breath as I pulled back on the belt to get the pin to come out of the hole. I again could see the terror in his eyes.

“Just relax, I will take it slow, try to make you comfortable.” I said reassuringly.

I unbuckled his work pants, taking the zipper between my index finger and thumb, Steven grabbed my hand.

“Please wait, I don’t think I can do this.” He pleaded with me.

I looked him in the eyes, gave him a reassuring look, he slowly removed his hand, letting me proceed. I took my time, making sure he would not be scared sakarya escort of any sudden movements. I got on my knees and lifted his leg to get his leg out of his trousers, first the right then the left. There he stood boxer briefs and work socks, I lifted his leg to get his sock off, then the other.

I would leave his briefs on but get him centered on the bed, I tied his legs to the bed restraints, leaving his hands free in case he felt the need to get loose at any time. Again I could see the terror in his eyes, I slowly ran my hands over his legs not touching his brief area, sliding up the sides, to touch his abs, and beautiful hairy chest.

“Are you ready?” I asked softly.

“I guess, Yes lets do this.” He said with fear in his eyes.

I could clearly see he was not into this, he had this look of terror in his eyes, I sat between his legs, not touching him just sitting there. His cock had clearly deflated, I was sure he could not go thru with this at this time.

“Did I do something to make you stop?” He asked perplexed.

“No you just don’t seem to be ready for this, I will not cause you any harm, I am not into pain, this will only be pleasure for you only. I tried to tell him reassuringly.

He sat up looking me directly in the eyes.

“I am not worried about any of that, I am more concerned I may not be interested in my wife after you are done with me.” He told me directly.

I sat there not knowing what to say.

“It’s not my intention to turn you gay or to make you only want to have sex with men, I probably can reassure you I will not turn you against your wife or straight sex.” I said trying to keep a boy scout look about me.

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